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Erik Baauw edited this page May 23, 2023 · 7 revisions

This page provides an overview of the config.json parameters used by Homebridge deCONZ.

See Dynamic Configuration for an overview of the run-time parameters.

1. Overview

1.1 Common Settings

Typically, you only want to specify the common settings.

Key Default Description
hosts [] An array of hostnames or IP addresses and ports of the deCONZ gateways. Leave empty for automatic gateway discovery.
To specify a single hostname or IP address, use an array with a single string entry, e.g. "hosts": [""]. To specify multiple hostnames and/or IP addresses, separate the entries by commas, e.g. "hosts": ["", ""] or "hosts": ["", ""].
platform The name of the platform Homebridge deCONZ provides to Homebridge.
Mandatory, must be set to "deCONZ".

1.2 Advanced Settings

The advanced settings are used to tune the behaviour of Homebridge deCONZ. Typically, you want to leave these at their default values.

Key Default Description
forceHttp false Connect to the Phoscon discovery portal and to the NPM registry over plain http instead of over https.
noResponse false Report unreachable lights as No Response in HomeKit.
Not yet implemented.
parallelRequests 10 The number of asynchronous requests Homebridge deCONZ sends in parallel to a deCONZ gateway. Must be between 1 and 30. You might want to decrease this if Homebridge deCONZ reports ECONNRESET errors.
The default is 10.
timeout 5 The time, in seconds, to wait for a response from a deCONZ gateway (or the Phoscon discovery portal or UPnP discovery). Must be between 5 and 30.
You might want to increase this if Homebridge deCONZ reports ETIMEDOUT or ESOCKETTIMEDOUT errors.
waitTimePut 50 The time, in milliseconds, to wait after sending a PUT request to a light, before sending the next PUT request.
waitTimePutGroup 1000 The time, in milliseconds, to wait after sending a PUT request to a group, before sending the next PUT request.
waitTimeResend 300 The time, in milliseconds, to wait before resending a request after an ECONNRESET error. Must be between 100 and 1000.
waitTimeReset 500 The time, in milliseconds, to wait before resetting a characteristic value. Must be between 10 and 2000.
waitTimeUpdate 100 The time, in milliseconds, to wait for a change from HomeKit to another characteristic for the same light or group, before updating the deCONZ gateway. Must be between 20 and 500.
You might want to increase this when Homebridge deCONZ reports something like api error 201: parameter, xy, is not modifiable. Device is set to off., on activating a HomeKit scene that turns a light on at a specific colour, colour temperature, and/or brightness.

2. Examples

2.1 Configuration for Gateway on Local Host

The example below is a typical configuration for when Homebridge deCONZ runs on the same server as deCONZ, running on port 80. This is the recommended setup.

  "platforms": [
      "platform": "deCONZ",
      "hosts": [""]

2.2 Configuration for Gateway Discovery

The example below is a typical configuration automatic gateway discovery.

  "platforms": [
      "platform": "deCONZ"