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This repository contains common scripts for use in Blockchain build pipelines. Currently there's a mix of fabric-apis to call, specifically a fabric-cli javascript version that is fetch from and use of peer cli from hyperledger/fabric releases.

Project Structure

The entry point is src/

There are scripts for 2 types of chaincode, go and js and within each folder (go-chaincode and js-chaincode) has a file and they represent a stage of a pipeline.

Environment Setups

Each stage will call common/ to set up the environment.

Any ENV that is not defined Required are optional

  • DEBUG - default to false, set this to true for verbose
  • NODE_VERSION - Node version to install the bin. Must match a node version from repository.
  • NVM_VERSION - NVM version to use and install. Must match a nvm official version.
  • GO_VERSION - defaults to 1.12, much match a go version to install if using golang chaincode.
  • GOROOT - defaults to HOME/go or set your GOROOT
  • PATH - Set your path or defaults to OS PATH env
  • CC_REPO_DIR - Location of your chaincode absolute path. Defaults to CWD/chaincode-repo. CWD is directory where is called
  • CONFIGPATH - Required: deploy_config.json path. Refer to deploy_config.json below for more configuration
  • CHAINCODEPATH - Required: for golang only and if you are using build stage. This is required to place chaincode in go/src and prior to go modules
  • HLF_VERSION - Hyperledger fabric version, must be correct version as fetching binaries from repository is executed with this env.
  • ENABLE_PEER_CLI - Defaults to false. Enable the use of fabric peer cli instead of fabric-cli javascript for fabric api, must set to true if you want to use peer cli. Prior to this, a fabric-cli js was used. Check for details.
  • PEER_CLI_V1 - set to true if required for fabric v1.x to use hyperledger fabric peer cli. Note fabric v1.x defaults to using fabric-cli js in some scripts.
  • ORDERERS_LIST_JSON_STRING - Required: A json string object or array of orderer's node information. This string will get parsed by jq and information extracted. See more below. Can be retrieved from IBP export orderers
  • ADMIN_IDENTITY_STRING - Required: A json string object of admin identity. Refer below for required fields and examples. Can be retrieved from IBP export Identities. Will require extra step if ca property is missing.
  • CONNECTION_PROFILE_STRING - Required: A json string object of the connection profile to use for fabric api execution. builds peer cli strings for --peerAddresses and --tlsRootCertFiles flags in the order of peers array in cp
  • CC_NAME_OVERRIDE - Set Chaincode name override, or else default to deploy_config.json settings
  • CC_VERSION_OVERRIDE - Override for chaincode version, or else default to latest if not set in deploy_config.json
  • CC_SEQUENCE_OVERRIDE - Override for seq number for fabric v2.x . If not set, code will handle incrementation in js-chaincode/ Need to complete for golang
  • CC_PACKAGE_LOCATION - chaincode package location. TODO fabric v2 js packages tgz and fabric v1 go packages tgz but needs to account for cds
  • INSTALL_OVERRIDE_SKIP - default to false, set to true if install stage needs to be skipped. This is needed incase pipeline gets out of sync with installed cc.
  • SIGN_POLICY - fabric v2.x signature policy for chaincode cmds.
  • ENDORSEMENT_POLICY - fabric v1.x endorsement policy for chaincode cmds
  • INIT_ARGS - init args constructure for fabric v1.x peer cli cmd, defaults to '{}'. Example {"Args":["initMarble","marble1"]}"
  • CC_INDEX - Use to index into deploy_config.json chaincode index. If multiple chaincode are set, CC_INDEX will set context of chaincode operate on.


This json is used to extract chaincode information such as chaincode name, versions, paths, and channels.

Although chaincode is an array(for backwards compatible), do not have more than 1 chaincode object when using V2

  "org": {
    "_COMMENT": "This is a config for pipeline script to deploy the chaincode.",
    "chaincode": [
        "name": "somecc",
        "path": "path/to/cc",
        "channel": "channel",
        "install": true,
        "instantiate": true,
        "init_args": "\"{\"arg1\":\"000000\",}\"}",
        "init_fn": "init"


  • org - anything can be placed here that satisfy regex [a-zA-Z]
  • chaincode - Array of chaincode, a repo may have multiple chaincode
  • name - name of chaincode, script will use this to build CC_NAME env
  • path - path to chaincode entry point or building directory
  • channel - channel to install the chaincode, this builds into CHANEL_NAME env for the script
  • install - fabric-cli js uses this
  • instantiate - fabric-cli js uses this
  • init_args - fabric-cli js uses this
  • init_fcn - fabric-cli js uses this


Sample JSON, ORDERERS_LIST_JSON_STRING must be a json string. Script will use this array of orderers as a retry round-robin in the event an orderer is down or not reachable.

        "api_url": "grpcs://orderer-node:7050",
        "pem": "LS0tLS1CRU..."


  • api_url - grpcs url of orderer node
  • pem - base64 encoded tls cert for orderer node


Admin identity string used to make fabric api calls. This ENV must be a json string.

    "name": "admin",
    "ca": "LS0tLS1CRUd...",
    "private_key": "LS0tLS...",
    "cert": "LS0tLS..."


  • name - name of identity
  • ca - base64 encoded rootcert of the msp
  • private_key - base64 encoded private key of the identity
  • cert - base64 encoded cert of the identity

Example Usage

General idea is to override some envs values you need before calling or allow all default settings to fall through

Examples, assuming that build-lib is cloned into $HOME dir and $HOME is the root dir of the chaincode proj. Examples below are showing different context settings and not necessarily valid in a pipeline

  • Build stage
source build-lib/src/ build js
  • Package Stage
source build-lib/src/ package js
  • Install Stage
# Change identity context, to install. This Install Stage can be daisy chained for multiple orgs install during development
CC_PACKAGE_LOCATION=$HOME/[email protected]

source build-lib/src/ install go
  • Deploy Stage

Note! When setting Deploy's stage context, CONNECTION_PROFILE_STRING must contain the CP of the first org's Install/Approve stage CP. If you want to deploy to all or some org(s), you must add the peer information in the CP's organizations.[yourmsp].peers and peers definition. Order is important, make sure [yourmsp] org peers are first in both of these properties.

## Override SEQ number

set -x
source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/" deploy_v2 "${PLATFORM}"

Unit tests

Make sure you have installed jq before attempting to run the test cases on your local system.

This project is tested using Bats when making pull requests.

To run the tests locally, install bats-core and bats-mock. Here are a few tips on installing these two libraries so you don't go into a rabbit hole when attempting to run the test cases.


You should install bats-core from source. After you have cloned bats-core into the directory of your choosing, navigate to that folder and run the ./ script by passing the absolute path to the folder where this repository (i.e. build-lib) was cloned into your local system and appending bats folder to that path as shown below:

./ <absolute path to the build-lib repository>/bats

Executing the script should result in the creation of a bats folder under the build-lib repository; this bats folder contains the bats-core files.


To install bats-mock, first create an empty folder named bats-mock under the build-lib repository. Then clone the bats-mock repository into the directory of your choosing; navigate to that folder, copy the binstub and stub.bash files into the bats-mock you created under the build-lib repository.

mkdir <absolute path to the build-lib repository>/bats-mock
cp binstub stub.bash <absolute path to the build-lib repository>/bats-mock

Issues with running bats command

If running on a Mac OS machine, you may have to use a package installer (i.e. Homebrew) to install the greadlink binary.

brew install coreutils

Running test cases

Once you have installed bats-core and bats-mock as described the sections above, you can then run the following command from the root directory of this repository:

PATH="./bats/bin:$PATH" bats test/*


Common scripts for use in Blockchain build pipelines







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