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Add support for JUnit.xml (#42)
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awvwgk authored Sep 8, 2024
1 parent 8c2b3d4 commit 97b848b
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Showing 2 changed files with 259 additions and 12 deletions.
261 changes: 253 additions & 8 deletions src/testdrive.F90
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Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ module testdrive
public :: check, test_failed, skip_test
public :: test_interface, collect_interface
public :: get_argument, get_variable, to_string
public :: junit_output, junit_header

!> Single precision real numbers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,14 +305,46 @@ end subroutine collect_interface
end type testsuite_type

!> Output JUnit.xml for discovering unit tests by other tools
type :: junit_output
!> XML output string (initial block)
character(len=:), allocatable :: xml_start
!> XML output string (current block)
character(len=:), allocatable :: xml_block
!> XML output string (final block)
character(len=:), allocatable :: xml_final
!> Unique identifier
integer :: uid = 0
!> Timestamp
character(len=19) :: timestamp = '1970-01-01T00:00:00'
!> Hostname
character(len=:), allocatable :: hostname
!> Package name
character(len=:), allocatable :: package
!> Testsuite name
character(len=:), allocatable :: testsuite
!> Number of tests
integer :: tests = 0
!> Number of failures
integer :: failures = 0
!> Number of errors
integer :: errors = 0
!> Number of skipped tests
integer :: skipped = 0
!> Running time
real(sp) :: time = 0.0_sp
end type junit_output

character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '(1x, *(1x, a))'
character(len=*), parameter :: newline = new_line("a")


!> Driver for testsuite
recursive subroutine run_testsuite(collect, unit, stat, parallel)
recursive subroutine run_testsuite(collect, unit, stat, parallel, junit)

!> Collect tests
procedure(collect_interface) :: collect
Expand All @@ -325,6 +358,9 @@ recursive subroutine run_testsuite(collect, unit, stat, parallel)
!> Run the tests in parallel
logical, intent(in), optional :: parallel

!> Produce junit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

type(unittest_type), allocatable :: testsuite(:)
integer :: it
logical :: parallel_
Expand All @@ -334,21 +370,25 @@ recursive subroutine run_testsuite(collect, unit, stat, parallel)

call collect(testsuite)

call junit_push_suite(junit, "testdrive")

!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic) shared(testsuite, unit) reduction(+:stat) &
!$omp if (parallel_)
do it = 1, size(testsuite)
!$omp critical(testdrive_testsuite)
write(unit, '(1x, 3(1x, a), 1x, "(", i0, "/", i0, ")")') &
& "Starting", testsuite(it)%name, "...", it, size(testsuite)
!$omp end critical(testdrive_testsuite)
call run_unittest(testsuite(it), unit, stat)
call run_unittest(testsuite(it), unit, stat, junit)
end do

call junit_pop_suite(junit)

end subroutine run_testsuite

!> Driver for selective testing
recursive subroutine run_selected(collect, name, unit, stat)
recursive subroutine run_selected(collect, name, unit, stat, junit)

!> Collect tests
procedure(collect_interface) :: collect
Expand All @@ -362,15 +402,20 @@ recursive subroutine run_selected(collect, name, unit, stat)
!> Number of failed tests
integer, intent(inout) :: stat

!> Produce junit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

type(unittest_type), allocatable :: testsuite(:)
integer :: it

call collect(testsuite)

call junit_push_suite(junit, "testdrive")

it = select_test(testsuite, name)

if (it > 0 .and. it <= size(testsuite)) then
call run_unittest(testsuite(it), unit, stat)
call run_unittest(testsuite(it), unit, stat, junit)
write(unit, fmt) "Available tests:"
do it = 1, size(testsuite)
Expand All @@ -379,11 +424,13 @@ recursive subroutine run_selected(collect, name, unit, stat)
stat = -huge(it)
end if

call junit_pop_suite(junit)

end subroutine run_selected

!> Run a selected unit test
recursive subroutine run_unittest(test, unit, stat)
recursive subroutine run_unittest(test, unit, stat, junit)

!> Unit test
type(unittest_type), intent(in) :: test
Expand All @@ -394,13 +441,17 @@ recursive subroutine run_unittest(test, unit, stat)
!> Number of failed tests
integer, intent(inout) :: stat

!> Produce junit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

type(error_type), allocatable :: error
character(len=:), allocatable :: message

call test%test(error)
if (.not.test_skipped(error)) then
if (allocated(error) .neqv. test%should_fail) stat = stat + 1
end if
call junit_push_test(junit, test, error, 0.0_sp)
call make_output(message, test, error)
!$omp critical(testdrive_testsuite)
write(unit, '(a)') message
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,7 +496,7 @@ pure subroutine make_output(output, test, error)

if (test_skipped(error)) then
output = indent // test%name // " [SKIPPED]" &
& // new_line("a") // " Message: " // error%message
& // newline // " Message: " // error%message
end if

Expand All @@ -464,11 +515,205 @@ pure subroutine make_output(output, test, error)
end if
output = indent // test%name // label
if (present(error)) then
output = output // new_line("a") // " Message: " // error%message
output = output // newline // " Message: " // error%message
end if
end subroutine make_output

!> Initialize output for JUnit.xml
pure subroutine junit_header(junit, package)

!> JUnit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

!> Package name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: package

if (.not.present(junit)) return

junit%xml_start = &
& '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' // newline // &
& '<testsuites' // newline // &
& ' xmlns:xsi=""' // newline // &
& ' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="JUnit.xsd"' // newline // &
& '>' // newline
junit%xml_block = ''
junit%xml_final = &
& '</testsuites>'

junit%hostname = 'localhost'
junit%package = package

end subroutine junit_header

!> Register a test suite in JUnit.xml
subroutine junit_push_suite(junit, name)

!> JUnit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

!> Name of the test suite
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

if (.not.present(junit)) return

junit%timestamp = get_timestamp()
junit%testsuite = name
junit%uid = junit%uid + 1

end subroutine junit_push_suite

!> Finalize a test suite in JUnit.xml
subroutine junit_pop_suite(junit)

!> JUnit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

if (.not.present(junit)) return

junit%xml_start = &
& junit%xml_start // &
& ' <testsuite' // newline // &
& ' name="'//junit%testsuite//'"' // newline // &
& ' package="'//junit%package//'"' // newline // &
& ' id="'//to_string(junit%uid)//'"' // newline // &
& ' timestamp="'//junit%timestamp//'"' // newline // &
& ' hostname="'//junit%hostname//'"' // newline // &
& ' tests="'//to_string(junit%tests)//'"' // newline // &
& ' failures="'//to_string(junit%failures)//'"' // newline // &
& ' errors="'//to_string(junit%errors)//'"' // newline // &
& ' skipped="'//to_string(junit%skipped)//'"' // newline // &
& ' time="'//to_string(junit%time)//'"' // newline // &
& ' >' // newline // &
& ' <properties>' // newline // &
& ' </properties>' // newline // &
& junit%xml_block // newline // &
& ' </testsuite>' // newline

junit%xml_block = ''
junit%tests = 0
junit%failures = 0
junit%errors = 0
junit%skipped = 0
junit%time = 0.0_sp

call junit_write(junit)

end subroutine junit_pop_suite

!> Register a new unit test
subroutine junit_push_test(junit, test, error, time)

!> JUnit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

!> Unit test
type(unittest_type), intent(in) :: test

!> Error handling
type(error_type), intent(in), optional :: error

!> Running time
real(sp), intent(in) :: time

if (.not.present(junit)) return

!$omp critical(testdrive_junit)
junit%tests = junit%tests + 1
junit%time = junit%time + time

junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' <testcase' // newline // &
& ' name="'//test%name//'"' // newline // &
& ' classname="'//junit%testsuite//'"' // newline // &
& ' time="'//to_string(time)//'"' // newline // &
& ' >' // newline

if (test_skipped(error)) then
junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' <skipped/>' // newline
junit%skipped = junit%skipped + 1
elseif (present(error)) then
if (test%should_fail) then
junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' <system-out>' // newline // &
& ' "'//error%message//'"' // newline // &
& ' </system-out>' // newline
junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' <failure' // newline // &
& ' message="'//error%message//'"' // newline // &
& ' type="AssertionError"' // newline // &
& ' />' // newline
junit%failures = junit%failures + 1
end if
if (test%should_fail) then
junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' <failure' // newline // &
& ' message="Unexpected pass"' // newline // &
& ' type="AssertionError"' // newline // &
& ' />' // newline
junit%failures = junit%failures + 1
junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' <system-out>' // newline // &
& ' "Test passed successfully"' // newline // &
& ' </system-out>' // newline
end if
end if

junit%xml_block = &
& junit%xml_block // &
& ' </testcase>' // newline
!$omp end critical(testdrive_junit)

end subroutine junit_push_test

!> Write results to JUnit.xml
subroutine junit_write(junit)

!> JUnit output
type(junit_output), intent(inout), optional :: junit

integer :: io

if (.not.present(junit)) return
open( &
& newunit=io, &
& file='JUnit'//junit%package//'.xml', &
& status='replace', &
& action='write')
write(io, '(a)') junit%xml_start // junit%xml_final

end subroutine junit_write

!> Create ISO 8601 formatted timestamp
function get_timestamp() result(timestamp)

!> ISO 8601 formatted timestamp
character(len=19) :: timestamp

character(len=8) :: date
character(len=10) :: time

call date_and_time(date=date, time=time)

timestamp = date(1:4) // "-" // date(5:6) // "-" // date(7:8) // "T" // &
& time(1:2) // ":" // time(3:4) // ":" // time(5:6)

end function get_timestamp

!> Select a unit test from all available tests
function select_test(tests, name) result(pos)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1577,7 +1822,7 @@ subroutine test_failed(error, message, more, and_more)
!> Another line of error message
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: and_more

character(len=*), parameter :: skip = new_line("a") // repeat(" ", 11)
character(len=*), parameter :: skip = newline // repeat(" ", 11)

error%stat = fatal
Expand Down

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