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Linux wireguard client tools make it simple to start and stop wireguard. Comes with command line tool, wg-client, and a convenient GUI tool which uses it.

This is a companion to the wireguard server config tools wg-tool.

Also provides an option to invoke ssh which creates a remote listening port connected back to local ssh daemon.

This can be useful to facilitate remote ssh back to client computer if it's needed. For example; it can be used to provide access to a git repo on the client, or for remote backups of laptop, or even for admin to login to client should the need arise.

There is a command line program (wg-client) and for user convenience there is a GUI program (wg-client-gui) which is available via a .desktop file.

The graphical tool invokes the command line tool, and the command line tool does all the real work. The GUI provides user convenience.

Why I made wg-client

After building wg-tool which simplified administering wireguard servers, I needed a simple way for non-tech users to connect their laptops to the server.

Thus wg-client was born. The gui client makes it simple for non-tech users, though I find it convenient too.

Key features

  • Graphical tool makes it simple for any user to get VPN running.
  • Standalone tool makes it easy to test and also keeps sudo outside of gui to minimize any security implications. The gui relies on command line to do the real work.

New or Interesting

  • As root --status now shows ssh/resolv for all users if they have ssh/resolv monitor

  • Auto fix of resolv.conf (new option --fix-dns-auto-start)

    Network refresh often happens after sleep/resume (e.g. laptop lid close/open) or when a DHCP lease expires. If VPN is up and running when this occurs the /etc/resolv.conf file can be reset and then DNS will no longer use the vpn DNS but will then use whatever resolver DHCP provided by default. Earlier versions of wg-client offered a manual fix available by clicking the VPN Start button again or by using wg-client on command line.

    This is now done automatically using a daemon which can be started/stopped from command line using the new options --fix-dns-auto-start and --fix-dns-auto-stop

    NB: The GUI app calls wg-client to start the monitor daemon when it starts up wireguard.

  • --version

    Display wg-client version

  • NB version 5 has 2 additional dependencies:

  • dns resolv.conf fix now uses capabilities

Getting Started

wg-client application


To use run from a terminal. For example to start wireguard from a terminal, use:

wg-client --wg-up

To get a list of options run it with -h. Options are also documented in config section config-sect below.

DHCP refresh & sleep / resume

When laptop sleeps, from lid close for example, and then woken up - the vpn will continue working as normal and likewise the ssh provided the sleep time is not too long. However, on wake the networking is typically re-initialized and part of that may re-install the dns resolver file /etc/resolve.conf.

This is handled automatically by the resolv monitor daemon. See the option --fix-dns-auto-start for more information.


wg-client reads its configuration from


Please copy the sample config and edit appropriately. The format is in TOML format. This config file provides:

  • iface - required

    Wireguard interface; defaults to wgc. It is <iface> of /etc/wireguard/<iface>.conf

  • ssh_server - optional

    Hostname of the remote ssh server accessible over the vpn; this is where the ssh listening port is run. Hostname must be accessible over the wg vpn.

  • ssh_pfx - used with ssh_server

    1 or 2 digit number to be used as ssh listening port number prefix. The port number is of the form PPxxx, with PP the prefix and xxx is taken from the last octet of the wireguard vpn internal IP address.

    The prefix can also be given as a range of numbers ('n-m'). In this case the prefix used is randomly chosen from that range

The port number chosen will be written to the log file.

The remote ssh host will then listen on<port>. It will also listen on <remote-ip-address>:<port> provided the remote ssh server permits it by having the sshd option set:

GatewayPorts yes


Summary of available options for wg-client.

Positional argument : Optional

  • wireguard client interface name

    Default interface is taken from iface in config file. The config file is chosen by first checking for ./etc/wg-client/config [1] and then in /etc/wg-client/config. If not found the wg interface defaults to wgc

[1]Useful during development and testing


  • (-h, --help)

    Show this help message and exit

  • (--wg-up) and (--wg-dn)

    Start and stop wireguard client

  • (--ssh-start)

    ssh to remote server over vpn and listen on remote port. Port number used is described above in Overview section config-sect.

  • (--ssh-stop)

    End ssh to remote server

  • (--ssh-pfx)

    Set the ssh port prefix. Can be 2 digits: "nn" or a range "nn-mm". If using a range, then prefix will be randomly drawn from the range

  • (--fix-dns)

    This has been automated by the monitor daemon. See --fix-dns-auto-start

    Restore wireguard dns resolv.conf. Typical use is after sleep resume when the network is set up it can mess up the resolv.conf file - this restores the correct version.

    This will also be done by GUI, if needed, by simply clicking the Start VPN button.

    wg-client relies on wg-fix-resolv program which is granted CAP_CHOWN and CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE capabilities to enable it to restore the right /etc/resolv.conf file.

  • (--fix-dns-auto-start)

    Auto fix of resolv.conf

    Network refresh happens after sleep/resume (e.g. laptop lid close/open) or when a DHCP lease expires. If VPN is up and running when this occurs the /etc/resolv.conf file can be reset and then DNS will no longer use the vpn DNS. Earlier versions of wg-client offered a manual fix available by clicking the VPN Start button again or by using wg-client on command line.

    When wg-client starts the vpn, it saves the current /etc/resolv.conf and installs one that uses the vpn tunnel and this is what gets broken on resume.

    This is now done automatically using a daemon which can be started/stopped from command line using the new options --fix-dns-auto-start and --fix-dns-auto-stop

    The GUI app does this whenever it starts wireguard.

    The monitor daemon watches /etc/resolv.conf and auto restores the correct one when needed. It uses inotify whereby the kernel notifes us when the file changes - this is very efficient and allows the monitor to sleep waiting for the kernel to wake it up when there's something to do.

    Wireguard will continue to work even if the laptop is taken to a new wifi location. The monitor checks and saves any newly found resolv.conf and restores the wireguard one. Of course on closing down, the original saved resolv.conf is restored as well. Note that ssh will not survive changing networks but it can easily be restarted.

  • (--fix-dns-auto-stop)

    Stops the monitor daemon.

  • (--show-iface)

    Report wireguard interface name is used.

  • (--show-ssh-server)

    Report the ssh server name

  • (--show-ssh-running)

    Report if ssh is active

  • (--show-wg-running)

    Report if wireguard is active

  • (--show-info, --status)

    Report all info

  • (--test-mode)

    Test mode - print what would be done rather than doing it.

wg-client-gui application

GUI Usage

The gui is installable using the provided wg-client.desktop file and can be added to launchers in the usual way. For example in gnome simply search applications for wg-cliient and right click to pin the launcher. The gui uses PyQt6 which in turn relies on Qt6.

The gui has buttons to start and stop wireguard and a button to run ssh to set up the listener on the host configured in the config file.

The gui should be left running while the vpn is in use. Pressing quit in the gui will shutdown wireguard and shutdown the ssh listener as well.

GUI Options

wg-client-gui has no command line options. It invokes wg-client, and thus the configuration described above config-sect is used:


Log files

Each application has it's own log file. These are located in users home directory :


Each of the log files are rotated with companion log suffixed with .1


wg-client uses wg-quick from wireguard tools to start and stop the vpn. and since this requires root to do it's job, any non-root user will need a NOPASSWD sudoers entry.

You can keep all local sudoers in a single file or in separate files. If in single file, make this one come after any group wheel ones. This is to ensure this one is chosen becuase sudo uses the last matching entry.

Simply add this sample line replacing WGUSERS whatever user or users are permitted. If more than one use comma separated list.

User_Alias WGUSERS = alice, bob, sally
WGUSERS   ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wg-quick
WGUSERS   ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/wg-client/wg-fix-dns

If using separete files, then care is need to ensure this entry comes after any wheel group entries. Where WGUSERS is 1 or more usernames or a group such as %wgusers.


visudu /etc/sudoers.d/100-wireguard

Replace WGUSERS as above.

visudo enforces the correct permissions which should be '0440'. If permissions are too loose, sudo will ignore the file.

Why the prefix number? Because sudo uses the last matching entry and we need to be sure the NOPASSWD wg-quick entry comes after any group wheel lines.

For example if there are 2 files in /etc/sudoers.d - say wg-quick and wheel, where the wheel entry requires a password for members of group wheel.

Now if user listed in wg-quick is also a member of wheel group, since wg-quick is first and wheel is second (files are treated in lexical order) the wheel one will prevail and user will be prompted for a password when running sudo /usr/bin/wg-quick. Not what we want. To fix this I use numbers ahead of the sudoers filenames. So in this example it would be:


thereby ensuring that wg-client entries follow the wheel ones.

For convenience this is also noted in the sample file:

chmod -440 /etc/sudoers.d/wg-client



Available on:

On Arch you can build using the PKGBUILD provided in packaging directory or from the AUR package.

To build manually, clone the repo and do:

rm -f dist/*
/usr/bin/python -m build --wheel --no-isolation
root_dest="/" ./scripts/do-install $root_dest

When running as non-root then set root_dest a user writable directory


Run Time :

  • python (3.11 or later)
  • netifaces
  • hicolor-icon-theme
  • psutil (aka python-psutil)
  • PyQt6 / Qt6 (for gui)

Building Package:

  • git
  • hatch (aka python-hatch)
  • wheel (aka python-wheel)
  • build (aka python-build)
  • installer (aka python-installer)
  • rsync

Optional for building docs: * sphinx * myst-parser * texlive-latexextra (archlinux packaguing of texlive tools)


We follow the live at head commit philosophy. This means we recommend using the latest commit on git master branch.

This approach is also taken by Google [2] [3].


Created by Gene C. and licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

  • SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  • SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023-present Gene C <[email protected]>


Wireguard linux client (command line and gui)






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