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H.R. Shadhin edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 6 revisions

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Community Edition

Enterprise Edition


Community Edition Enterprise Edition
Academic Year manage Academic Year manage
Academic Calendar Setup Academic Calendar Setup
Institute Setup Institute Setup
Class & Section Manage Class & Section Manage
Subject & Teacher Manage Subject & Teacher Manage
Student Admission Student Admission
Student Attendance Student Attendance
Exam & Grading Rules Exam & Grading Rules
Marks & Result Easy Marks Entry & Result Manage
Student Promotion Dynamic and more advance Student Promotion
Employees Manage Employees Manage
Employees Attendance Employees Attendance
Employees Leave Employees Leave
Employees Work Outside
SMS Gateway Setup
Email & SMS Templating
Attendance notification email/sms
Id Card templates Manage
Employee & Student id card print
User & Role manage with permission grid(ACL) User & Role manage with permission grid(ACL)
User wise Dashboard User wise Dashboard
Report Settings Report Settings
Only 5 Reports 40+ Reports
Dynamic Front Website Dynamic Front Website
Website Management Panel Website Management Panel
Photo Gallery Photo Gallery
Event Manage Event Manage
Google Analytics Google Analytics
User Notification User Notification
Online Admission
Online Admit Card & Payslip
Notice Board
Student & Employee Id card bulk/mass print
Account Manage
Budget Manage
Account Heads
Student Invoice
Income / Expense Manage
Salary Template
Employee Salary Payment
Hostel & Collection Manage
Library Manage
Issue book and fine collection
Academic Calendar Print
Bulk SMS and Email Sending
40+ Reports


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Installing dependencies

  • PHP >= 7.2
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • MySQL >= 5.6 OR MariaDB >= 10.1
  • hrshadhin/laravel-userstamps [Already Installed]
  • NodeJS, npm, webpack

Download and setup

  • Clone the repo
    $ git clone cloudschool
  • change directory
    $ cd cloudschool
  • Copy sample env file and change configuration according to your need in ".env" file and create Database
    $ cp .env.example .env
  • Install php libraries
    $ composer install
  • Setup application
    • Method 1: By one command
      # setup cloudschool with out demo data
      $ php artisan fresh-install
      # setup cloudschool with demo data
      $ php artisan fresh-install --with-data
       # OR
      $ php artisan fresh-install -d
    • Method 2: Step by step
      $ php artisan storage:link
      $ php artisan key:generate --ansi
      # Create database tables and load essential data
      $ php artisan migrate
      $ php artisan db:seed
      # Load demo data
      $ php artisan db:seed --class DemoSiteDataSeeder
      $ php artisan db:seed --class DemoAppDataSeeder
      # Clear all caches
      $ php artisan view:clear
      $ php artisan route:clear
      $ php artisan config:clear
      $ php artisan cache:clear
  • Install frontend(css,js) dependency libraries and bundle them
    $ npm install
    $ npm run backend-prod
    $ npm run frontend-prod
  • Start development server
    $ php artisan serve

Use the app

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  • If you faced any problems, first check previous issue list. If doesn't exists then create a new one.
  • You can report the bugs at the issue tracker
  • If you discover a security vulnerability within CloudSchool app, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.