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NFT Block Tool for Editor.js

This Tool allows you to embed NFTs into your Editor.js editor.

NFT block tool example

🚀 The development of this tool is sponsored by Share team — a decentralized social network for creators.


API server

You need to run a server that will provide the NFT data. In example we use Alchecmy API to get token data.

You can run it with yarn server. It will run on port 3000. Create a .env file as a copy of .env.sample in the root of the project and fill the values.

Request and response types

Server request and response types are defined in src/types/index.ts file as NftToolServerRequest and NftToolServerResponse.

Tool itself

Use your package manager to install the package @editorjs/nft.

npm install @editorjs/nft

yarn add @editorjs/nft

Then import tool to the page with Editor.js.

import NftTool from '@editorjs/nft';

const editor = new EditorJS({
  tools: {
    nft: {
      class: NftTool,
      config: {
        endpoint: 'http://localhost:3000/alchemy',

  // ...

Check out the example page.


Check the NftToolConfig interface in src/types/index.ts file with types.

You have to define the endpoint of the API server in the config. API server should return the data in the format described in the Request and response types section.

Output Data

Check the NftToolData interface in src/types/index.ts file with types.


This tool uses Vite as builder.

yarn dev — run development environment with hot reload

yarn build — build the tool for production to the dist folder


Editor.jsCreate Tool