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Filecoin Plus - Backend

License: MIT


🚧 Warning: This project is currently WIP, the information provided may be outdated.

This repository contains the source code for the backend service responsible for managing the Filecoin Plus program.

Project Overview

The filecoin-plus-backend service manages the entire lifecycle of allocator applications within the Filecoin Plus program. It is designed as an event-driven system to automate and streamline the process from initial application submission to final approval. The system starts with a GitHub pull request (PR), which triggers the subsequent automated workflows, aligning with the requirement that all application-related activities are managed via GitHub.

The backend service is responsible for the following key functionalities:

  • Application Submission: Accepting allocator applications from users and submitting them to the Filecoin-Allocator registry repository.
  • KYC Process: Managing the KYC process for applicants.
  • Governance Review: Facilitating the governance review process for applications.
  • Root Key Holder Approval: Managing the on-chain approval process for root key holders.

System Architecture

  • Node JS
  • Typescript
  • MongoDB for storing application data
  • RabbitMQ for message queuing
  • Express API
  • Worker services
    [*] --> Submission
    Submission --> KYC_Not_Started: ApplicationSubmitted
    KYC_Not_Started --> KYC_In_Progress: KYCStarted
    KYC_In_Progress --> KYC_Completed: KYCApproved
    KYC_In_Progress --> KYC_Failed: KYCRejected
    KYC_Completed --> Governance_Review_In_Progress: GovernanceReviewStarted
    Governance_Review_In_Progress --> Governance_Review_Completed: GovernanceReviewApproved
    Governance_Review_In_Progress --> Governance_Review_Failed: GovernanceReviewRejected
    Governance_Review_Completed --> RKH_Approval_In_Progress: RKHApprovalStarted
    RKH_Approval_In_Progress --> RKH_Approval_Completed: RKHApprovalsUpdated[approvals >= threshold]
    RKH_Approval_In_Progress --> RKH_Approval_Failed: RKHApprovalsUpdated[approvals < threshold]
    RKH_Approval_Completed --> [*]
    KYC_Failed --> [*]
    Governance_Review_Failed --> [*]
    RKH_Approval_Failed --> [*]
    Submission --> Submission_Failed: Error during submission
    Submission_Failed --> [*]

Application Submission

  • Applications are submitted via a Form connected to an Airtable
  • For GDPR compliance, the application data is split into two different views, a public and private view.
  • The public data is fetched by the Filecoin Plus backend and stored in a MongoDB database. The data is fetched using the airtable NPM package.
  • Afterwards the backend will create a PR application to the Filecoin-Allocator registry repository. containing the formatted json file with the public data.

Application Phase

Know Your Client (KYC) Process

  • After the application is accepted the applicant will be provided a link to the Togggle platform to complete KYC and human verification.
  • The KYC process is done through the Togggle platform. The Togggle platform will provide a KYC status to the Filecoin Plus backend.

KYC Phase

Governance Review

  • After the KYC is accepted, governance team will review and provide feedback on allocator applications.

Governance Review Phase

Root Key Holder Approval

  • Root Key Holders are responsible for auditing the diligence and bookkeeping of the governance team before approving on-chain DataCap reqeusts to allocators. These requests can be for new allocators, to supply more DataCap to existing allocators, or to remove DataCap from an allocator.

Architecture and Tech Stack

Getting Started

This section provides instructions on how to setup the project locally and using Docker. Before starting, you can clone the repository by running the following command:

git clone

Docker Setup


Before running the Docker setup, you need to have the following tools installed:

  • Docker (docker)
  • Docker Compose (docker compose)


The Docker setup can be configured by setting the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Description Example Values
API_PORT Port number for the API service 3001
MONGODB_URI URI for connecting to MongoDB mongodb://localhost:27017/
RABBITMQ_URL URL for connecting to RabbitMQ localhost:5672
RABBITMQ_USERNAME Username for RabbitMQ authentication admin
RABBITMQ_PASSWORD Password for RabbitMQ authentication admin
RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_NAME Name of the RabbitMQ exchange filecoin-plus
RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_TYPE Type of the RabbitMQ exchange topic
RABBITMQ_QUEUE_NAME Name of the RabbitMQ queue allocator
GITHUB_OWNER Owner of the GitHub repository fidlabs
GITHUB_REPO Name of the GitHub repository filecoin-plus-backend
GITHUB_APP_ID ID of the GitHub App 1
GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for the GitHub App -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...
GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID Installation ID for the GitHub App 1337
AIRTABLE_API_KEY API key for accessing the Airtable API pat*******************
AIRTABLE_BASE_ID ID of the Airtable base app*******************
AIRTABLE_TABLE_NAME Name of the Airtable table tbl*******************
LOTUS_RPC_URL URL for connecting to the Lotus RPC API http://localhost:1234/rpc/v0
LOTUS_AUTH_TOKEN Token for authenticating with the Lotus RPC API lotus_token_*****************


You can run the Docker containers by running the following command:

docker compose up -d

This will start the backend service, database and message broker. By default, the backend service will be available at http://localhost:3001.

After you are done, you can stop the containers by running:

docker compose down

About Us

Three Sigma is a venture builder firm focused on blockchain engineering, research, and investment. Our mission is to advance the adoption of blockchain technology and contribute towards the healthy development of the Web3 space. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us here.