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iOS client app for theMovieDB api. It allows users to login using their theMovieDB credentials.

An authenticated user can search for movies, view the movie poster, add to his/her watchlist and add to his/her favorites list.



Main Entry Point into the app

  • SceneDelegate.swift file scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions)
  • It determines the appropriate root viewcontroller to display.
  • LoginViewController if the user is not logged in and the UITabViewController if the user is logged in


  • CoreData: stores user favorite and watchlist movies, implemented in Services/DataController.swift
  • Model/TheMovieManager.xcdatamodeld holds the CoreData model with the following fields,
  • id: Int32 - The movie id
  • title: String - The title of the movie
  • favorite: Boolean - Indicates if the movie has been added to favorites list
  • watchlist: Boolean - Indicates if the movie has been added to watchlist
  • posterPath: String - The poster image path, which is being resolved in Constants.swift to$path
  • releaseDate: Date - The date the movie was released
  • UserDefaults: stores the sessionId credential for theMovieDB API, implemented in Services/Auth.swift
  • Alamofire: HTTP networking library
  • The router is set up in Mode/TMDB Client/TMDBRouter.swift
  • The api client is set up in Mode/TMDB Client/TMDBClient.swift
  • Kingfisher: library for downloading and caching movie poster images
  • Used in MovieDetailViewController.swift to load the poster image

How to build

pod install
  • Open TheMovieManager.xcworkspace in Xcode

  • Update your moviedb API key in Model/Constants.swift

  • Run the app


  • Xcode 12
  • Swift 5


  • CoreData - for storing user favorite and watchlist movies
  • Alamofire - for making API networking calls
  • Kingfisher - for downloading and caching movie poster images
