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Foursquare webOS BETA

zhephree edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 21 revisions

Here it is, in all its glory: the webOS Foursquare app. Before you go ahead and start downloading and installing, there’s a few things to note. This app is almost complete. There is nothing in the app that can cause harm to your phone, but, seeing as how this is a beta and the code is not yet optimized, nor is there extensive error checking in place, by using this application, you acknowledge that you must accept anything received from the use of this app, be it damage to your phone or Foursquare account data and will not hold the developers accountable for any such incidents. I’ve been using the app myself for months and haven’t had anything go wrong, but I just wanted to make sure that was covered.

Once you log in, you will not be able to change your account credentials since there is no Preferences option yet! This also means that if you type in your wrong username or password, you are out of luck. Take care in entering in your proper credentials when you first launch the app.

The app can find nearby venues, search for venues by name, give you venue information, and check you in to a venue. It can give you a list of your friends and pending friend requests with options to befriend or deny friendship to users and find other users. You can get nearby and saved tips and todos. You can add venues and propose venue changes. You can get your own user info including mayorships, badges, and recent check-ins. There is a leaderboard , but it is an embedded version of the leaderboard on the mobile website at the moment. This will change in the future. You can also send shouts.

So, with all of that, download the app here: Foursquare webOS v0.9.6

If you don’t have the Palm SDK installed, you can install the app using Quick Install. Follow the instructions posted here

To be kept up to date on the progress of this Beta, follow Geoff on Twitter: @zhephree

You guys have given us some great feedback and this will help us organize it to fix the bugs.

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