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Deploy Hyperlane to any smart contract environment of your choice.

Deploy Hyperlane

Hyperlane is designed to be deployed to new chains by anyone, at any time.

This tutorial is intended for users who want to deploy Hyperlane to a new EVM chain.

By the end of this guide you will have deployed and configured the Hyperlane messaging-api, allowing developers to send interchain messages to and from your chain.

At a high level, deploying Hyperlane requires the following actions:

  1. #1.-setup-keys that you will use to deploy contracts and run validators and relayers
  2. #2.-deploy-contracts to the local chain and to every remote chain with which the local chain will be able to send and receive messages.
  3. #3.-run-validators on your local chain, to provide the signatures needed for the sovereign-consensus you deployed in step (2)
  4. #4.-run-relayer to send and receive messages between chains set up in the #2.-deploy-contracts step.
  5. #5.-send-test-messages to confirm that your relayer is able to deliver messages from and to each pair of chains

1. Setup keys

In order to complete this guide, you first need to set up the following:

Key TypeDescriptionNeeds Funding?
Contract Deployer32 byte hexadecimal private keyYes, on all the chains on which we need to deploy contracts.
Validator AccountsA list of validator addresses for your local chain are needed to configure the multisig-ism.mds. The configuration is a list of n local validator addresses and the threshold m, the minimum number of validators needed to verify outbound messages from the local chain.Yes, a small amount to do announce the location of the validator signatures (could be done by a different key in production)
Relayer AccountsThe relayer client(s) use one account on the local chain and an additional account for each of the remote chains. Yes. Each relayer instance must be configured with a key that has a balance on all the other chains. Use the chains' faucet to get tokens if they are testnets, for the core chains, you can find a list of faucets under

When testing out this guide, you can use the same hexadecimal key for all three roles for simplicity.

{% hint style="info" %} For instructions on how to generate keys, see agent-keys. Your deployer key must be a hexadecimal key, while validator and relayer keys can be hexadecimal or AWS KMS. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} If deploying on a local network using Foundry's Anvil, use the following command to fund your newly-generated account. It uses one of the pre-funded private keys to transfer 1 ETH to the address in the $YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY variable.

cast send $YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY \
--private-key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 \
--value $(cast tw 1)

{% endhint %}

{% content-ref url="../operators/agent-keys/" %} agent-keys {% endcontent-ref %}

{% hint style="warning" %} Do not proceed to the next section until you have set up deployer, validator, and relayer keys. {% endhint %}

2. Deploy contracts


In this step we will be deploying Hyperlane smart contracts to the local and remote chains.

On the local chain, we will deploy:

  • The core contracts, including a that can be used to send and receive messages

On all chains, we will deploy:

  • A that can be used to verify inbound messages
  • A #interchaingaspaymasters, which can be used to pay our relayer for delivering interchain messages
  • A TestRecipient, which we will send messages to, in order to test that everything is working correctly


{% hint style="warning" %} If you have not yet set up your deployer, validator, and relayer keys, see #1.-setup-keys {% endhint %}

First, set up the hyperlane-deploy repo. This repo contain scripts to deploy Hyperlane contracts. You will need to install yarn if you haven't already.

git clone [email protected]:hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-deploy.git
cd hyperlane-deploy
yarn install

Next, add a ChainMetadata entry for your local chain to hyperlane-deploy/config/chains.ts. An example has been populated for you for anvil.

Any chains that already have Hyperlane deployments do not need to be configured here (see chainMetadata.ts for a list of chains for which metadata has already been provided).

export const chains: ChainMap<ChainMetadata> = {
  // ----------- Your chains here -----------------
  anvil: {
    name: 'anvil',
    // anvil default chain id
    chainId: 31337,
    publicRpcUrls: [
        http: 'http://localhost:8545',

Finally, add the MultisigIsmConfig entry for your local chain to hyperlane-deploy/config/multisig_ism.ts. An example with a single validator has been populated for you for anvil.

Any chains that already have Hyperlane deployments do not need to be configured here (see multisigIsm.ts for a list of chains for which ISM configs have already been provided).

export const multisigIsmConfig: ChainMap<MultisigIsmConfig> = {
  // ----------- Your chains here -----------------
  anvil: {
    threshold: 1,
    validators: [
      // Last anvil address


You can then run yarn ts-node scripts/deploy-hyperlane.ts to deploy the Hyperlane contracts. You will need to provide the following arguments:

  • local: The local chain on which Hyperlane is being deployed
  • remotes: The chains with which 'local' will be able to send and receive messages
  • key: A hexadecimal private key for transaction signing

An example deployment command to anvil that supports communication with goerli and sepolia is shown below:

DEBUG=hyperlane* yarn ts-node scripts/deploy-hyperlane.ts --local anvil \
  --remotes goerli sepolia \
  --key 0x6f0311f4a0722954c46050bb9f088c4890999e16b64ad02784d24b5fd6d09061

{% hint style="warning" %} The deploy script will only accept chains for which configuration has been provided. If you do not see your desired chain in the list of choices, you may be missing config in chains.ts or multisig_ism.ts {% endhint %}


If everything ran successfully, congrats! You should see contract addresses written to artifacts/addresses.json, and agent config written to artifacts/agent_config.json

$ head -n 19 artifacts/addresses.json
  "anvil": {
    "validatorAnnounce": "0x177B784C94d85f6645a35BfD14175D44045e573f",
    "proxyAdmin": "0x5Dfb392D946d0F3b6af599705541050A6ca6A870",
    "mailbox": "0x74756B469390CAee600F332184895ACbf86C4396",
    "multisigIsm": "0x1dD5a3E037be5C46839192a5b83a260166751409",
    "testRecipient": "0x7672E92386B49717D32946214A10B1988542F660",
    "storageGasOracle": "0xbA033019Fe072beda2389259e05bEB042bAb8fF6",
    "interchainGasPaymaster": "0x9368C1f2B6BE2869018622a9aB43a5D8ED27Fba2",
    "defaultIsmInterchainGasPaymaster": "0xc1FD390F3aB9d0e2bb8394B0DeCE48D31fC44121"

$  head -n 22 artifacts/agent_config.json
  "chains": {
    "anvil": {
      "name": "anvil",
      "domain": 31337,
      "addresses": {
        "mailbox": "0x74756B469390CAee600F332184895ACbf86C4396",
        "interchainGasPaymaster": "0x9368C1f2B6BE2869018622a9aB43a5D8ED27Fba2",
        "validatorAnnounce": "0x177B784C94d85f6645a35BfD14175D44045e573f"
      "signer": null,
      "protocol": "ethereum",
      "finalityBlocks": 1,
      "connection": {
        "type": "http",
        "url": ""
      "index": {
        "from": 17

3. Run validators

Follow the validators guide to run validators for the messaging.mdon your local chain. These validators will provide the security for messages sent from your chain to remote chains.

Include the agent config from the #2.-deploy-contracts step in CONFIG_FILES. If you're using Docker, you will need to mount the file into the container.

You should have already set up your validator keys in step #1.-setup-keys, so you can skip that part of the validators guide.

{% hint style="warning" %} Make sure these validators match the addresses you provided when in your MultisigIsmConfig. Otherwise, the multisig-ism.mds you deployed in the previous step will not be able to verify messages sent from your chain. {% endhint %}

{% content-ref url="../operators/validators/" %} validators {% endcontent-ref %}

4. Run relayer

Follow the relayers guide to run a relayer that will deliver interchain messages sent between the local and remote chains.

Remember to set --relayChains or HYP_BASE_RELAYCHAINS appropriately.

Include the agent config from the #2.-deploy-contracts step in CONFIG_FILES. If you're using Docker, you will need to mount the file into the container.

You should have already set up your relayer keys in step #1.-setup-keys, so you can skip that part of the relayers guide.

{% content-ref url="../operators/relayers/" %} relayers {% endcontent-ref %}

5. Send test messages

You can check everything is working correctly by sending a test message between each pair of chains.

You can run yarn ts-node scripts/test-messages.ts to send test messages. You will need to provide the following arguments:

  • chains: Test messages will be sent between each pair of these chains
  • key: A hexadecimal private key for transaction signing

An example command that tests that messages can be sent between any pair of anvil, goerli, and sepolia is shown below:

DEBUG=hyperlane* yarn ts-node scripts/test-messages.ts \
  --chains anvil goerli sepolia \
  --key 0x6f0311f4a0722954c46050bb9f088c4890999e16b64ad02784d24b5fd6d09061

If everything ran successfully, congrats! You should something similar to the following output:

$ yarn ts-node scripts/test-messages.ts --chains anvil goerli --key 0x6f0311f4a0722954c46050bb9f088c4890999e16b64ad02784d24b5fd6d09060
Sent message from anvil to 0xBC3cFeca7Df5A45d61BC60E7898E63670e1654aE on goerli with message ID 0x5ad21a8dcfe2cd91d3e59e26f2ef7f01f6ab1850ef5922233c7776eacff8d8b0
Sent message from goerli to 0xBC3cFeca7Df5A45d61BC60E7898E63670e1654aE on anvil with message ID 0x27f8fcf9151c7bcc50408b2ca1df027346740f0b40b8e516b04b4a09a6757f69
Message from anvil to goerli with ID 0x5ad21a8dcfe2cd91d3e59e26f2ef7f01f6ab1850ef5922233c7776eacff8d8b0 has not yet been delivered
Message from goerli to anvil with ID 0x27f8fcf9151c7bcc50408b2ca1df027346740f0b40b8e516b04b4a09a6757f69 has not yet been delivered
Message from anvil to goerli with ID 0x5ad21a8dcfe2cd91d3e59e26f2ef7f01f6ab1850ef5922233c7776eacff8d8b0 has not yet been delivered
Message from goerli to anvil with ID 0x27f8fcf9151c7bcc50408b2ca1df027346740f0b40b8e516b04b4a09a6757f69 was delivered
Message from anvil to goerli with ID 0x5ad21a8dcfe2cd91d3e59e26f2ef7f01f6ab1850ef5922233c7776eacff8d8b0 was delivered
Testing complete

If you've waited a while and messages still aren't being delivered, take a look at the origin chain relayer logs and reach out on discord.