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Understanding Reinforcement Learning and Implementing RL agents for OpenAI Gym from Scratch

Table of Contents

About The Project

Reinforcement Learning

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  • Understand Reinforcement Learning
  • A simple solution to the Multi Armed Bandit Problem
  • To solve rl agents in OpenAI gym


Refer our documentation for detailed analysis and brief overview of our project.

Reinforcement Learning

  • Reinforcement learning is a machine learning training method based on rewarding desired behaviors and/or punishing undesired ones.
  • In general, a reinforcement learning agent is able to perceive and interpret its environment, take actions and learn through trial and error. -Some notable examples of RL in particular Deep RL
  • In 2013, Atari game Breakout took around 36 hours of training with the DQN in order to achieve commendable results! Now we can achieve similar results in matter of hours.
  • The agents created in Dota2 were able to defeat pro players at their own game! And did really well in the 5v5 matchup!!
  • As you can see DeepMind by Google and OpenAI are two organisations with insane accomplishments in the field of Reinforcement Learning

Markov Decision Process


  • The learner and decision maker is called the agent.
  • The thing it interacts with, comprising everything outside the agent, is called the environment.
  • These interact continually, the agent selecting actions and the environment responding to these actions and presenting new situations to the agent.
  • The environment also gives rise to rewards, special numerical values that the agent seeks to maximize over time through its choice of actions.
  • Basically, If you have a problem you want to solve, if you can map it to an MDP, it means you can run a reinforcement algorithm on it

Multi armed Bandit Problem

  • The multi-armed bandit problem is a classic problem that well demonstrates the exploration vs exploitation dilemma. Imagine you are in a casino facing multiple slot machines and each is configured with an unknown probability of how likely you can get a reward at one play. The question is: What is the best strategy to achieve highest long-term rewards?
  • We are using Epsilon greedy Algorithm to solve this problem

Epsilon Greedy Algorithm

  • The Epsilon-Greedy algorithm balances exploitation and exploration fairly basically.
  • It takes a parameter, epsilon, between 0 and 1, as the probability of exploring the options (called arms in multi-armed bandit discussions) as opposed to exploiting the current best variant in the test.
  • For example, say epsilon is set at 0.1.
  • Every time a visitor comes to the website being tested, a number between 0 and 1 is randomly drawn. If that number is greater than 0.1, then that visitor will be shown whichever variant (at first, version A) is performing best.
  • If that random number is less than 0.1, then a random arm out of all available options will be chosen and provided to the visitor.
  • The visitor’s reaction will be recorded (a click or no click, a win or lose, etc.) and the success rate of that arm will be updated accordingly. Low values of epsilon correspond to less exploration and more exploitation, therefore - it takes the algorithm longer to discover which is the best arm but once found, it exploits it at a higher rate.

OpenAI gym

  • Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It supports teaching agents everything from walking to playing games like Pong or Pinball.

Agents used

  • CartPole
  • Mountain-Car
  • LunarLander
  • Self Driving Racing-Car
  • Taxi Driver

Algorithms used

  • Epsilon Greedy
  • PPO
  • Q-Learning
  • DQN

Tech Stack

These are some of the technologies we used in this project.

File Structure

├──                  # Explain the function preformed by this file in short
├── docs                    # Documentation files (alternatively `doc`)
│   ├── report.pdf          # Project report
│   └── notes               # Folder containing markdown notes of lectures 
├── src                     # Source files (alternatively `lib` or `app`)
│   ├── Training/saved      # Trained Model of CartPole, CarRacing
│   └── Agent Codes         # All the agent codes

Getting Started


  • OpenAI gym

  • Stable-baselines3

    • You can visit the installation section of Stable-baselines3 docs here
  • Jupyter-notebook

  • For OpenAI gym
pip install gym

pip install gym[atari]    #For all atari dependencies

pip install gym[all]    #For all dependencies
  • For Stable-baselines3
pip install stable-baselines3

pip install stable-baselines3[extra]    #use this if you want dependencies like Tensorboard, OpenCV, Atari-py
  • Note: Some shells such as Zsh require quotation marks around brackets, i.e.

pip install 'gym[all]'


  1. Clone the repo
git clone


Clone the environment.
Use our codes on jupyter notebook.
You can use our saved models as well. 

Results and Demo


  • Maximum reward of 200 is achieved by the agent


Mountain Car

  • First clear before 200 episodes every time


Lunar Lander

  • Solved using DQN and after training good results are achieved



  • Solved using Q learning and done perfectly


Car racing

  • Solved using PPO after training for 2m steps, higest score around 700/900 is achieved


Future Work

  • See for seeing developments of this project
  • Creating a custom environment
  • Coding Agents using various Models such as Deep Q-Learning, PPO, etc to train the custom environment and compare the results.
  • Completing more advanced environments available on OpenAI gym


  • Make sure you are using the correct environment name
  • Incase you missed it, Note: Some shells such as Zsh require quotation marks around brackets, i.e.

pip install 'gym[all]'


Acknowledgements and Resources


Describe your License for your project.


SRA Eklavya 2021 project







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