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jozh-translit NuGet Version

jozh-translit is a .NET transliteration library. Can be used to transliterate static texts and also to work in "live" mode. Supported platforms: .NET 3.5, .NET 4, .NET 4.5 and .NET Portable (.NET 4 / .NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8).

Sample usage

var t = new Transliterator(EnRu.MapJson);
var res = t.Transliterate("Shhuchka i jozh bol'shie druz'ja!");
// res: Щучка и ёж большие друзья!

Supported transliteration maps

Currently the only built-in map is ´English to Russian´, but you can easily provide your own maps. Map should be a JSON object with following structure:

	"А": ["A"],
	"а": ["a"],
	"Ё": ["Jo", "Yo"],
	"ё": ["jo", "yo"],
	"Щ": ["Shh", "W"],
	"щ": ["shh", "w"],
	"Ъ": ["##"],
	"ъ": ["#"]

Please note that you need to provide graphemes for both upper case and lower case.

Static transliteration

Used when you have a text and you need to transliterate it. For such operation you will need to create an instance of Transliterator class and call Transliterate method.

Live transliteration

Can be connected with some input field to simulate live typing. Use TransliteratorLive class. It has AddChar method that returns AddCharResult class which contains found grapheme and status ("instruction" of what to do with added char). TransliteratorLive saves previously added chars that allows to enter complex grapehemes such as ch, shh etc.

Lets check the next example:

var t = new TransliteratorLive(EnRu.MapJson);
AddCharResult res1 = t.AddChar('C');
AddCharResult res2 = t.AddChar('h');
AddCharResult res3 = t.AddChar('a');
AddCharResult res4 = t.AddChar('j');
AddCharResult res5 = t.AddChar('!');

Now let's see what is returned for every call of AddChar method:

Char Status Grapheme Explanation
'C' NewGrapheme "Ц" "C" is equal to "Ц".
'h' SubstitutePreviousGrapheme "Ч" "Ch" is equal to "Ч". Status says that previous grapheme should be replaced
'a' NewGrapheme "а" We can't find anything for "Cha" so try "a" and find "а".
'j' NewGrapheme "й" We can't find anything for "aj" so try "j" and find "й".
'!' NoGraphemeFound NULL We can't find anything for "j!" and "!" so status says that grapheme was not found and grapheme itslef is null.

There is also a Reset method. It will clear previously eneted chars in TransliteratorLive, so next char that you enter will be processed without a history:

var t = new TransliteratorLive(EnRu.MapJson);
AddCharResult res1 = t.AddChar('C');
AddCharResult res2 = t.AddChar('h');


Char Status Grapheme Explanation
'C' NewGrapheme "Ц" "C" is equal to "Ц".
'h' NewGrapheme "х" Reset was called. "h" is equal to "х".