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Inspektor Gadget's website


Node (version >= 18.0), npm and python3.

Documentation preview

To preview your edits to docs in the inspektor-gadget repo run

make docs
npm install docusaurus
npm run dev

This will link docs from the ../inspektor-gadget folder. To link docs from other location use IG_DOCS env variable

IG_DOCS=some/place/inspektor-gadget/docs npm run dev

Adding a new blog post

Create a new markdown file in docs/. Some frontmatter properties:

  • slug by convention all blog post paths are /YYYY/MM/title
  • image you can use image from /static/ folder or relative path

All possible frontmatter propeties

IMPORTANT Please remember to include <!--truncate--> after the first paragraph. This will mark what will be shown as the preview in the "Latest" section in the blog.

Markdown features docs