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🌱 🌱 🌱 Create an HTML Vertical Timeline Widget in RMarkdown and Shiny


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The goal of cronologia is to create an interactive timeline widget in RMarkdown documents and Shiny applications.


You can install the stable version from CRAN with



The cronologia package has three functions:

  • create_tml() : used to create simple text-based timelines.
  • create_tml_img(): used to create timelines that include images.
  • create_tml_2(): works the same way as create_tml() except that it adds and additional description component.



In order to showcase the package’s features, let’s create a simple data frame:

batman_data <- data.frame(

  date_release = c("May 31, 2005",
                   "July 14, 2008",
                   "July 16, 2012 "),

  title = c("Batman Begins",
                  "The Dark Knight",
                  "The Dark Knight Rises")

#>     date_release                 title
#> 1   May 31, 2005         Batman Begins
#> 2  July 14, 2008       The Dark Knight
#> 3 July 16, 2012  The Dark Knight Rises

Now, using create_tml(), we can create easily a timeline as follows:


create_tml(df = batman_data, # the data frame
           smr = "title", # the column that will be used in the summary 
           dsc = "date_release" # the column that will be used in the description

You can easily customize the appearance of the time line using the parameters provided:

create_tml(df = batman_data,
           smr = "title", # summary
           dsc = "date_release", # description
           smr_col = "blue", # summary text color
           smr_bgcol = "orange", # summary background color
           dsc_col = "white", # description text color
           dsc_bgcol = "black", # description background color
           dsc_size = "30px" # description size


If you want to make all the summary components open by default, you can set the open parameter to TRUE. The parameter is available in all the functions.


If you want to include images within your timeline, you can use the create_tml_img() function. To illustrate this function, we’ll use the radous package that fetch the API and returns a data frame that contains many information (including images’ URLs).

Disclaimer: All the generated images are extracted from the authorized section of UI Faces.


df <- get_data(n = 4, seed = "123")

#> # A tibble: 4 x 4
#>   name_last location_street_na~ picture_large                          name_last
#>   <chr>     <chr>               <chr>                                  <chr>    
#> 1 Campos    Rua Três   Campos   
#> 2 Jackson   Armagh Street Jackson  
#> 3 Ruona     Hämeentie  Ruona    
#> 4 Steward   Henry Street Steward

Now we will proceed as previously except that we need to provide two additional arguments:

  • imgsrc: the column that indicates the source of the images.
  • imgalt: the column indicating the alt attribute of the images. For accessibility reasons I decided to make this argument mandatory. Use a column that contains "" if the images do not need the alt attribute.
df <- radous::get_data(4, seed = "123")

               smr = "name_last", 
               dsc = "location_street_name", 
               imgsrc = "picture_large", 
               imgalt = "name_last", 
               imgwidth = "150px", 
               imgheight = "150px", 
               dsc_size = "20px")


Following the idea of Tobias for creating an interactive CV I thought that two (2) description components would be more appropriate. The function is similar to create_tml() except that it adds another description paragraph to the Timeline.

Let’s go through an example:

cv <- data.frame(
  jobs = c("Game tester at Nintendo", "Food tester at Ferrero", "Movies tester at Netflix"), 
  period = c("2020-2022", "2022-2024", "2026-2030"),
  todos = c("Playing Zelda all day", "Eating Bueno all day", "Watching the Office all day")

#>                       jobs    period                       todos
#> 1  Game tester at Nintendo 2020-2022       Playing Zelda all day
#> 2   Food tester at Ferrero 2022-2024        Eating Bueno all day
#> 3 Movies tester at Netflix 2026-2030 Watching the Office all day
             smr = "jobs", 
             dsc = "period", 
             dsc2 = "todos", 
             dsc2_col = "white",
             dsc2_bgcol = "peru") # yes, peru is also a color


  • Writing unit tests
  • Creating a hex sticker
  • Sharing with RWeekly
  • Talk about it at a virtual event

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Please note that the cronologia project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.