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Python package for determination of conformational continua of macromolecules from single-particle cryo-EM data


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Note this is the Flatiron Institute fork of the original ManifoldEM. This particular fork is maintained by Robert Blackwell and Sonya Hanson. This work has made significant contributions in refactoring, code cleanup, optimization, portability, standardization, and distribution since the fork.

ManifoldEM Python Suite

This repository contains the Python software implementation of ManifoldEM for determination of conformational continua of macromolecules from single-particle cryo-EM data, as was first introduced by Dashti, et al. (2014). A detailed user manual is provided here. Carefully going through this manual will prepare you for running ManifoldEM on your own data sets. If you have any questions about ManifoldEM after reading this entire document, carefully check this GitHub forum for similar inquiries or, if no similar posts exist, create a new thread detailing your inquiry.

This software was initially developed in the Frank research group at Columbia University ( in collaboration with members from UWM (see below). The following resources may prove useful for a review of ManifoldEM history, theory and implementations:

  1. Dashti, A. et al. Trajectories of the ribosome as a Brownian nanomachine. PNAS, 2014.
  2. Dashti, A. et al. Retrieving functional pathways of biomolecules from single-particle snapshots. Nature Communications, 2020.
  3. Mashayekhi, G. ManifoldEM Matlab repository.
  4. Seitz, E. et al. Geometric machine learning informed by ground truth: Recovery of conformational continuum from single-particle cryo-EM data of biomolecules. bioRxiv, 2021.


Should be installable in any modern python/conda environment (python 3.9+, though mayavi and pyqt packages don't always immediately work with the most recent version of python).


# create virtual environment. feel free to change the path!
python3 -m venv ~/envs/manifoldem
source ~/envs/manifoldem/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "git+ssh://[email protected]/flatironinstitute/ManifoldEM"



conda create -n manifoldem
conda activate manifoldem

conda install mayavi pyqt=5 python=3.10 -c conda-forge
pip install "git+ssh://[email protected]/flatironinstitute/ManifoldEM"


Note that when using conda, this bypasses conda's package management system and can lead to problems if you later install packages into this environment with conda install. It's recommended to keep an environment purely for ManifoldEM.

Running without 3D acceleration

Some environments might not allow hardware 3D acceleration, such as via X forwarding or most VNC/virtual desktop environments. To work around this, you can disable any 3D visualization widgets in the GUI. This can be done by setting the environment variable by providing the -V flag to manifold-gui

manifold-gui -V

Basic command line interface

For most steps in the ManifoldEM pipeline, the GUI is unnecessary and sometimes even burdensome. For this reason we supply a basic command line interface. The CLI allows the user to make more granular steps through the analysis pipeline and is generally more useful for cluster/remote environment and debugging. All CLI invocations start with the program manifold-cli. If you run manifold-cli with no arguments, it will print a help message and exit.

% manifold-cli
ManifoldEM version: 0.2.0b1.dev190+g447ab76.d20231109

usage: manifold-cli [-h] [-n NCPU] {init,threshold,calc-distance,manifold-analysis,psi-analysis,nlsa-movie,find-ccs,energy-landscape,trajectory} ...

Command-line interface for ManifoldEM package

positional arguments:
    init                Initialize new project
    threshold           Set upper/lower thresholds for principal direction detection
    calc-distance       Calculate S2 distances
    manifold-analysis   Initial embedding
    psi-analysis        Analyze images to get psis
    nlsa-movie          Create 2D psi movies
    find-ccs            Find conformational coordinates
    energy-landscape    Calculate energy landscape
    trajectory          Calculate trajectory

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NCPU, --ncpu NCPU

The output shows that there are nine sub-commands listed in the order they belong in the pipeline. Some commands support additional arguments, especially the init command, which creates a new project in your current working directory. To see how to use a given command, simply run the command with a following -h flag, e.g.

% manifold-cli init -h
ManifoldEM version: 0.2.0b1.dev190+g447ab76.d20231109


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME
                        Name of project to create
  -v AVG_VOLUME, --avg-volume AVG_VOLUME
  -a ALIGNMENT, --alignment ALIGNMENT
  -i IMAGE_STACK, --image-stack IMAGE_STACK
  -m MASK_VOLUME, --mask-volume MASK_VOLUME
  -s PIXEL_SIZE, --pixel-size PIXEL_SIZE
  -d DIAMETER, --diameter DIAMETER
  -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION
  -x APERTURE_INDEX, --aperture-index APERTURE_INDEX
  -o, --overwrite       Replace existing project with same name automatically

An example invocation then might look like

manifold-cli init -v J310/J310_003_volume_map.mrc -a J310/ -i J310/signal_subtracted.mrcs -s 1.22 -d 160.0 -r 3.02 -x 1 -p my_J310_analysis

The rest of the commands will take as their final argument the "toml" file generated from the initialization step. Let's set the image count thresholds and calculate the distance matrices for the leading five eigenvalue decompositions ("psis") next as an example. Note the -n 16 before the sub-command. Most processing steps support this option, which specifies how many workers to use in processing. In most cases you want roughly the output of the nproc command. My workstation has 16 physical cores, so I specify 16 below for the matrix calculation step. Supplying -n for commands that don't support parallel processing is harmless.

% manifold-cli threshold --low 100 --high 4000 params_my_J310_analysis.toml
ManifoldEM version: 0.2.0b1.dev190+g447ab76.d20231109

% manifold-cli -n 16 calc-distance --num-psis 5 params_my_J310_analysis.toml
ManifoldEM version: 0.2.0b1.dev190+g447ab76.d20231109

Computing the distances...
Calculating projection direction information
RELION Optics Group found.
Number of PDs: 132
Neighborhood epsilon: 0.053387630212191464
Number of Graph Edges: (926, 2)

Performing connected component analysis.
Number of connected components: 2
Number of Graph Edges: (485, 2)
Number of Graph Edges: (441, 2)
100%|████████████████| 132/132 [01:09<00:00,  1.89it/s]

This has created a significant amount of data stored in the output/my_J310_analysis/distances -- one file for each principal direction. Currently there isn't much tooling to visualize these outputs, though that is a work in progress. Each file is a python pickle file and can be inspected using the usual python tooling for the curious user.

Let's finish up the first major stage of the pipeline. I'm hiding the output for clarity's sake.

% manifold-cli -n 16 manifold-analysis params_my_J310_analysis.toml &> /dev/null
% manifold-cli -n 16 psi-analysis params_my_J310_analysis.toml &> /dev/null
% manifold-cli -n 16 nlsa-movie params_my_J310_analysis.toml &> /dev/null

At this point, if you wanted to visualize and manually manipulate the principle directions and associated data, you could simply manifold-gui -R params_my_J310_analysis.toml. Here you could set the anchor directions, manually control the sense of each direction, remove directions, and other various things. Once you hit the "Compile Results" command, you can continue using the command line. Here I set a few anchors and will continue on...

% manifold-cli -n 16 find-ccs params_my_J310_analysis.toml &> /dev/null
% manifold-cli -n 16 energy-landscape params_my_J310_analysis.toml &> /dev/null
% manifold-cli -n 16 trajectory params_my_J310_analysis.toml &> /dev/null

Python/Jupyter interface

Researchers/the curious are possibly interested in various things "under the hood" in ManifoldEM. We've provided a basic interface for accessing some of the internal data calculated/written during various stages of the ManifoldEM pipeline. Most internal state isn't fully documented, and is likely to change, so it might take some sleuthing/educated guesswork to figure out what you're actually looking at, and that might disappear in future versions. Regardless, all exposed data can be accessed via the data_store API, which is documented and accessible via the python help interface. An example ipython session...

In [1]: from ManifoldEM.data_store import data_store
   ...: from ManifoldEM.params import params
   ...: params.load('params_J310.toml')
   ...: prd = data_store.get_prd_data(117)
   ...: npix = params.ms_num_pixels
   ...: print(prd)
prd_index: 117
S2_bin_index: 17310
bin_center: [ 0.01355376 -0.00546575  0.9998932 ]
n_images: 216
occupancy: 216
trash: False
anchor: True
cluster_id: 0

In [2]: help(prd)
class PrdData(builtins.object)
 |  PrdData(prd_index: int)
 |  Represents a single projection direction, providing access to its raw and transformed images, CTF images, and metadata.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  info : PrdInfo
 |      Metadata about the projection direction.
 |  raw_images : ndarray
 |      The raw images from the image stack associated with the projection direction.
 |  transformed_images : ndarray
 |      The filtered and "in-plane" rotated images associated with the projection direction.
 |  ctf_images : ndarray
 |      The Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) images associated with the projection direction.
 |  psi_data : dict
 |      The embedding data associated with the projection direction.
 |  EL_data : dict
 |      The NLSA/eigenvalue data associated with the projection direction.
 |  dist_data : dict
 |      The distance information between images in the projection direction, including transformed images
 |      in the `transformed_images` attribute.
 |  ...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties defined here:
 |  EL_data
 |  ctf_images
 |  info
 |  psi_data
 |  raw_images
 |  transformed_images
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------

In [3]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [4]: plt.imshow(prd.EL_data['IMG1'][:,-1].reshape(npix, npix))
Out[4]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fde924838b0>

In [5]:

In [6]: prd.EL_data.keys()
Out[6]: dict_keys(['IMG1', 'IMGT', 'posPath', 'PosPsi1', 'psirec', 'tau', 'psiC1', 'mu', 'VX', 'sdiag', 'Topo_mean', 'tauinds'])

In [7]: prd.psi_data.keys()
Out[7]: dict_keys(['lamb', 'psi', 'sigma', 'mu', 'posPath', 'ind', 'logEps', 'logSumWij', 'popt', 'R_squared'])

In [8]: prd.raw_images.shape
Out[8]: (216, 192, 192)

In [9]: plt.imshow(prd.raw_images[10]);

In [10]: plt.imshow(prd.transformed_images[10]);

In [11]: prd.transformed_images.shape
Out[11]: (216, 192, 192)


Original ManifoldEM Python team (alphabetically ordered):

  • Ali Dashti, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Joachim Frank, Columbia University
  • Hstau Liao, Columbia University
  • Suvrajit Maji, Columbia University
  • Ghoncheh Mashayekhi, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Abbas Ourmazd, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Peter Schwander, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Evan Seitz, Columbia University

The original individual author contributions are usually provided in the headers of each source file, or in the functions. While reasonable effort has been made to retain copyright notices for individual contributions from the source material, significant refactorings have made some individual contributions hard to track or ultimately meaningless.


If you find this code useful in your work, please cite

{E. Seitz et al., "ManifoldEM Python repository," Zenodo, 2021, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5578874}



ManifoldEM Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Robert Blackwell, Ali Dashti, Joachim Frank, Sonya Hanson, Hstau Liao, Suvrajit Maji, Ghoncheh Mashayekhi, Abbas Ourmazd, Peter Schwander, Evan Seitz

The software, code sample and their documentation made available on this repository could include technical or other mistakes, inaccuracies or typographical errors. We may make changes to this software or documentation at any time without prior notice, and we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions therein.

For further details, please see the LICENSE file.


Python package for determination of conformational continua of macromolecules from single-particle cryo-EM data







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