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Cusnarks Overview

Cusnarks is an optimized CUDA implementation of ZK-SNARK setup and prover based on Groth16 over curve bn128. It has been designed with the objective of computing proofs for up to 2^27 constraints in shortes time possible in a platform consisting of NxGPUs and MxCPU cores. CUSNARKS is expected to work with circom for the generation and compilation of circuits, and with snarkjs for the computation witnesses, proof verification and parts of the trusted setup. Additionally, cusnarks works with circom2, an optimized version of circom that allows to compile and generate witnesses for very large circuits.

Cusnarks has been developed in C/C++/CUDA-C and Python. Python is the driving language where proof and setup scripts are launched. Computation intensive functionality on the host (CPU) side has been written in C/C++. Computation intensive functionality on the the device (GPU) side has been writted in CUDA. Cython is used to build wrappers around C functions so that they can be called from Python and executed on CPU or GPU. An overview of the software architecture can be found here.

Elliptic curve scalar multiplication, the heaviest blocks in terms of computation requirements have been implemented to run on the GPU side. CPU is used during the conversion of Elliptic Curve points from jacobian to affine cordinates and during QAP reduction in the prover and to perform polynomial multiplication (via FFT). In upcomming versions we will use CPUs as an additional resource in the last multi-exponentiation stages as a way to reduce proof time.

The current partition of GPU vs. CPU functionality on the prover side is shown in below.


NOTE: Prover can be run entirely in CPU if no GPUs are available

The trusted setup is currently very slow. Implementation has been done using a single CPU core, except for the multi-exponentiation stage where we use a non-optimized algorithm for a single GPU.



  1. Download repository From now on, the folder where cusnarks is downloaded will be called $CUSNARKS_HOME

  2. Change to $CUSNARKS_HOME directory and execute (builds Cusnarks) and launch_cusnarks (launches a proof server and requests proofs) scripts


Alternatively, you can install Cusnarks manually:

  1. Ensure that all dependencies are installed.

Tested versions of required libraries and programs are provided below for reference.

- Python3.6+
    - Cython (0.26.1)
    - numpy (1.17.1)
    - future (0.17.1)
    - nvgpu (0.8.0) : If GPU needed
- g++ compiler (7.4.0)
- nasm (2.13.02)
- CUDA toolkit (10.1)
- openmp (201511)
- node (10.16.0)
- npm (6.9.0)
- rustup (1.20.2)
- clang (6.0.0)
- build-essential (12.4)
- libssl-dev (1.1.1)

NOTE: Current version of cusnarks has been tested on x86_64 Linux with Ubuntu 16.04.06 and 18.04.2 distributions.

  1. Build cusnarks to generate shared libraries in $CUSNARKS_HOME/lib.
make all

Two libraries are generated upon compilation of cusnarks

  • : Cusnarks shared library
  • : Cusnarks shared library wrapped with Cython wrapper so that it can be used from Python
  1. Generate some metadata required for cusnarks, including :
  • Roots of unity for curve bn128. Default option generates 2^20, which allows processing circuits of up to 2^19 constraints. When prompted, provide the desired number of roots to generate (maximum is 2^28).
  • Location of folder to place input/output data. By default, location is $CUSNARKS_HOME/data
make config
  1. Launch units tests (optional)

NOTE: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is used to select the GPUs to be used. To get a numbered list of available GPUs type:


The output may look like this:

Thu Dec 19 12:57:34 2019       
| NVIDIA-SMI 440.33.01    Driver Version: 440.33.01    CUDA Version: 10.2     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|   0  GeForce GTX 1080    Off  | 00000000:5E:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
| 42%   62C    P2   106W / 180W |   2693MiB /  8119MiB |    100%      Default |
|   1  GeForce GTX 1080    Off  | 00000000:B1:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
| 27%   25C    P8     6W / 180W |   2687MiB /  8119MiB |      0%      Default |
|   2  GeForce GTX 1080    Off  | 00000000:D9:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
|  0%   24C    P8     9W / 240W |   2687MiB /  8119MiB |      0%      Default |
| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
|    0     32195      C   python3                                     2683MiB |
|    1     32195      C   python3                                     2677MiB |
|    2     32195      C   python3                                     2677MiB |

In the example above, there are 3 GPUs numbered 0,1,2.

To launch GPU tests on GPUS 1 and 2 you need the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 make test_system

To launch unit tests on CPU you need the following command:

make test_unit

Launching Cusnarks

Launch setup and proof generation by running Following command displays help menu.

cd src/python
python3 -h

Trusted Setup

To generate a trusted setup from a .json/.bin compiled circuit, type:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<ordered list of GPUs> python3 -m s -in_c <INPUT_CIRCUIT file> -pk <OUT_PROVING_KEY file> -vk <OUT_VERIFICATION_KEY file> -seed <RANDOM SEED> 

Mandatory arguments:

  • INPUT_CIRCUIT file : location of file containing set of constraints generated by compiler. input file is expected to be in Extension needs to be .json, .bin or .r1cs.
  • OUT_PROVING_KEY file : Output Proving Key file generated during trusted setup. Extension needs to be .json or .bin.
  • OUT_VERIFICATION_KEY file : Output Verification Key file generated by trusted setup. Extension needs to be .json.

A detailed description of different file formats can be found ħere.

Note : if input or output files are placed in the $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits directory, just provide file name. CUSNARKS wil automatically search in this directory

Running the trusted setup requires snarkjs being installed to compute parts of the verification key. Cusnarks automatically downloads it into $CUSNARKS_HOME/third_party_libs/snarkjs

Optional arguments

  • -v : Enable verification. If value is 1, setup verification is enabled. After setup is generated, cusnarks will call snarkjs to generate setup. Verification is done by comparing both outputs
  • -t OUTPUT_TABLE_FILE.bin: Precompute EC Tables and write them to OUTPUT_TABLE_FILE.


There are two mechanisms to generate a proof:

  • Server mode : Launches a server that accepts requests to generate proofs for a given trusted setup by providing a witness file. This is the default and recommended mechanism (Prover initialization is slow)
  • One off : Launches a single Prover

Server Mode

To launch Proof Server:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<ordered list of GPUs> python3 -m p -pk <INPUT_PROVING_KEY file> -vk <INPUT_VERIFICATION_KEY file> 

Mandatory arguments:

  • INPUT_PROVING_KEY file : Input Proving Key file generated by trusted setup. Extension needs to be .json or .bin.
  • INPUT_VERIFICATION_KEY file : Input Verification file generated by trusted setup if verification is required when launching proof. Extension is .json

Optinal arguments:

  • -gpu : Number of GPUs. Ex. -gpu 2 will use two GPUS. -gpu 0 will use 0 GPUs and tests will be run on CPU

To request a proof:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<ordered list of GPUs> python3 -m p -w <INPUT_WITNESS file file> -p <OUTPUT_PROOF file> -pd <OUTPUT_PUBLIC_DATA file> -seed <RANDOM SEED> -v <0|1>

Mandatory arguments:

  • INPUT_WITNESS file : Input Witness file. Extension needs to be .bin or .dat.
  • OUTPUT_PROOF file : Output file containing proof. Extension needs to be .json.
  • OUTPUT_PUBLIC_DATA file : Output file containing public data. Extension needs to be .json.

A detailed description of different file formats can be found here.

Optional arguments

  • -v : Enable verification. If value is 1, proof verification is enabled. After proof is generated, cusnarks will call snarkjs to verifty proof. Cusnarks will return the output
  • INPUT_VERIFICATION_KEY file: If verification is required, location of verification file generated during trusted setup needs to be provided. Extension is .json.

Non-Server Mode

To request a proof in non-server mode (assumes server is not launched. If it has been launched, it will run on Server Mode):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<ordered list of GPUs> python3 -m -pk<INPUT_PROVING_KEY file> -vk <INPUT_VERIFICATION_KEY file> -w <INPUT_WITNESS file file> -p <OUTPUT_PROOF file> -pd <OUTPUT_PUBLIC_DATA file> -seed <RANDOM SEED> -v <0|1>


In this section we will go through an example on how to compile a circuit using circom2 to obtain a valid set of R1CS constraints and a valid witness, and how to call cusnarks to compute the Trusted Setup and the Proof.

Circuit Compilation

Cusnarks provides a compiler circom2 to generate R1CS constraints and witness from a given circuit. circom2 is located in $CUSNARKS_HOME/third_party_libs/za/.

If you have followed the installation steps indicated in this manual rust compiler is already installed in your system. If this is the case, you can directly jumt to step 3. Otherwise, keep reading.

Steps to follow :

  1. Install rust compiler
curl -sSf | sh
sudo apt-get install clang build-essential libssl-dev
source $HOME/.cargo/env
  1. Compile circom2

From $CUSNARKS_HOME/ type:

make all

After this step is completed, cusnarks and circom2 are ready to use.

  1. Review circuit

circom2 provides a test circuit that can be used to generate test proofs with an arbitrary number of constraints. The circuit can be found in $CUSNARKS_HOME/third_party_libs/za/interop/circuits/cuda/circuit.circom. The circuit is shown below.

template T(N) {
	signal private input p;
	signal output q;

	signal tmp[N];	

	tmp[0] <== p;
	tmp[1] <== p + 1;
	tmp[2] <== p + 2;
	for (var i=0;i<N-3;i+=1) {
		tmp[i+3] <== (tmp[i] + tmp[i+1]) * (tmp[i+1] + tmp[i+2]);

	q <== tmp[N-1];

template test1() {
	component main = T(10000);
	#[w] {
		main.p <== 2;

component main = T(10000);

circuit.circom is a very simple circuit that generates N+3 constraints from a single input p and a single output q.

In this particular circuit, N is equal to 10000.

To modify the number of constraints, set the number N in T(N) to the desired number of constraints. In our example we will set N to be 4000000 by changing both occurrences to component main = T(400000)

NOTE: Modified circuit name needs to be circuit.circom

  1. Generate constraints From the same directory where circuit.circom is placed, type:
../../../target/release/circom2 compile --cuda=r1cs4M_c.bin

Wait a few minutes and the output will be a constraint file called r1cs4M_c.bin located in the same folder as circuit.circom. The format of r1cs4M_c.bin is described in constraints-circom-format.

  1. Generate witness From the same directory where circuit.circom is placed, type:
../../../target/release/circom2 test --skipcompile --outputwitness

Wait a few minutes and the output will be a witness file called test1.binwitness. Unfortunately, this witness file is in big-endian format and we need to convert it to little-endian.

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=4 test1.binwitness r1cs4M_w.dat

Move r1cs4M_c.bin and r1cs4M_w.dat to $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/ folder

After this last step is completed, you have generated a constraint file and a valid witness. Next step is to generate the Trusted Setup.

The format of r1cs4M_w.dat is described in witness-format


Once constraint and witness file have been generated and place in $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/, run the cusnarks to compute the Trusted Setup.

Go to directory $CUSNARKS_HOME/src/python/ to launch Trusted-Setup.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python3 -m s -in_c r1cs4M_c.bin -pk r1cs4M_pk.bin -vk r1cs4M_vk.json 

Wait a few minutes until cusnarks has finished computing the Trusted Setup. When it is done the proving key and verification key files will be computed and placed in $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/ folder.

To check Trusted-Setup progress type:

tail -f $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/_SETUP/log

NOTE: Throughout this example we are using GPUs 1 and 2 and that is why we are setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES. This will likely change in your particular environment.


Once the Trusted Setup step has been computed, it is time to compute the proof. Computing the proof is a two step process. Even though in this specific case it is not very useful to launch the prover in server/client mode as there is only a single witness created, we will show how you should proceed to launch prover in server/client mode as it is the normal operation mode.

  1. Launch Proof server

Go to directory $CUSNARKS_HOME/src/python/ to launch Proof server

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python3 -m p -pk r1cs4M_pk.bin -vk r1cs4M_vk.json

Wait a few seconds until the message below appears on the screen.

GP init : 112.70901942253113
Server listening on port 8193 ready...
Server listening on port 8192 ready...

To check Proof server progress type:

tail -f $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/_PROOF/log

During this stage prover is being initialized with the contents of the proving key.

  1. Launch Proof client
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python3 -m p -w r1cs4M_w.dat -p r1cs4M_proof.json -pd r1cs4M_pd.json -v 1

Wait a few seconds until final completion message appears on screen. At the end of the process the proof and the public data files will be written to $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/ folder.

To check Proof server progress type:

tail -f $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/_PROOF/log

When the proof is generated, you can launch another Proof client following the same steps as described in this section.

When the proof is generated the client will display aome type of message on screen:

  "witness_f": "/mnt/disk2/druiz/cusnarks/circuits/r1cs4M_w.dat",
  "proof_f": "/mnt/disk2/druiz/cusnarks/circuits/r1cs4M_proof.json",
  "public_data_f": "/mnt/disk2/druiz/cusnarks/circuits/r1cs4M_pd.json",
  "verify_en": 1,
  "proof_id": 0,
  "result": 1,
  "init": [
  "Read_W": [
  "Eval": [
  "Mexp": [
  "H": [
  "Proof": 27.8771
  • witness_f : location of witness file
  • proof_f : location of output proof file
  • public_data_f : location of output public data file
  • verify_en : Flag to indicate if verification was requested (1: Verification Enabled/ 0: Verification Disabled)
  • proof_id : Proof unique identifier
  • result : Proof result (-2: Aborted, -1: Ongoing, 0 :Failed, 1: Sucess, 2: Verification not requested)
  • init : Array containing two numbers. First number is time taken by initialization in seconds. Second number is the relative initialization time with respect to complete proof time
  • Read_W : Array containing two numbers. First number is time taken by reading witness file in seconds. Second number is the relative witness reading time with respect to complete proof time
  • Eval : Array containing two numbers. First number is time taken by poly evaluation phase in seconds. Second number is the relative poly evaluation time with respect to complete proof time
  • Mexp : Array containing two numbers. First number is time taken by multi-exponentiation phase in seconds. Second number is the relative multi-exponentiation time with respect to complete proof time
  • H : Array containing two numbers. First number is time taken by FFT phase in seconds. Second number is the relative FFT time with respect to complete proof time
  • Proof : Total proof time in seconds
  1. Stop Proof server

If you want to launch a new Proof server with a different proving/verification key, you need to first stop the Proof server, and then follow the steps outlined above to generate a new set of constraints, witness and Trusted Setup.

To stop the server:

python3 -stop_server 1

Cusnarks Options

This section describes the some of the options embedded in cusnarks via command arguments. General usage is:

python [OPTIONS]

NOTE Remember that cusnarks needs to be launched from $CUSNARKS_HOME/src/python directory.

In section Example we described the minimum arguments required to launch cusnarks. In this section we will further detail some additional options.

To list all available options, type:

python3 -h

Options can be divided in three groups:

  • Generic mode : General info
  • Setup mode : Configure Trusted setup
  • Proof mode : Configure Proof generation


This section enumerates options that are either deprecated and its use may produce unintended results, or functionality that is still not implemented. At some point, all deprecated options will be deleted from the menu.

  • snarkjs : describes current location of snarkjs.
  • ml <MIN_LEVELS> : Unclear use.
  • Ml <MAX_LEVELS> : Unclear use.
  • rep <N_REP> : Unclear use.
  • b : Unclear use.
  • r_cpus RESERVED_CPUS : Mechanism to limit the number of CPUs used.
  • wf <WITNESS_FORMAT> : Input witness format (Montgomery/Normal). Currently, only normal format is accepted.
  • df <DATA_FOLDER> :

Generic mode

  • -h

Setup mode

Setup is launched with the following command:

python3 -m s [SETUP_OPTIONS]
  • in_c <INPUT_CIRCUIT> :
  • out_c <OUTPUT_CIRCUIT> :
  • pk <PROVING_KEY>
  • vk
  • kf <KEYS_FORMAT>
  • d
  • seed <SEED

Proof mode

Proof is launched with the following command:

  • seed SEED
  • p PROOF
  • v VERIFY
  • gpu MAX_GPUs
  • stream MAX_STREAMS
  • server <START_SERVER>

Additionally, it is possible to launch several comands without -m p option that affect the behavior of a previously launched proof server. Examples of this include:

  • stop_server <STOP_SERVER> :
  • stop_client <STOP_CLIENT> :
  • alive <IS_ALIVE> :
  • l :


Modules are divided into 4 categories depending on functionality:

  1. Infrastructure Layer : Modules in this class have no dependencies and perform basic functionality common to all project (constants and type definition mostly). Infrastructure modules can be accessed by both host and device.

  2. Service Layer : Modules in this class implement non core functionality used by higher layers (logging, random number generation or CUDA kernel launch abstraction). Service modules are implemented in C or CUDA C. All services layer modules are accessible by host side. Logging can be access by both host and device.

  3. Core Layer ; Modules in this category implement Snarks core functionalty, including modular and elliptic curve implementation. Core functionality is duplicated in C and Python. Python was used as a fast prototyping implementation that could be used to validate C version and not as an efficient Snarks implementation. On the other hand, CUDA-C was designed with the main objective of being a very efficient implementation in terms of execution time. Thus, most modules are executed in the device side. Host side C core layer modules are mainly used to define kernel function handlers, although functionality will be extended to have CPUs accelerate computation.

  4. Applications Layer : User applications. For now only setup and prover functionality is included, but in the future witness generation will be in in this layer. Application layer modules are implemented in Python and can launch CUDA kernels via cusnarks_kernel module and host side accelerated C functions via utils_host Cython wrapped module

Below you can see a block diagram of the software arhictecture. Architecture



Module Name Executed on Description
pysnarks CPU Main script that launches the setup or the proof depending on the arguments passed
groth_setup CPU Implementation of GrothSetup class
groth_prover CPU Implementation of GrothProver class


Module Name Executed on Description
utils_host CPU Implementation of several field and elliptic curve operations. Most of them are warpped in Cython ($CUSNARKS_HOME/src/cython/_cusnarks_kernel.pyx) so that they can be called from Python
cusnarks_kernel CPU CUDA resource manager (memory allocation, kernel launching,...)
u256 CPU Initialization of object U256 (256 bit integer)
u256_device GPU Implementation of u256 finite field arithmetic, including mod, addm, subm, montgomery multiplicationm...
zpoly CPU Initialization of object Field Polynomial
zpoly_device GPU Implementation of arithmetic on polinomials of finite field elements including FFT
ecbn128 CPU Initialization of object Elliptic Curve in G1
ecbn128_device GPU Implementation of G1 arithmetic over BN128 curve
ec2bn128 CPU Initialization of object Elliptic curve in G2
ec2bn128_device GPU Implementation of G2 arithmetic over BN128 curve

Additionally, there are some additional Python modules:

Module Name Executed on Description
bigint CPU Implementation of big integer functionaliy
zutils CPU Several utilities for field and group arithmetic
zfield CPU Finitie field arithmetic
z2field_element CPU Extended finite field arithmentic
zpoly CPU Arithmetic of polynomials with finite field elements
ecc CPU Elliptic curve functionality


Module Name Executed on Description
pysnarks_utils CPU Utilities for conversion of file formats used all around cusnarks
json_socket CPU Communication library to establish a server and a client
cuda_wrapper CPU Python wrapper to be able to launch CUDA kernels from Python
rng CPU Encapsulation of Random Number Generator pcg
log CPU/GPU Logging functionality. See Logging for more details on how logging works


Module Name Executed on Description
types CPU/GPU basic type definition
constants CPU/CPU Constant definition
cuda GPU Some error check functionality for CUDA

Some Results

This section provides some performance results generated with Dell T640 server with 2xIntel Xeon Silver [email protected] (32 cores), 128GB of memory and 2XGPU GTX 1080. Maximum number of constraints achieved is 2^26 and took 230 seconds. Proof performance for different number of constraints is shown below.

Some Results-performance

Below it is displayed the relative performance per functional block (Mexp, FFT, Witness Read and Initialization). Some Results-block

Log2 N constraints Time Cusnarks [s] Time Libsnarks [s]
22 18 50
23 30 96
24 69 176
25 116 327
26 234 675

File Formats

CUSNARKs requires and generates different files. The picture below shows a block diagram containing the three main actors (Setup, Proof Server and Prover) and how they relate to the different files.

File Formats

In this section we will describe the different files and their formats. Below you can see a table summarizing the different formats.

File type Extensions
Constraints .bin, .json, .r1cs
Proving Key .json, .bin
Verification Key .json
Witness .txt, .json, .dat, .bin
EC Tables .bin
Proof .json
Public Data .json
Results stdout

Trusted setup consumes constraint files and produces Proving Key and Verification ket. Proof server consumes the Proving Key. The Prover consumes Verification Key and generates the Proof, Public data and Results. Below there is a figure summarizing the structure of which block generates and consumes which file.


Constraint files are generated by a SNARK compiler and consumed by cusnarks trusted setup.


Constraint system generated by circom. JSON file includes the following keys:

Key Description
constraints set of constraints. Every set is 3xN list thatincludes the R1CSA, R1CSB and R1CSC as coeff, value tupple
nPubInputs Number of public inputs in the circuit
nOutputs Number of outpus in the circuit
nVars Number of wires
cirformat Representation of values in the constraint set. 0 is 256 number. 1 is Montgomery representation
protocol 'groth'


Constraint system generated by circom2. 32 bit words are represented as Little Endian.

Key Bit size Description
nWordsa 64 bits Length of file in 32 bit words
nPubInputs 64 bits Number of public inputs in the circuit
nOutputs 64 bits Number of outputs in the circuit
nVars 64 bits Number of wires in the circuit
nConstraints 64 bits Number of constraints
cirformat 64 bits Representation of values in the constraint set. 0 is 256 number. 1 is Montgomery representation
R1CSA_nWords 64 bits Length of R1CSA constraints in 32 bit words
R1CSB_nWords 64 bits Length of R1CSB constraints in 32 bit words
R1CSC_nWords 64 bits Length of R1CSC constraints in 32 bit words
R1CSA RBCSA_nWords R1CSA constraints
R1CSB R1CSB_nWords R1CSB constraints
R1CSC R1CSC_nWords R1CSC constraints

R1CS constraints are represented as follows:

Field Bit size Description
nConstraints 32 bit Total Number of constraints
Number coefficients constraint_0 32 bits
Cum. number coefficients constraint_1 32 bits N coeff constraints_0 + N coeff constraints_1
... 32 bit ...
Cum. number coefficients constraint_N-1 32 bits N coeff constraints_0 + N coeff constraints_1 +...+ N constraints_N-1
Coeff_0_0 32 bit constraint 0, coefficient 0
Coeff_0_1 32 bit constraint 0, coefficient 1
... 32 bit ...
Coeff_0_M-1 32 bit constraint 0, coefficient M-1
Value_0_0 256 bit constraint 0, value 0
Value_0_1 256 bit constraint 0, value 1
... 256 bit ...
Value_0_M-1 256 bit constraint 0, value M-1
Coeff_1_0 32 bit constraint 1, coefficient 0
Coeff_1_1 32 bit constraint 1, coefficient 1
... 32 bit ...
Coeff_N-1_0 32 bit constraint N-1, coefficient 0
Coeff_N-1_1 32 bit constraint N-1, coefficient 1
... 32 bit
Coeff_N-1_Mn-1 32 bit constraint N-1, coefficient Mn-1
Value_N-1_0 256 bit constraint N-1, value 0
Value_N-1_1 256 bit constraint N-1, value 1
... 256 bit ...
Value_0_Mn-1 256 bit constraint N-1, value Mn-1


Constraint system generated by circom. See r1cs for a detailed description.

Proving Key

Trusted setup generated by cusnarks Trusted Setup and consumed by cusnarks Prover.


JSON includes the following keys:

Key Description
ftype 'PK_FILE'
protocol 'groth'
Rbitlen Size of Field elements. For BN128 Rbit len is '256'
k_binformat Representation of field elements ('normal'/'montgomery')
k_ecformat Representation of group elements ('affine')
nVars Number of wires in circuit
nPublic Number of public data in circuit (nPubInputs + nOutputs)
domainBits : Number of bits
domainSize Size (power(2,domainBits))
field_r Order of field (for BN128 field_r is "21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617")
group_q Order of group (for BN128 group_1 is "21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583")
A Set of elliptic curve points A in G1
B1 Set of elliptic curve points B1 in G1
B2 Set of elliptic curve points B2 in G2
C Set of elliptic curve points C in G1
hExps Set of elliptic curve points K[nInputs+1:nVars] in G1
polsA QAP A
polsB QAP B
polsC QAP C
vk_alfa_1 Elliptic curve point alpha in G1
vk_beta_1 Elliptic curve point beta in G1
vk_beta_2 Elliptic curve point beta in G2
vk_delta_1 Elliptic curve point delta in G1
vk_delta_2 Elliptic curve point delta in G2

Note : Elliptic curve points in G1 are represented with three coordinate system (X, Y, Z=1). Elliptic curve points in G2 are represented with three coordinate system (X, Y, Z = [1,0])


32 bit words are represented as Little Endian in .bin format. The format of .bin files is:

Field Bit size Description
nWords 32 bit Unused
ftype 32 bit File type (1)
protocol 32 bit Protocol type (Groth -> 1)
Rbitlen 32 bit Size of field/group (256)
k_binformat 32 bit Representation of field elements (1 -> montgomery)
k_ecformat 32 bit Representation of group elements (2 -> affine)
nVars 32 bit Number of wires in circuit
nPublic 32 bit Number of public inputs in circuit
domainBits 32 bit Number of bits
domainSize 32 bit Size (power(2,domainBits))
field_r 32 bit Field order
group_q 32 bit Group order
polsA_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit words in representation of polsA
polsB_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit words in representation of polsB
polsC_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit words in representation of polsC
A_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit workds in representation of EC point A
B1_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit workds in representation of EC point B1
B2_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit workds in representation of EC point B2
C_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit workds in representation of EC point C
hExps_nWords 64 bit Number of 32 bit words in representation of EC point K[nInputs+1:nVars]
polsA n bit QAP A
polsB n bit QAP B
polsC n bit QAP C
alfa_1 512 bit Elliptic curve point alpha in G1
beta_1 512 bit Elliptic curve point beta in G1
beta_2 1024 bit Elliptic curve point beta in G2
delta_1 512 bit Elliptic curve point delta in G1
delta_2 1024 bit Elliptic curve point delta in G2
A n bit Set of elliptic curve points A in G1
B1 n bit set of elliptic curve points B1 in G1
B2 n bit set of elliptic curve points B2 in G2
C n bit set of elliptic curve points C in G1
hExps n bit set of elliptic curve points K[nInputs+1:nVars] in G1

Note : Elliptic curve points in G1 are represented with two coordinate system (X, Y). Elliptic curve points in G2 are also represented with two coordinate system (X, Y)

Formt of polsA, polsB and polsC is:

Field Bit size Description
nVars 32 bit Number of embedded polys
nCoeff_0 32 bit Number of coefficients in poly 0
nCoeff_1 32 bit Number of coefficients in poly 1
... 32 bit ...
nCoeff_N-1 32 bit Number of coefficients in poly N-1
Value_0_0 256 bit Value 0, Poly 0
Value_1_0 256 bit Value 1, Poly 0
... 256 bit ...
Value M-1,0 256 bit Value M-1, Poly 0
Value 0, 1 256 bit Value 1, Poly 1
... 256 bit ...
Value Mn-1, N-1 256 bit Value Mn-1, Poly N-1

Verification Key

Verification key is generated by CUSNSAKRS during trusted setup and consumed by snarkjs during proof verification.


JSON contains the following keys:

Key Description
Rbitlen Size of field/group (for BN128 Rbitlen is "256")
binFormat Format of field elements ('normal')
domainBits Number of bits
domainSize Size of FFT. (power(2,domainSize))
ecFormat Format of Elliptic curve elements ('affine')
field_r Order of field (for BN128 field_r is "21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617")
group_q Order of group (for BN128 group_1 is "21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583")
nPublic Number of public variables (Number of public input + number of output)
nVars Number of wires in the circuit
protocol 'groth'
vk_alfa_1 Elliptic curve element alpha in G1
vk_beta_2 Elliptic curve element beta in G2
vk_delta_2 Elliptic curve element delta in G2
vk_gamma_2 Elliptic curve element gamma in G2
vk_alfabeta_12 Pairing e(alpha, beta)
IC Elliptic curve elements K[0:nInputs] in G1


Witness is required for cusnarks prover. There are four possible formats (.txt, .json, .bin, .dat). There are two binary represenations (.bin and .dat) because different applications generate different formats.


Text file including a witness in every line.


JSON file including a comma separated witness in very line. Witness sequences is cintained between square brackets ([..])


Generated by circom. Format is :

Field Bit size Description
nWords 32 bit Number of witness input
wSize 32 bit Size of witness in 32 bit words
other 32 bit Empty
witness_0 n bit Witness 0
witness_1 n bit Witness 1
... n bit ...
witness_N-1 n bit Witness N-1


Generated by circom2. Format is :

Field Bit size Description
nWords 32 bit Number of witness input
wSize 32 bit Size of witness in 32 bit words
other 64 bit Empty
other 128 bit Empty
witness_0 n bit Witness 0
witness_1 n bit Witness 1
... n bit ...
witness_N-1[n bit] : Witness N-1

EC Tables

OUtput from cusnarks Setup and consumed by cusnarks Prover.


Precomputed table binary file has the following format:

Field Bit size Description
Order 32 bit Table generation order. Tables will have 2^Order elements
Offset T A 64 bit Offset in 32 bit words of A Table 1 in file
Offset T B2 64 bit Offset in 32 bit words of B2 Table 1 in file
Offset T B1 64 bit Offset in 32 bit words of B1 Table 1 in file
Offset T C 64 bit Offset in 32 bit words of C Table 1 in file
Offset T hExps 64 bit Offset in 32 bit words of hExps Table 1 in file
T1 A Var A Table (from 0 to nVars)
T1 B2 Var B2 Table (from 0 to nVars)
T1 B1 Var B1 Table 1 (from 0 to nVars)
T1 C Var C Table 1 (from nPublic+1 to nVars)
T1 hExps Var hhExps Table 1 (from 0 to domainSize-1)


Output from cusnarks Prover and consumed by verifier snarkjs.


JSON file contains the following keys:

Key Description
pi_a Elliptic curve point in G1
pi_b Elliptic curve point in G2
pi_c Elliptic curve point in G1
protocol groth

Public Data

Public data


List containining the public elements in the input data separated by a comma.


Results are generated by the Prover. The format is Python dictionary including the following keys:

Key Description
Proof Total proof time
status Result of proof verification. 0 -> Proof is incorrect. 1 -> Proof is correct, 2 -> No verification requested
init Prover initialization time list. First element in the list is the absolute time. Second element is the relative time with respect to the total proof time
read W Time spent reading witness file. First element in the list is the absolute time. Second element is the relative time with respect to the total proof time
Mexp Time spent cAomputing multi-exponentiation in G1 and G2. First element in the list is the absolute time. Second element is the relative time with respect to the total
Eval Time spent computing QAP from R1CS. First element in the list is the absolute time. Second element is the relative time with respect to the total proof time
H Time spent computing H. First element in the list is the absolute time. Second element is the relative time with respect to the total proof time

Note : the sum of all the time spent in different submodules is less than the total proof time. This is because some things are done in parallel.

Other Info

Directory Structure

  • build\ : Object files
  • data\ : Auxiliary files (precomputed roots of unity,...)
  • lib\ : Generated dynamic libraries
  • src\
    • cuda\ : C/C++/CUDA sources (.cpp, .c, .cu, .h)
    • cython\ : Cython files (.pyx, .pxd)
    • python\ : Python source files (.py)
  • test\
    • python\ : Python unit test. They mainly test Python library using unittest unit testing framework. However, there are some files ( that test CUDA functions as well.
    • c\ : C unit tests for host side functionality. -aux_data\ : Files used during tests.
    • ideas\ : Folder containing small scripts testing some ideas to be implmented in main code
  • profiling\ : Profiling information
    • python\ : Collection of scripts to measure time of CUDA functions
  • third_party_libs\ : Exteral libraries used will be automatically downloaded here
    • pcg-cpp\ : implementation of PCG family of random number generators. Full details can be found at the PCG-Random website.
    • snarkjs\ : snarkjs repository
    • za\ : rust circom repository
  • circuits\ : Default location where circuits are processed by cusnarks.
    • _SETUP\ : Default location where Trusted setup files are copied.
    • _PROOF\ : Default location where Proof fils are copied.
  • config\ : Location of initial configuration scripts.


There are two types of logging. From Python side, logs during trusted setup are recorded in $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/_SETUP/log, and during proof in $CUSNARKS_HOME/circuits/_PROOF/log

From C/CUDA side, logs are available as well, but are disabled by default. To enable logs, edit $CUSNARKS_HOME/src/cuda/log.h file. There are two constants defined :

  • LOG_LEVEL : There are 5 levels of logging (nolog, error, warning, info, debug). To enable logs, define LOG_LEVEL constant as one of these types. Use function LogError(), LogWarning(), LogInfo(), LogDebug() to log a message. Message is displayed in standard output. These functions are only to be used in CPU side.
  • LOG_TID : Define the kernel thread id that you want to display the message. To log a message for a particular TID, use functions LogXXXBigNumberTid or LogXXXTid, where XXX is Error, Warning, Info or Debug depending on the severity. LogXXXBigNumberTid displays a U256 integer. LogXXXTid can be used to display other data types. Its use is similar to printf. Both functions are only to be used in GPU side.

After modifying log.h you will need to do a make clean build to recompile with the new changes.

NOTE: if logging is disabled, logging function calls are not compiled and thus add no overhead.


The following is a non-comprehensive list of interesting material:

Next Steps

Future direction of cusnarks will include:

  1. Increase speed. Target is to be able to compute 2^27 constraints under 10 minutes in a single PC
  2. Increase curve coverage. Currently, only curve bn128 is supported. Next versions will include BLS12-381, MNT4 and MNT6.
  3. Adapt cusnarks to multi-server architecture so that multiple PCs can be used to compute a proof.


CUDA implementation of SNARKs







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