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implement simple dependent value sets
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owestphal committed Aug 1, 2024
1 parent fc1c238 commit 8d05930
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Showing 10 changed files with 155 additions and 73 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Test/IOTasks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Test.IOTasks (
union, intersection,
(\\), with, without,
unique, notInVar,
ints, nats, str,
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/Test/IOTasks/Constraints.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Test.IOTasks.Constraints (
partitionPath, pathDepth,
showPath, showConstraint, showSomeConstraint,
) where

import Test.IOTasks.ValueSet
Expand All @@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import Data.Tuple.Extra (fst3)
import Data.Typeable

data Constraint (t :: ConstraintType) where
InputConstraint :: Typeable v => (Var v, Int) -> ValueSet v -> Constraint 'Input
InputConstraint :: Typeable v => (Var v, Int) -> ValueSet v -> Map SomeVar (Int, [Int]) -> Constraint 'Input
ConditionConstraint :: Term 'Transparent Bool -> Map SomeVar (Int, [Int]) -> Constraint 'Condition
OverflowConstraints :: [Term 'Transparent Integer] -> Map SomeVar (Int, [Int]) -> Constraint 'Overflow

Expand All @@ -51,8 +52,8 @@ constraintTree negMax =
(\(n,e,k) x vs mode ->
e' = inc (someVar x) k e
p = (InputConstraint(x, ix (someVar x) e') vs
,InputConstraint(x, ix (someVar x) e') (complement vs)
p = (InputConstraint(x, ix (someVar x) e') vs e'
,InputConstraint(x, ix (someVar x) e') (complement vs) e'
, mode == ElseAbort && n < negMax)
in case mode of
AssumeValid -> RecSub p id (n,e',k+1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ showSomeConstraint :: SomeConstraint -> String
showSomeConstraint (SomeConstraint c) = showConstraint c

showConstraint :: Constraint t -> String
showConstraint (InputConstraint (x,i) vs) = concat [varname x,"_",show i," : ",showValueSet vs]
showConstraint (InputConstraint (x,i) vs _) = concat [varname x,"_",show i," : ",showValueSet vs]
showConstraint (ConditionConstraint t m) = showIndexedTerm t m
showConstraint (OverflowConstraints _ _) = "**some overflow checks**"

Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Test/IOTasks/Internal/Specification.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ runSpecification' addLinebreaks spec inputs =
case ins of
[] -> NoRec (outOfInputs,NoOverflow)
| vs `containsValue` readValue i -> RecSub i id (insertValue (wrapValue $ readValue @v i) (someVar x) e,is)
| containsValue x e vs (readValue i) -> RecSub i id (insertValue (wrapValue $ readValue @v i) (someVar x) e,is)
| otherwise -> case mode of
AssumeValid -> error $ "invalid value: " ++ i ++ " is not an element of " ++ showValueSet vs
UntilValid -> RecSame i (first (progWrite Optional (Set.singleton Wildcard) <>)) (e,is)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ accept s_ t_ = accept' s_ k_I t_ d_I
accept' :: Specification -> (Action -> Trace -> ValueMap -> Bool) -> Trace -> ValueMap -> Bool
accept' (ReadInput x (ty :: ValueSet a) AssumeValid s') k t d = case t of
ProgReadString v t' | ty `containsValue` val -> accept' s' k t' (insertValue (wrapValue val) (someVar x) d)
ProgReadString v t' | containsValue x d ty val -> accept' s' k t' (insertValue (wrapValue val) (someVar x) d)
where val = readValue @a v
_ -> False
accept' (ReadInput x (ty :: ValueSet a) ElseAbort s') k t d = case t of
ProgReadString v t'| ty `containsValue` val -> accept' s' k t' (insertValue (wrapValue val) (someVar x) d)
ProgReadString v t'| containsValue x d ty val -> accept' s' k t' (insertValue (wrapValue val) (someVar x) d)
where val = readValue @a v
ProgReadString v Terminate | not (ty `containsValue` readValue v) -> True
ProgReadString v Terminate | not (containsValue x d ty (readValue v)) -> True
_ -> False
accept' s@(ReadInput x (ty :: ValueSet a) UntilValid s') k t d = case t of
ProgReadString v t'
| ty `containsValue` val -> accept' s' k t' (insertValue (wrapValue val) (someVar x) d)
| not (ty `containsValue` val) -> accept' s k t d
| containsValue x d ty val -> accept' s' k t' (insertValue (wrapValue val) (someVar x) d)
| not (containsValue x d ty val) -> accept' s k t d
where val = readValue @a v
_ -> False
accept' (WriteOutput Optional os s') k t d = accept' (WriteOutput Mandatory os s') k t d || accept' s' k t d
Expand Down
120 changes: 86 additions & 34 deletions src/Test/IOTasks/Internal/ValueSet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ module Test.IOTasks.Internal.ValueSet (
union, intersection,
(\\), with, without,
unique, notInVar,
containsValue, initiallyContainsValue,
Expand All @@ -25,19 +26,29 @@ import Data.Typeable
import Test.QuickCheck

import Z3.Monad
import Test.IOTasks.ValueMap (ValueMap, lookupInteger, emptyValueMap)
import Test.IOTasks.Var (Var, someVar, SomeVar, intVar)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

data ValueSet a where
Union :: ValueSet Integer -> ValueSet Integer -> ValueSet Integer
Intersection :: ValueSet Integer -> ValueSet Integer -> ValueSet Integer
GreaterThan :: Integer -> ValueSet Integer
LessThan :: Integer -> ValueSet Integer
Eq :: Integer -> ValueSet Integer
CurrentlyIn :: VarRef -> ValueSet Integer
CurrentlyNotIn :: VarRef -> ValueSet Integer
Every :: ValueSet a
None :: ValueSet a

deriving instance Eq (ValueSet a)
deriving instance Ord (ValueSet a)

data VarRef = Self | Other (Var Integer)
deriving (Eq,Ord)

data Size = Size { intAbs :: Integer, strLen :: Int }

empty :: ValueSet a
Expand All @@ -52,6 +63,12 @@ singleton = Eq
fromList :: [Integer] -> ValueSet Integer
fromList = foldr (union . singleton) empty

unique :: ValueSet Integer -> ValueSet Integer
unique vs = CurrentlyNotIn Self `intersection` vs

notInVar :: ValueSet Integer -> Var Integer -> ValueSet Integer
notInVar vs y = CurrentlyNotIn (Other y) `intersection` vs

greaterThan :: Integer -> ValueSet Integer
greaterThan = GreaterThan

Expand All @@ -76,35 +93,50 @@ with :: ValueSet Integer -> Integer -> ValueSet Integer
with vs = (vs `union`) . singleton

complement :: ValueSet a -> ValueSet a
complement (GreaterThan n) = LessThan n `Union` Eq n
complement (LessThan n) = GreaterThan n `Union` Eq n
complement (GreaterThan n) = LessThan n `union` Eq n
complement (LessThan n) = GreaterThan n `union` Eq n
complement (Intersection va vb) = Union (complement va) (complement vb)
complement (Union va vb) = Intersection (complement va) (complement vb)
complement (Eq n) = GreaterThan n `Union` LessThan n
complement (Eq n) = GreaterThan n `union` LessThan n
complement (CurrentlyIn x) = CurrentlyNotIn x
complement (CurrentlyNotIn x) = CurrentlyIn x
complement Every = None
complement None = Every

containsValue :: ValueSet a -> a -> Bool
containsValue (Union vs1 vs2) n = vs1 `containsValue` n || vs2 `containsValue` n
containsValue (Intersection vs1 vs2) n = vs1 `containsValue` n && vs2 `containsValue` n
containsValue (GreaterThan i) n = n > i
containsValue (LessThan i) n = n < i
containsValue (Eq i) n = i == n
containsValue Every _ = True
containsValue None _ = False

valueOf :: Typeable a => ValueSet a -> Size -> Gen a
containsValue :: Var a -> ValueMap -> ValueSet a -> a -> Bool
containsValue x m (Union vs1 vs2) n = containsValue x m vs1 n || containsValue x m vs2 n
containsValue x m (Intersection vs1 vs2) n = containsValue x m vs1 n && containsValue x m vs2 n
containsValue _ _ (GreaterThan i) n = n > i
containsValue _ _ (LessThan i) n = n < i
containsValue _ _ (Eq i) n = i == n
containsValue x m (CurrentlyIn Self) n = n `elem` valuesIn x m
containsValue _ m (CurrentlyIn (Other y)) n = n `elem` valuesIn y m
containsValue x m (CurrentlyNotIn Self) n = n `notElem` valuesIn x m
containsValue _ m (CurrentlyNotIn (Other y)) n = n `notElem` valuesIn y m
containsValue _ _ Every _ = True
containsValue _ _ None _ = False

valuesIn :: Var Integer -> ValueMap -> [Integer]
valuesIn x env =
case lookupInteger (someVar x) env of
Just values -> map fst values
Nothing -> error $ unwords ["cannot find values for variable", show x , "in", show env, "(perhaps you misspelled a variable name)"]

initiallyContainsValue :: ValueSet Integer -> Integer -> Bool
initiallyContainsValue = containsValue (intVar "x") $ emptyValueMap [someVar $ intVar "x"]

valueOf :: Typeable a => Var a -> ValueMap -> ValueSet a -> Size -> Gen a
valueOf = valueOf' where
valueOf' :: forall a. Typeable a => ValueSet a -> Size -> Gen a
valueOf' =
valueOf' :: forall a. Typeable a => Var a -> ValueMap -> ValueSet a -> Size -> Gen a
valueOf' x m =
case eqT @a @Integer of
Just Refl -> valueOfInt
Just Refl -> valueOfInt x m
Nothing -> case eqT @a @String of
Just Refl -> valueOfString
Nothing -> error $ "unsupported ValueSet type: " ++ show (typeRep $ Proxy @a)

valueOfInt :: ValueSet Integer -> Size -> Gen Integer
valueOfInt vs (Size sz _) =
valueOfInt :: Var Integer -> ValueMap -> ValueSet Integer -> Size -> Gen Integer
valueOfInt x m vs (Size sz _) =
case Set.toList $ range vs $ Set.fromAscList [] of
[] -> error $ unwords ["valueOf: no values between",show (-sz),"and",show sz,"within size bound for",showValueSet vs]
xs -> elements xs
Expand All @@ -115,6 +147,10 @@ valueOfInt vs (Size sz _) =
range (GreaterThan n) r = Set.filter (>n) r
range (LessThan n) r = Set.filter (<n) r
range (Eq n) r = Set.filter (==n) r
range (CurrentlyIn Self) r = Set.filter (\v -> v `elem` valuesIn x m) r
range (CurrentlyIn (Other y)) r = Set.filter (\v -> v `elem` valuesIn y m) r
range (CurrentlyNotIn Self) r = Set.filter (\v -> v `notElem` valuesIn x m) r
range (CurrentlyNotIn (Other y)) r = Set.filter (\v -> v `notElem` valuesIn y m) r
range Every r = r
range None _ = Set.empty

Expand All @@ -131,8 +167,12 @@ showValueSet = go where
showValueSet' (GreaterThan n) = "v > " ++ show n
showValueSet' (LessThan n) = "v < " ++ show n
showValueSet' (Eq n) = "v == " ++ show n
showValueSet' (CurrentlyIn ref) = "currentlyIn " ++ showVarRef ref
showValueSet' (CurrentlyNotIn ref) = "currentlyNotIn " ++ showVarRef ref
showValueSet' Every = "true"
showValueSet' None = "false"
showVarRef Self = "self"
showVarRef (Other y) = show y

-- basic ValueSets
ints, nats :: ValueSet Integer
Expand All @@ -146,27 +186,39 @@ str = Every
-- | Check if a given 'ValueSet' of integers is empty.
-- This function uses an external SMT solver to check the constraints defined by the 'ValueSet'.
isEmpty :: ValueSet Integer -> IO Bool
isEmpty vs = evalZ3 $ do
isEmpty :: Var Integer -> Map SomeVar [AST] -> ValueSet Integer -> IO Bool
isEmpty var m vs = evalZ3 $ do
x <- mkIntVar =<< mkStringSymbol "x"
assert =<< z3ValueSetConstraint vs x
assert =<< z3ValueSetConstraint var m vs x
res <- check
pure $ case res of
Sat -> False
Unsat -> True
Undef -> error "isEmpty: could not solve SMT constraints"

z3ValueSetConstraint :: MonadZ3 z3 => ValueSet a -> AST -> z3 AST
z3ValueSetConstraint (Union x y) xVar = do
cx <- z3ValueSetConstraint x xVar
cy <- z3ValueSetConstraint y xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint :: MonadZ3 z3 => Var a -> Map SomeVar [AST] -> ValueSet a -> AST -> z3 AST
z3ValueSetConstraint var m (Union x y) xVar = do
cx <- z3ValueSetConstraint var m x xVar
cy <- z3ValueSetConstraint var m y xVar
mkOr [cx,cy]
z3ValueSetConstraint (Intersection x y) xVar = do
cx <- z3ValueSetConstraint x xVar
cy <- z3ValueSetConstraint y xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint var m (Intersection x y) xVar = do
cx <- z3ValueSetConstraint var m x xVar
cy <- z3ValueSetConstraint var m y xVar
mkAnd [cx,cy]
z3ValueSetConstraint (GreaterThan n) xVar = mkIntNum n >>= mkGt xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint (LessThan n) xVar = mkIntNum n >>= mkLt xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint (Eq n) xVar = mkIntNum n >>= mkEq xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint Every _ = mkTrue
z3ValueSetConstraint None _ = mkFalse
z3ValueSetConstraint _ _ (GreaterThan n) xVar = mkIntNum n >>= mkGt xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint _ _ (LessThan n) xVar = mkIntNum n >>= mkLt xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint _ _ (Eq n) xVar = mkIntNum n >>= mkEq xVar
z3ValueSetConstraint var m (CurrentlyIn Self) xVar = do
let xs = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup (someVar var) m
mkOr =<< sequence [ mkEq xVar x | x <- xs, x /= xVar]
z3ValueSetConstraint _ m (CurrentlyIn (Other y)) xVar = do
let xs = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup (someVar y) m
mkOr =<< sequence [ mkEq xVar x | x <- xs, x /= xVar]
z3ValueSetConstraint var m (CurrentlyNotIn Self) xVar = do
let xs = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup (someVar var) m
mkAnd =<< sequence [ mkNot =<< mkEq xVar x | x <- xs, x /= xVar]
z3ValueSetConstraint _ m (CurrentlyNotIn (Other y)) xVar = do
let xs = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup (someVar y) m
mkAnd =<< sequence [ mkNot =<< mkEq xVar x | x <- xs, x /= xVar]
z3ValueSetConstraint _ _ Every _ = mkTrue
z3ValueSetConstraint _ _ None _ = mkFalse
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/Test/IOTasks/Interpreter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,23 +29,26 @@ interpret s = do
collapsed <- collapseChoice s
pure $ flip evalStateT (emptyValueMap [] :: ValueMap) $
(\() x (vs :: ValueSet v) m -> RecSub (someVar x,wrapValue . readValue @v ,containsValue vs . unwrapValue,m) id ())
-- (\() x (vs :: ValueSet v) m -> RecSub (someVar x,wrapValue . readValue @v, \var m -> (containsValue var m vs . unwrapValue),m) id ())
(\() x (vs :: ValueSet v) m -> RecSub (someVar x,wrapValue . readValue @v, \vMap -> containsValue x vMap vs . unwrapValue,m) id ())
RecSub (x,readF,_,AssumeValid) () p' -> do
v <- lift (readF <$> MTT.getLine)
modify $ insertValue v x
RecSub (x,readF,vsContains,ElseAbort) () p' -> do
v <- lift (readF <$> MTT.getLine)
if vsContains v
vMap <- get
if vsContains vMap v
then do
modify $ insertValue v x
else lift $ MTT.putStrLn "abort: invalid input value"
RecSub (x,readF,vsContains,UntilValid) () p' -> do
let readLoop = do
v <- lift (readF <$> MTT.getLine)
if vsContains v then pure v else lift (putStrLn "invalid value, try again") >> readLoop
vMap <- get
if vsContains vMap v then pure v else lift (putStrLn "invalid value, try again") >> readLoop
v <- readLoop
modify $ insertValue v x
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Test/IOTasks/Random.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Test.IOTasks.Random (
union, intersection,
(\\), with, without,
unique, notInVar,
ints, nats, str,
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Test/IOTasks/Random/Testing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ genTrace spec depth sz maxNeg =
(if maybe False (d >) depth then pure $ NoRec OutOfInputs
else do
frequency $
(5, valueOf vs sz >>= (\i -> pure $ RecSub (wrapValue i) id (insertValue (wrapValue i) (someVar x) e,d+1,n)))
: [(1, valueOf (complement vs) sz >>= (\i -> pure $ RecSame (wrapValue i) id (e,d+1,n+1))) | mode == UntilValid && n < maxNeg]
++ [(1, valueOf (complement vs) sz >>= (\i -> pure $ NoRec $ foldr ProgRead Terminate (show i ++ "\n"))) | mode == ElseAbort && n < maxNeg]
(5, valueOf x e vs sz >>= (\i -> pure $ RecSub (wrapValue i) id (insertValue (wrapValue i) (someVar x) e,d+1,n)))
: [(1, valueOf x e (complement vs) sz >>= (\i -> pure $ RecSame (wrapValue i) id (e,d+1,n+1))) | mode == UntilValid && n < maxNeg]
++ [(1, valueOf x e (complement vs) sz >>= (\i -> pure $ NoRec $ foldr ProgRead Terminate (show i ++ "\n"))) | mode == ElseAbort && n < maxNeg]
(pure . \case
NoRec r -> r
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Test/IOTasks/ValueSet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ module Test.IOTasks.ValueSet (
lessThan, greaterThan,
(\\), with, without,
unique, notInVar,
containsValue, initiallyContainsValue,
-- | = random value generation
Expand Down

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