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CSV Output Filtering

Jim Garrison edited this page Mar 11, 2023 · 1 revision

CSV Output Filtering

There are five values in gam.cfg that can be used to filter the output from gam print commands.

  • csv_output_header_filter - A list of <RegularExpressions> used to select specific column headers to include
  • csv_output_header_drop_filter - A list of <RegularExpressions> used to select specific column headers to exclude
  • csv_output_row_filter - A list or JSON dictionary used to include specific rows based on column values
  • csv_output_row_drop_filter - A list or JSON dictionary used to exclude specific rows based on column values
  • csv_output_row_limit - A limit on the number of rows written

The original implementation required that row filters be expressed in JSON notation; these are almost impossible to enter correctly in Windows; on Mac OS or Linux, it's easy. You can now enter the row filters as lists on all platforms.


Data Selectors

<DataSelector> ::=
<Date> ::=
        <Year>-<Month>-<Day> |
        (+|-)<Number>(d|w|y) |
<Time> ::=
        <Year>-<Month>-<Day>T<Hour>:<Minute>:<Second>[.<MilliSeconds>](Z|(+|-(<Hour>:<Minute>))) |
        (+|-)<Number>(m|h|d|w|y) |
<Operator> ::= <|<=|>=|>|=|!=
<RegularExpression> ::= <String>

<FieldNameFilter> :: = <RegularExpression>
<ColumnFieldNameFilterList> ::= "<FieldNameFilter>(,<FieldNameFilter>)*"
<RowValueFilter> ::=
<RowValueFilterList> ::=
<RowValueFilterJSONList> ::=
        '{"<FieldNameFilter>": "<RowValueFilter>"(,"<FieldNameFilter>": "<RowValueFilter>")*}' |
        "{\"<FieldNameFilter>\": \"<RowValueFilter>\"(,\"<FieldNameFilter>\": \"<RowValueFilter>\")*}"

Quoting rules

Name:value form.

<RowValueFilterList> ::=
  • <RowValueFilterList>, even if it has one element, should be enclosed in ".
  • Each <FieldNameFilter>:<RowValueFilter> pair should be enclosed in '.
  • If <FieldNameFilter> contains a : or a space, it should be enclosed in \".
  • If <RegularExpression> or <DataSelector> in <RowValueFilter> contain a space, it should be enclosed in \".
  • If <FieldNameFilter> or <RegularExpression> in <RowValueFilter> contain a \ to escape a special character or enter a special sequence, enter \\\.


csv_output_row_filter "'\"accounts:used_quota_in_mb\":count>15000'"
csv_output_row_filter "'email:data:\"csvfile gsheet:email [email protected] FileID Sheet1\"'"
csv_output_row_filter "'phones.\\\d+.value:regex:(?:^\\\(510\\\) )|(?:^510[- ])\\\d{3}-\\\d{4}'"

JSON form.

<RowValueFilterJSONList> ::=
        '{"<FieldNameFilter>": "<RowValueFilter>"(,"<FieldNameFilter>": "<RowValueFilter>")*}' |
        "{\"<FieldNameFilter>\": \"<RowValueFilter>\"(,\"<FieldNameFilter>\": \"<RowValueFilter>\")*}"
  • The first form can be used on Linux and Mac OS; it can not be used on Windows.
  • The second form can be used on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
  • If <FieldNameFilter> contains a :, no additional quoting is required


csv_output_row_filter '{"accounts:used_quota_in_mb": "count>=150"}'
csv_output_row_filter "{\"accounts:used_quota_in_mb\": \"count>=150\"}"

Column header filtering

Gam gives you the ability to select fields(column headers) in its print commands, but there may be cases where you get more columns than is desirable.

  • csv_output_header_filter - Used to select the column headers to include in the output
  • csv_output_header_drop_filter - Used to select the column headers to exclude from the output

Typically, you would use the option that involes typing the fewest column names but both options can be used. When both options are used, csv_output_header_drop_filter is processed first, then csv_output_header_filter.

Field names are specified by regular expressions; at its simplest, you specify a complete field name. Field names are matched in a case insensitive manner.

gam config csv_output_header_filter <ColumnFieldNameFilterList> ...
gam config csv_output_header_drop_filter <ColumnFieldNameFilterList> ...


you want a list of user email addresses and full names; you do not need the given or family names.

No filtering.

gam print users name
[email protected],Test,User1,Test User1
[email protected],Test,User2,Test User2

With inclusion filtering.

gam config csv_output_header_filter "primaryEmail,name.fullName" print users name
[email protected],Test User1
[email protected],Test User2

With exclusion filtering.

gam config csv_output_header_drop_filter "name.givenName,name.familyName" print users name
[email protected],Test User1
[email protected],Test User2

Column row filtering

Row filtering includes/excludes rows based on column values.

Field names

Field names are specified by regular expressions; at its simplest, you specify a complete field name. Field names are matched in a case insensitive manner.

If the field name doesn't contain any of the following regular expression characters ^$*+|$[{(, it will be surrounded with ^$ so that it doesn't match any subfields that begin with the field name as a prefix.

The following filter will match the count field and not the subfields.

config csv_output_row_filter "'externalIds:countrange=1/10'"


Inclusive filters

You can include rows generated by gam print commands based on column values. You specify a list of fields (headers) and the values they must have. csv_output_row_filter is used to specify the fields and values. Each field name/expression can appear only once in the list.

You specify whether all or any value filters must match for the row to be included in the output.

  • csv_output_row_filter_mode allmatch - All value filters must match for the row to be included in the output; this is the default
  • csv_output_row_filter_mode anymatch - Any value filter must match for the row to be included in the output
gam config csv_output_row_filter <RowValueFilterList> ...
gam config csv_output_row_filter <RowValueFilterJSONList> ...

Exclusive filters

You can exclude rows generated by gam print commands based on column values. You specify a list of fields (headers) and the values they must not have. csv_output_row_drop_filter is used to specify the fields and values. Each field name/expression can appear only once in the list.

You specify whether all or any value filters must match for the row to be excluded from the output.

  • csv_output_row_filter_drop_mode allmatch - If all value filters match, the row is excluded from the output
  • csv_output_row_filter_drop_mode anymatch - If any value filter matches, the row is excluded from the output; this is the default
gam config csv_output_row_drop_filter <RowValueFilterList> ...
gam config csv_output_row_drop_filter <RowValueFilterJSONList> ...


A filter matches if the field has the desired value. lf you specify a regular expression for a field name that matches several columns, the filter matches if any of the columns has a match. In the case of notregex|notregexcs|notdata, the filter matches if none (not any) of the columns has a match.

<RowValueFilter> allows specifying that the filter will match only if all of the columns have a match. In the case of notregex|notregexcs|notdata, the filter matches if some (not all) of the columns have a match. If neither any or all is explicitly specified, any is the default.

These are the row value filter types:

  • count<Operator><Number> - Used on fields with numbers; a blank field will not match
  • countrange=<Number>/<Number> - Used on fields with numbers; a blank field will not match
    • The field value must be >= the left <Number> and <= the right <Number>
  • countrange!=<Number>/<Number> - Used on fields with numbers; a blank field will not match
    • The field value must be < the left <Number> or > the right <Number>
  • date<Operator><Date> - Used on fields with dates or times; only the date portion of a time field is compared; a blank field will not match
  • daterange=<Date>/<Date> - Used on fields with dates or times; only the date portion of a time field is compared; a blank field will not match
    • The field value must be >= the left <Date> and <= the right <Date>
  • daterange!=<Date>/<Date> - Used on fields with dates or times; only the date portion of a time field is compared; a blank field will not match
    • The field value must be < the left <Date> or > the right <Date>
  • length<Operator><Number> - Used on fields with strings; non string fields will not match
  • lengthrange=<Number>/<Number> - Used on fields with strings; non string fields will not match
    • The field length must be >= the left <Number> and <= the right <Number>
  • lengthrange!=<Number>/<Number> - Used on fields with strings; non string fields will not match
    • The field length must be < the left <Number> or > the right <Number>
  • text<Operator><String> - Used on fields with text
  • textrange=<String>/<String> - Used on fields with strings
    • The field value must be >= the left <String> and <= the right <String>
  • textrange!=<String>/<String> - Used on fields with strings
    • The field value must be < the left <String> or > the right <String>
  • time<Operator><Time> - Used on fields with times; a blank field will not match
  • timerange=<Time>/<Time> - Used on fields with times; a blank field will not match
    • The field value must be >= the left <Time> and <= the right <Time>
  • timerange!=<Time>/<Time> - Used on fields with times; a blank field will not match
    • The field value must be < the left <Time> or > the right <Time>
  • boolean:<Boolean> - Used on fields with Boolean values; a blank field is considered False
  • regex:<RegularExpression> - Used on fields with text; field value must match <RegularExpression>; case insensitive
  • regexcs:<RegularExpression> - Used on fields with text; field value must match <RegularExpression>; case sensitive
  • notregex:<RegularExpression> - Used on fields with text; field value must not match <RegularExpression>; case insensitive
  • notregexcs:<RegularExpression> - Used on fields with text; field value must not match <RegularExpression>; case sensitive
  • data:<DataSelector> - Used on fields with text; field value must match some value in <DataSelector>; case sensitive
  • notdata:<DataSelector> - Used on fields with text; field value must not match any value in <DataSelector>; case sensitive

Change in behavior.

In versions prior to 5.12.00, regex:<RegularExpression> and notregex:<RegularExpression> were processed in a case sensitive manner; in many cases this is probably not desirable; e.g., matching file names which are case insensitive.

Now, regex:<RegularExpression> and notregex:<RegularExpression> are processed in a case insensitive manner. To get the prior case sensitive processing, use regexcs:<RegularExpression> and notregexcs:<RegularExpression>.


You want a list of groups with 100 or more direct members.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'directMembersCount:count>100'" print groups fields directmemberscount

You want a list of users created in the last 30 days.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'creationTime:date>=-30d'" print users fields creationtime

You want a list of users in the OU /Test that are consuming more than 15GB of storage. Special quoting is required because the field name contains a colon.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'\"accounts:used_quota_in_mb\":count>15000'" report users select ou /Test fields accounts:used_quota_in_mb

You want the names of users directly in the OU /Test, you do not want users in any sub-OUs of /Test.

  • The Google API will only supply users in an OU and sub-OUs, GAM has to filter out the users in the sub-OU.
gam config csv_output_row_filter "'orgUnitPath:regex:^/Test$'" print users query "orgUnitPath=/Test" fields name,ou

You want the names of female users directly in the OU /Test, you do not want users in any sub-OUs of /Test.

  • The Google API will only supply users in an OU and sub-OUs, GAM has to filter out the users in the sub-OU.
gam config csv_output_row_filter "'orgUnitPath:regex:^/Test$','gender:regex:female'" print users query "orgUnitPath=/Test" fields name,ou,gender

You want a list of groups not created by an administrator.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'adminCreated:boolean:false'" print groups fields admincreated

You want a list of users with phone numbers in the area code 510; the number can be in the format (510) ddd-dddd or 510-ddd-dddd or 510 ddd-dddd.

gam config csv_output_header_filter "primaryEmail,name.fullName,phones.*value" csv_output_row_filter "'"'phones.\\\d+.value:regex:(?:^\\\(510\\\) )|(?:^510[- ])\\\d{3}-\\\d{4}'"'" print users name phones
[email protected],Test User1,(510) 555-1212
[email protected],Test User2,510-555-1212
[email protected],Test User3,510 555-1212

You want a list of users not in the organization cost center "Tech Support".

gam config csv_output_header_filter "primaryEmail,name.fullName,orgUnitPath,organizations.*costCenter" csv_output_row_filter 'organizations.*costCenter:notregex:"Tech Support"' print users fields name,ou,organizations
gam config csv_output_header_filter "primaryEmail,name.fullName,orgUnitPath,organizations.*costCenter" csv_output_row_drop_filter 'organizations.*costCenter:regex:"Tech Support"' print users fields name,ou,organizations
[email protected],Test User1,/Test,Sales
[email protected],Test User2,/Test,Development

You want a list of recurring events with at least one external guest.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "'^attendees$:count>1','recurrence:count>=1','attendees.*email:all:notregex:(^$)|([email protected])'" csv_output_row_drop_filter "'attendees.*email:regex:[email protected]'" redirect csv ./externalrecurringEvents.csv calendar <CalendarEntity> print events

Column row limiting

You can limit the number of rows written to a CSV file.

When single processing, the limit is on the total number of rows written to the file.

When multiprocessing, the limit is on the number of rows written to the file by each subprocess.


Display the 10 files with the largest quotaBytesUsed values for a single user.

gam config csv_output_row_limit 10 redirect csv ./BigQuotaFiles.csv user [email protected] print filelist fields id,name,quotabytesused orderby quotabytesused descending

Display the 10 files with the largest quotaBytesUsed values for all users

gam config csv_output_row_limit 10 auto_batch_min 1 redirect csv ./BigQuotaFiles.csv multiprocess all users print filelist fields id,name,quotabytesused orderby quotabytesused descending

Saving filters in gam.cfg

If you define a value for csv_output_header_filter, csv_output_header_drop_filter, csv_output_row_filter, csv_output_row_drop_filter or csv_output_row_limit in the [DEFAULT] section of gam.cfg, it will apply to every gam print command which is probably not desirable. You can store them in gam.cfg in named sections.

csv_output_header_filter = primaryEmail,name.fullName,phones.*value
csv_output_row_filter = 'phones.\\\d+.value:regex:(?:^\\\(510\\\) )|(?:^510[- ])\\\d{3}-\\\d{4}'

$ gam selectfilter Filter510 print users name phone
[email protected],Test User1,(510) 555-1212
[email protected],Test User2,510-555-1212
[email protected],Test User3,510 555-1212

If you have multiple customers or domains in separate sections of gam.cfg, you use select to choose the customer/domain and selectfilter to choose a filter.

domain =
customer_id = C111111111
config_dir = foo

domain =
customer_id = C222222222
config_dir = goo

csv_output_header_filter = primaryEmail,name.fullName,phones.*value
csv_output_row_filter = 'phones.\\\d+.value:regex:(?:^\\\(510\\\) )|(?:^510[- ])\\\d{3}-\\\d{4}'

$ gam select foo selectfilter Filter510 print users name phone
[email protected],Test User1,(510) 555-1212
[email protected],Test User2,510-555-1212
[email protected],Test User2,510 555-1212

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