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Foursquair - A desktop app for keeping track of your friends during the day.

@author seth (seth [at]
@author naveen (
@author Lucas (

A desktop app to keep track of where your friends are checking in through out 
the day while your at work.  The app pings for checkins every 5 minutes and will 
show you a nice little notification when somebody checks in somewhere new.

It's currently under heavy development, so make sure to hit that check for 
updates link at the bottom early and often.  If you dont, that's ok. The app will 
update on it's own when new code is pushed.  

It's built on Adobe AIR using <u>Flex 4</u>

 - Continue to add  API calls foursquareservice as the modify
 - make as3notification lib and to be sexier
 - Add google mapping and improve search
    Importing into Flex Builder

    From the command line:
        cd Workspace
        mkdir foursquair
        cd foursquair
        git clone [email protected]:foursquair/foursquair.git
    And then in Flex Builder:
        Right click in Flex Nagivator Pane
        Select New -> Flex Project
        Project name: foursquair
        Select Desktop Application as Application Type
    Off to the races...

Managing Updates
    src/updateConfig.xml provides the parameters to the local App Install for how often updates should be checked for and from where.
    So you want to release a new version?
        1. Update the <version> tag in src/foursquair-app.xml
        2. Make a release build of your app (Export-> Flex Builder -> Release Build)
        3. Update the updateDescriptor.xml file to point to your new version and add a quick description about what was changed.
        4. Push your code.  The app will automatically check for updates once a day and prompt to update.
Libraries Used
 - AS3 OAuth
 - AS3 Notification Lib (Plan on writing a new version of this thats more flex-y)
 - Geolocation provided by
 - Automatic Updater (

 - Q: I can't build it... says there is some kind of weird problem.
 - A: Make sure you're using at least the Flex 4 SDK.


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