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Video manipulation using FFMPEG and fortran-gdlib

Using FFMPG it is also possible to use GDlib - and consequently fortran-gdlib - to manipulate videos .

To do so a pipe from (for input) and another pipe to ffmpeg are created. The advantage of this approach is that the internals of the codecs do not have to be known to the program acting as "filter", if the ffmpeg takes care of the the conversion of the input data into raw data that can be handled by the 'filter'. After the manipulation is done, FFMPEG re-encodes the raw output.

Of course, it is also possible to use ffmpeg only for the input of data.

An detailed explanation on the basis of a test program is given in in a here.

The method described there is based on a excellent blog entry by Ted Burke which in turn was inspired by a Python solution by Zulko.

While Ted Burke was so kind to give me permission to use his Code as a template for my Fortran example, all bugs are purely my own...

Now let's look at the example program step by step.

program test_pipes
  use, intrinsic:: iso_c_binding
  use fortran_libgd
  implicit none

Besides the libgd module '''fortran_libgd''' we also use the intrinsic module iso_c_binding to make sure our data types are compatible with LibGD, which is a C library.

  integer(c_int), parameter:: w = 320_c_int
  integer(c_int), parameter:: h = 240_c_int

Here we define the width w and the height h of the video in pixels.

  integer(c_int)    :: return_code
  integer(c_size_t) :: count

Helper variables that will be explained below.

  type(c_ptr) :: im, inpipe, outpipe

Pointers for the GD Image Handle ìm and the file pointers for the input and output pipes.

  integer(c_int8_t) :: pipematrix(1:3, 0:w-1, 0:h-1)
  integer(c_int8_t) :: pipematrix_linear(3*w*h)
  integer(c_int)    :: workmatrix(1:3, 0:w-1, 0:h-1)

Arrays that represent different stages of the pre-processing of the input data. The video data data are first read (in steps reprenting a single image frame) from the pipe into the array ```pipematrix_linear````, which consists of 8-bit integer values representing the red, green and blue values of one image frame.

These data are then reshaped into the 3-dimensional array pipematrix, where the first dimension represents the color channel (1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue) the width and the height. Note that the arrays for the width and the height start with 0 instead of 1. The reason is consistency with the C implementation. Note that Fortran does not support unsigned integers. SO the color range 0...255 is mapped to -128...127 using two's complement.

The array ẁorkmatrix has the same shape as pipematrix but stores the values in 32-bit integer numbers. (The color-values are remapped to the range 0...255). This requires additional memory, but being able to store positive numbers between 0 ands 255 leads to a more convenient way to manipulate the data.

  integer(c_int)   :: x_counter, y_counter
  integer(c_int)   :: yellow
  integer(c_int)   :: r, g, b

x_counter and y_counter are counters for the pixel in x- and y-direction. yellow stores the color value for yellow.

r, g and b store the values for the red, green, and blue color channel.

  integer:: frame_counter = 1

frame_counter is a counter variable for the image frames

  integer(c_int), dimension(0:7) ::imagerect

The array imagerect defines the relevant window for the font output. In this case this corresponds to the entire image.

  im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(w, h)

  yellow = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255_c_int, 255_c_int, 0_c_int)

Here an image handler that will store the frames (with with w and height h) is saved in the variable im. Furthermore the variable yellow is defined as the rgb-vlaues of the color yellow.

  inpipe = gd_popen("ffmpeg -i inpics/swans.mp4 -f image2pipe"//&
       " -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -"//c_null_char, "r"//c_null_char)

  if ( .not. c_associated(inpipe) ) &
       stop 'Could not open input pipe. Is ffmpeg in your executable path?'

gf_popenis a wrapper aroung the C popen(Unix-like systems) or _popen (Windows) function to open pipes.

Here the input pipe is defined. Here FFMPEG takes the MP4 file inpics/swans.mp3 and converts it into a uncompressed raw stream where each pixel is described by one byte for the red, green and blue channel respectively.

If opening the pipe is not successful, the program stops with an error message.

  outpipe = gd_popen("ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo"//&
       " -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 320x240 -r 25 -i -"//&
       " -f mp4 -q:v 5 -an -vcodec mpeg4 outpics/purplewater.mp4"//c_null_char, "w"//c_null_char)

  if ( .not. c_associated(outpipe) ) &
      stop 'Could not open outpup pipe. Is ffmpeg in your executable path?'

Here the pipe for the output, where FFMPEG reconferts the RAW output stream into the MP4 file outpics/purplewater.

Note: I am not an expert in the usage of FFMPEG. So the details of the command-line options will not be explained here. Instaed I refer to Ted Burke's blog or the - for variations - to the original FFMPEG documentation.

  outpipe = gd_popen("ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo"//&
       " -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 320x240 -r 25 -i -"//&
       " -f mp4 -q:v 5 -an -vcodec mpeg4 outpics/purplewater.mp4"//c_null_char, "w"//c_null_char)

  if ( .not. c_associated(outpipe) ) &
      stop 'Could not open outpup pipe. Is ffmpeg in your executable path?'

Definition of the output pipe.

  print*, "start loop"
  do while(.true.)
     count = gd_fread_rawdata_matrix(pipematrix_linear,w,h,inpipe)
     if (count .ne. 3*w*h)&

Not the loop over the image frames is started. It is realized as an endless loop. The function gd_fread_rawdata_matrix reads from the input pipe and saves the data into the array pipematrix_linear. It returns the number of bytes read. If the result differs from 3*w*h, this means that the pipe is fully read and the loop can be left using the ```exit````command.

    pipematrix = reshape(pipematrix_linear,(/3,w,h/));
    call gdUInt8ArrayToIntArray(pipematrix, workmatrix, w, h)

Now the previously described arrays pipematrix and workmatrix are filled.

     do y_counter=0,gdImageSy(im)-1
        do x_counter=0,gdImageSx(im)-1
           r =  workmatrix(1, x_counter, y_counter)
           g =  workmatrix(2, x_counter, y_counter)
           b =  workmatrix(3, x_counter, y_counter)
           workmatrix(1, x_counter, y_counter) =  b
           workmatrix(2, x_counter, y_counter) =  r
           workmatrix(3, x_counter, y_counter) =  g
        end do
     end do

Here the blue value of the input pipe is mapped to the red value of the output pipe, the red value of the input pipe to the green value of the output pipe, and the green channel of the input pipe to the blue value of the output pipe. Note that these operations are not implemented using GDlib, but are pure per-pixel manipulations.

     call gdWriteImFromIntArray(im, workmatrix, w, h)

Here the pixel values from workmatrix are read into the structure referenced by the pointer im using the subroutine call gdWriteImFromIntArray. Additionaly, the width and the height of the image frame have to be provided.

     call gdImageStringFT(im, imagerect, yellow,"/usr/share/fonts/opentype/freefont/FreeSans.otf"//c_null_char , &
          16._c_double, 0._c_double ,10,20,"Fortran TV"//c_null_char)
     call gdImageSetThickness(im, 3)
     call gdImageLine(im, 0, 120, 319, 120, yellow)
     call gdimageLine(im, 160, 0, 160, 239, yellow)

Here the String "Fortran TV" and a cross with line width 3 are added to each image frame. In this example the manipulation is the same for each frame, but it is also possible to change the manipulation from frame to frame.

     call gdReadIntArrayFromIm(im, workmatrix, w, h)

Now the pixel values of im are written back into the array workmatrix.

     write(*,*) 'Workmatrix(1,0,0) :', workmatrix(1,0,0)
     call gdIntArrayToUInt8Array(workmatrix,pipematrix,w,h)

     count= gd_fwrite_rawdata_matrix(pipematrix,w,h, outpipe)
     write(*,*) "Count = ",count
     if (count .ne. 3*w*h) then
        write(*,*) 'Could not write in pipe'
     write(*,*) 'Frame #', frame_counter
     frame_counter = frame_counter+1

In the subroutine gdIntArrayToUInt8Array the array workmatrix is transferred into the array pipematrix, where each color value is represented by a 8-bit integer value (using two's compliment, so althoug the data type is signed, the bit pattern corresponds to the one of a 8-bit unsigned values whose number equals the 32bit integer value of the array workmatrix).

The function gd_fwrite_rawdata_matrix writes the array pipematrix to the output pipe and returns the number of written bytes. If the value differs from the expected value of three times the width in pixels times the height in pixels, the program terminates with an error message. The frame counter is now increaed by one and the loop starts again.

  return_code = gd_fflush(inpipe)
  return_code = gd_pclose(inpipe)
  return_code = gd_fflush(outpipe)
  return_code = gd_pclose(outpipe)

end program test_pipes

Finally the pipes are flushed and closed. Note: It is important to use the C-wrappers gd_fflush and gd_pclose instead of similar Fortran commands/functions, because the C library GD-lib requires a C-style file handling.