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Python package and Jupyter notebooks used for analysis of sequencing data for NIST LacI landscape analysis


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The repository contains a Python package and Jupyter notebooks used for analysis of genotype-phenotype landscape data. As input, gsf_ims_fitness takes several files produced by software in the bartender-1.1, NISTBartender, and engineering-bio-lacI-landscape repositories (see below). It produces output data in the form of a Pandas DataFrame that can be exported in various formats for additional analysis, if necessary.


gsf_ims_fitness was written in Python3, version 3.11.4

It was written with the following python packages:

  • matplotlib

  • numpy

  • pandas

  • scipy

  • cmdstanpy

  • seaborn

  • biopython

  • scikit-learn

  • palettable

  • cmocean

  • ipython

  • pyyaml

To install the correct package versions, use one of the .yml files included in this repository. gsf_ims_env.yml is from a Windows installation. gsf_ims_env.AWS.yml is from a Linux installation (on an AWS EC2 instance). They are very similar, but they were set up independently, so we reccomend using the environment file spoecific to the computer OS.

After installing conda (miniconda reccomended:, create the gsf_ims environment with:


conda env create -f gsf_ims_env.yml


conda env create -f gsf_ims_env.AWS.yml

Then install the gsf_ims_fitness package from source:

For Windows:

cd gsf_ims_fitness
pip install -e .

For Linux:

cd gsf_ims_fitness
python3 -m pip install -e .

Data Requirements

gsf_ims_fitness requires the following input data files:

  • Output from the NISTBartender software: "output_file_label.trimmed_sorted_counts.csv"

  • Output from bartender-1.1 software (run as stand-alone or automatically from NISTBartender): "output_file_label_forward_cluster.csv", "output_file_label_forward_barcode.csv", "output_file_label_reverse_cluster.csv", and "output_file_label_reverse_barcode.csv".

  • Output from the engineering-bio-lacI-landscape long-read sequencing data analysis pipeline (one file for each plasmid region):

    • "barcode_1.tsv.gz"

    • "barcode_2.tsv.gz"

    • "empty_1.tsv.gz"

    • "empty_2.tsv.gz"

    • "empty_3.tsv.gz"

    • "empty_4.tsv.gz"

    • "insulator.tsv.gz"

    • "KAN.tsv.gz"

    • "lacI.tsv.gz"

    • "Ori.tsv.gz"

    • "primers.tsv.gz"

    • "tetA.tsv.gz"

    • "YFP.tsv.gz"


After generating the required input files listed above, run the following Jupyter notebooks (in order):

"BarSeq DataFrame.ipynb"

This notebook initializes the Pandas Dataframe that will contain the genotype-phenotype landscape data. It also has a step to mark actual chimera reads (dual barcode pairs that are improperly matched) for later removal. Finally, it runs the least-squares fitting routine to covert from barcode read counts to fitness for each sample and runs the Bayesian inference methods to estimate the dose-response curves from the fitness results. The Stan code for the Bayesian inference models is located in the "\gsf_ims_fitness\Stan models" folder in this repository.

"BarSeq post sensor fit data cleanup.ipynb"

This notebook adds columns to the DataFrame to indicate the number of points of agreement between the Hill model and GP model fits, the LacI amino acid sequence for each variant, and the mutation codes indicating the amino acid changes relative to the wild-type sequence (e.g. "A106D")

"Attach cds from long-read PacBio.ipynb"

This notebook uses the output from from bartender-1.1 and engineering-bio-lacI-landscape to add the lacI CDS sequences to the DataFrame.

Notebooks for other plasmid regions

The following notebooks use the output from bartender-1.1 and engineering-bio-lacI-landscape to add the sequence information for other plasmid regions to the DataFrame:

"PacBio YFP.ipynb", "PacBio tetA.ipynb", "PacBio empty_1.ipynb", "PacBio empty_2.ipynb", "PacBio empty_3.ipynb", "PacBio insulator.ipynb", "PacBio KAN.ipynb", "PacBio Ori.ipynb".

DataFrame Columns

After running the Jupyter notebooks listed above the Pandas DataFrame referenced by the BarSeqFitnessFrame.barcode variable will contain a row for each LacI variant in the library and the following columns of data for each variant:

column contents
forward_BC variant barcode sequence from the forward read
reverse_BC variant barcode sequence from the reverse read
A1 - H12 dual barcode read count for the variant from each sample in the 96-well library prep plate
total_counts total dual barcode read count
possibleChimera Boolean value indicating if the dual barcode is a possible chimera
parent_geo_mean Geometric mean of the total_counts of the possible parent barcodes, used to assess chimeric barcodes
isChimera Boolean value indicating whether or not the dual barcode is chimeric (i.e. not representative of a real LacI variant)
fraction_total total_counts divided by the total dual barcode count for the entire experiment
read_count_0_2 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 1 (the 2nd growth plate) without tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_20_2 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 1 (the 2nd growth plate) with tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_0_3 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 2 (the 3rd growth plate) without tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_20_3 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 2 (the 3rd growth plate) with tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_0_4 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 3 (the 4th growth plate) without tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_20_4 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 3 (the 4th growth plate) with tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_0_5 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 4 (the 5th growth plate) without tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
read_count_20_5 array of dual barcode read counts for time point 4 (the 5th growth plate) with tetracycline, the array gives the values for the 12 different IPTG concentrations used
fitness_0_estimate_b estimated fitness without tetracycline, normalized by the plate-to-plate dilution factor and the growth plate time (i.e. fitness=1 indicates 10-fold growth during one plate cycle, 160 minutes)
fitness_0_err_b uncertainty estimate for fitness without tetracycline, from the non-linear least-squares fit
fitness_20_estimate_b estimated fitness with tetracycline, normalized by the plate-to-plate dilution factor and the growth plate time (i.e. fitness=1 indicates 10-fold growth during one plate cycle, 160 minutes)
fitness_20_err_b uncertainty estimate for fitness with tetracycline, from the non-linear least-squares fit
sensor_params posterior medians for fit parameters from Baysian Hill equation model
sensor_params_cov posterior covariance matrix for fit parameters from Baysian Hill equation model
sensor_rms_residuals rms residual for Baysian Hill equation model fit
sensor_stan_samples 32 posterior samples for each fit parameter from Baysian Hill equation model
sensor_params_quantiles 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 posterior quantiles for each fit parameter from Baysian Hill equation model
sensor_GP_params posterior medians for fit parameters from Baysian Gaussian process (GP) model
sensor_GP_cov posterior covariance matrix for fit parameters from Baysian Gaussian process (GP) model
sensor_GP_g_quantiles 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 posterior quantiles for the estimated log10(gene expression output) at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
sensor_GP_Dg_quantiles 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 posterior quantiles for the estimated derivative of log10(gene expression output) vs. log10([IPTG]), at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
sensor_GP_Df_quantiles 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 posterior quantiles for the estimated fitness impact of tetracycline at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
sensor_GP_residuals rms residual for Baysian GP model fit
sensor_GP_g_var posterior variance for the log10(gene expression output) at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
sensor_GP_dg_var posterior variance for the derivative of log10(gene expression output) vs. log10([IPTG]), at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
sensor_GP_g_samples 32 posterior samples for the log10(gene expression output) at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
sensor_GP_dg_samples 32 posterior samples for the derivative of log10(gene expression output) vs. log10([IPTG]), at each IPTG concentration from Baysian GP model
good_hill_fit_points number of points of agreement between the Bayesian Hill equation and GP model fits, i.e. the number of IPTG concentrations at which the median estimate for the Hill equation dose-response curve was within the central 90% credible interval from the GP model
rev_BC_ID identification number assigned to reverse barcode by bartender-1.1 algorithm
dual_BC_ID string concatenation of for_BC_ID and rev_BC_ID, separated by underscore character
concensus_cds the consensus LacI CDS sequence from the long-read sequencing
cds_error_rate per-base read error rate for consensus CDS, equal to zero unless different CCS reads for the same variant gave conflicting CDS results
pacbio_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the LacI sequence in the long-read data for the variant
concensus_cds_mutation_rate per-base mutation rate of the CDS relative to the wild-type CDS
hasConfidentCds Boolean value indicating whether or not the CDS assignment is confident (see manuscript supplementary information)
lacI_amino_seq LacI amino acid sequence for the variant
lacI_amino_mutations number of animo acid subsitutions relative to the wild type
mutation_codes mutation codes indicating the amino acid substitutions relative to the wild type
log_low_level log10(G0)
log_low_level error posterior uncertainty for log10(G0), 1 standard deviation
log_low_level samples 32 posterior samples for log10(G0)
log_high_level log10(G_)
log_high_level error posterior uncertainty for log10(G), 1 standard deviation
log_high_level samples 32 posterior samples for log10(G)
log_ic50 log10(EC50)
log_ic50 error posterior uncertainty for log10(EC50), 1 standard deviation
log_ic50 samples 32 posterior samples for log10(EC50)
log_n log10(n)
log_n error posterior uncertainty for log10(n), 1 standard deviation
log_n samples 32 posterior samples for log10(n)
log_high_low_ratio log10(G/G0)
log_high_low_ratio error posterior uncertainty for log10(G/G0), 1 standard deviation
log_high_low_ratio samples 32 posterior samples for log10(G/G0)
pacbio_KAN_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the kanamycin resistance plasmid region in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_KAN_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the kanamycin resistance plasmid region for the variant
pacbio_Ori_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the origin of replication plasmid region in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_Ori_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the origin of replication plasmid region for the variant
pacbio_YFP_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the YFP plasmid region in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_YFP_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the YFP plasmid region for the variant
pacbio_empty_1_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the intergenic plasmid region between the origin and the barcodes in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_empty_1_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the intergenic plasmid region between the origin and the barcodes for the variant
pacbio_empty_2_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the intergenic plasmid region between the LacI gene and the barcodes in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_empty_2_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the intergenic plasmid region between the LacI gene and the barcodes for the variant
pacbio_empty_3_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the intergenic plasmid region between the origin and the barcodes in the long-read data for the variant, split because fot the starting point for CCS reads
pacbio_empty_3_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the intergenic plasmid region between the origin and the barcodes for the variant
pacbio_insulator_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the regulatory plasmid region in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_insulator_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the regulatory plasmid region for the variant
pacbio_tetA_count number of PacBio CCS reads with the sequence for the tetA plasmid region in the long-read data for the variant
pacbio_tetA_mutations number of DNA mutations found in the tetA plasmid region for the variant


Python package and Jupyter notebooks used for analysis of sequencing data for NIST LacI landscape analysis







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