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Cryptography for Scala and Scala.js, FP-flavoured.

APIs are mostly based on codec approach with partial bijections, using CryptoError case class for errors.



Provides APIs and data types for various cryptographical operations, but without implementations.

This library should be added as dependency to both implementations of crypto algorithms and on the user side, if particular app doesn't require a particular algorithm.


Cross-platform hashing and signing algos.

Use a fluence.crypto.hash.CryptoHashers to access a hashing algorithm. Currently Sha1 and Sha256 are provided.

fluence.crypto.ecdsa.Ecdsa.signAlgo is an instance of SignAlgo with ecdsa_secp256k1_sha256 under the hood.


Encryption and decryption algorithms, coded as arrows and bijections. Currently contains AES ciphering.


Provides a JSON format for serializing a keypair, using codec-circe for JSON processing.

For Scala on JVM, storing on the disc is implemented with use of cats-effect.


Simplified JWT implementation, meaning a JSON-serialized header and claim with signature checking.

codec-circe is used for JSON encoding/decoding, and codec-bits for binary data manipulations.


// Bintray repo is used so far. Migration to Maven Central is planned
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("fluencelabs", "releases")

val cryptoV = "0.0.3"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "one.fluence" %%% "crypto-core" % cryptoV, // basic types and APIs
  "one.fluence" %%% "crypto-hashsign" % cryptoV, // hashers and signatures
  "one.fluence" %%% "crypto-cipher" % cryptoV, // encoding and decoding
  "one.fluence" %%% "crypto-keystore" % cryptoV, // serialize and store a keypair
  "one.fluence" %%% "crypto-jwt" % cryptoV // simple JWT implementation


Fluence is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPLv3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Fluence includes some external modules that carry their own licensing.