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Duplicacy currently supports local file storage, SFTP, WebDav and many cloud storage providers.

Local disk
Storage URL:  /path/to/storage (on Linux or Mac OS X)
              C:\path\to\storage (on Windows)
Storage URL:  sftp://username@server/path/to/storage (path relative to the home directory)
              sftp://username@server//path/to/storage (absolute path)

Login methods include password authentication and public key authentication. You can set up SSH agent forwarding which is also supported by Duplicacy.

Public key authentication with signed certificate is also supported. That is, if the ssh private key file is mykey, Duplicacy will check if the signed certificate can be loaded from the file under the same directory.

Note for Synology users If the SFTP server is a Synology NAS, it is highly recommended to use the absolute path (the one with double slashes) in the storage url. Otherwise, Synology's customized SFTP server may terminate the connections arbitrarily leading to frequent EOF errors.

Storage URL:  smb://user@server[:port]/share/path

This backend is based on

Storage URL:  dropbox://path/to/storage

For Duplicacy to access your Dropbox storage, you must provide a long-lived refresh token that can be obtained by visiting, and then authorizing Duplicacy to access the application folder under Apps.

Amazon S3
Storage URL:  s3:// (default region is us-east-1)
              s3://[email protected]/bucket/path/to/storage (other regions must be specified)

You'll need to input an access key and a secret key to access your Amazon S3 storage.

Minio-based S3 compatiable storages are also supported by using the minio or minios backends:

Storage URL:  minio://region@host/bucket/path/to/storage (without TLS)
Storage URL:  minios://region@host/bucket/path/to/storage (with TLS)

There is another backend that works with S3 compatible storage providers that require V2 signing:

Storage URL:  s3c://region@host/bucket/path/to/storage

Storage URL: 
            wasabi://[email protected]/bucket/path
            wasabi://[email protected]/bucket/path
            wasabi://[email protected]/bucket/path
            wasabi://[email protected]/bucket/path

Where region is the storage region, bucket is the name of the bucket and path is the path to the top of the Duplicacy storage within the bucket. Note that us-west-1 additionally has the region in the host name but us-east-1 does not.

Wasabi is a relatively new cloud storage service providing a S3-compatible API. It is well-suited for storing backups, because it is much cheaper than Amazon S3 with a storage cost of $0.0049/GB/month (see note below), and no additional charges on API calls and download bandwidth.

S3 and Billing

Short Version

The s3 storage backend renames objects with a copy and delete which is inexpensive for AWS but more expensive for Wasabi. Use the wasabi backend for it to be handled properly.

Long Version

Wasabi's billing model differs from Amazon's in that any object created incurs charges for 90 days of storage, even if the object is deleted earlier than that, and then the monthly rate thereafter.

As part of the process for purging data which is no longer needed, Duplicacy renames objects. Because S3 does not support renaming objects, Duplicacy's s3 backend does the equivalent by using S3's copy operation to create a second object with the new name then deleting the one with the old name. S3-style renaming with Wasabi will incur additional charges during fossilization because of the additional objects it creates. For example, if a new 1 GB file is backed up in chunks on day 1, the initial storage will incur fees of at least $0.0117 (three months at $0.0039 each). If the file goes away and all snapshots that contained it are pruned on day 50, renaming the chunks will create an additional 1 GB of objects with a newly-started 90-day clock at a cost of $0.0117.

The wasabi backend uses Wasabi's rename operation to avoid these extra charges.

Snapshot Pruning

Wasabi's 90-day minimum for stored data means there is no financial incentive to reduce utilization through early pruning of snapshots. Because of this, the strategy shown in the documentation for the prune command can be shortened to the following without incurring additional charges:

                                  # Keep all snapshots younger than 90 days by doing nothing
$ duplicacy prune -keep 7:90      # Keep 1 snapshot every 7 days for snapshots older than 90 days
$ duplicacy prune -keep 30:180    # Keep 1 snapshot every 30 days for snapshots older than 180 days
$ duplicacy prune -keep 0:360     # Keep no snapshots older than 360 days
DigitalOcean Spaces
Storage URL: s3://[email protected]/bucket/path/to/storage

DigitalOcean Spaces is a s3-compatible cloud storage provided by DigitalOcean. The storage cost starts at $5 per month for 250GB and $0.02 for each additional GB. DigitalOcean Spaces has the lowest bandwidth cost (1TB free per account and $0.01/GB additionally) among those who charge bandwidth fees. There are no API charges which further lowers the overall cost.

Here is a tutorial on how to set up Duplicacy to work with DigitalOcean Spaces:

Google Cloud Storage
Storage URL:  gcs://bucket/path/to/storage

Starting from version 2.0.0, a new Google Cloud Storage backend is added which is implemented using the official Google client library. You must first obtain a credential file by authorizing Duplicacy to access your Google Cloud Storage account or by downloading a service account credential file.

You can also use the s3 protocol to access Google Cloud Storage. To do this, you must enable the s3 interoperability in your Google Cloud Storage settings and set the storage url as s3://

Microsoft Azure
Storage URL:  azure://account/container

You'll need to input the access key once prompted.

NetApp StorageGRID
Storage URL:  s3://[email protected]/bucket/path/to/storage

Default region is us-east-1, but others may be set in StorageGRID settings. Region must be specified in any case.

You'll need to input an access key and a secret key to access your NetApp StorageGRID S3 storage.

Backblaze B2
Storage URL: b2://bucketname

You'll need to enter the account id and the master application key. However, if you are using an application key to access your B2 account, you'll need to enter the application key id and the application key instead.

Backblaze's B2 storage is one of the least expensive (at 0.6 cent per GB per month, with free downloads for up to 3 x your monthly average storage (fee of 1 cent per GB thereafter), plus additional charges for API calls over the free quota).

Please note that if you back up multiple repositories to the same bucket, the lifecyle rules of the bucket is recommended to be set to Keep all versions of the file which is the default one. The Keep prior versions for this number of days option will work too if the number of days is more than 7.

Google Drive
Storage URL: gcd://path/to/storage (for My Drive)
             gcd://shareddrive@path/to/storage (for Shared Drive)

To use Google Drive as the storage, you first need to download a token file from by authorizing Duplicacy to access your Google Drive, and then enter the path to this token file to Duplicacy when prompted (during init).

Alternatively, you can download a service account credential file which can be supplied to Duplicacy as a token file to access Google Drive. After opening that link, this is an overview of the steps you need to take:

  1. Select an existing project or create a new one.
  2. Create a new service account at the "Service Accounts" page (record somewhere the email address associated with the service account).
  3. From the 3-dots of the new service account, choose "Manage keys" and then add a new key using the JSON format.
  4. The credential file should be automatically downloaded once the key is created.
  5. Enable the Google Drive API for the same project.

You'll then need to share the Google Drive folder that you intend to use for storing your backup with the email address of the service account, because by default the service account can't access any directories/files in Google Drive.

Microsoft OneDrive
Storage URL: one://path/to/storage (for OneDrive Personal)
             odb://path/to/storage (for OneDrive Business)

To use Microsoft OneDrive as the storage, you first need to download a token file from or by authorizing Duplicacy to access your OneDrive, and then enter the path to this token file to Duplicacy when prompted.

Storage URL: storj://satellite/bucket/path

This backend allows you to use Storj, a decentralized storage solution, which offers 150G of storage for free. You can get the satellite address along with the api access key after requesting a key for API Access on

OpenStack Swift
Storage URL: swift://user@auth_url/container/path

If the storage requires more parameters you can specify them in the query string:


The following is the list of parameters accepted by the query string:

  • domain
  • domain_id
  • user_id
  • retries
  • user_agent
  • timeout
  • connection_timeout
  • region
  • tenant
  • tenant_id
  • endpiont_type
  • tenant_domain
  • tenant_domain_id
  • trust_id

This backend is implemented using

Storage URL:  webdav://username@server/path/to/storage (path relative to the home directory)
              webdav://username@server//path/to/storage (absolute path)
File Fabric by Storage Made Easy
Storage URL:  fabric://[email protected]/path/to/storage
              fabric://[email protected]/path/to/storage