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Woocomerce Product sales and daily email Firebase Functions project.(example)

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WooCommerce and Firebase Integration Documentation for the website :

System Architecture
The integration is based on the following key components:

WooCommerce: The e-commerce platform used to manage the online store, products, sales, and customers.
Firebase: Used for storing sales data and managing email sending.
WooCommerce Webhook: Enables real-time communication between WooCommerce and Firebase when sales are completed.
Firebase Functions: Used to process sales data and send daily email summaries.
Data Flow
Firebase SDK in WordPress: Firebase SDK code is included in the WordPress header.php file to establish the initial connection with Firebase.

Webhook in WooCommerce: A webhook is set up in WooCommerce to send data to Firebase each time a sale is completed.
Firebase Function for Sales Processing: A function deployed from VS Code listens for data sent by the webhook and stores it in the Firebase database.
Data Storage: Sales data is stored in a Firebase database, organized by date and other relevant criteria.
Daily Summary Function: A second Firebase function is triggered at the end of the day to send an email with the daily sales summary to the store administrators.

WooCommerce Setup

WooCommerce Installation: Ensure WooCommerce is installed and configured on your WordPress site.
Webhook Creation: Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Webhooks and create a new webhook:
Name: "Completed Sale to Firebase" (or a descriptive name).
Status: Active.
Topic: "Order updated".(then on your function filter the others with status completed and it will works perfectly.)
Delivery URL: URL of the Firebase function that will process the sales data.(after deploying de function on firebase)
Delivery Method: Webhook.

Firebase Setup
Firebase Project Creation: Create a new project in Firebase and follow the instructions to initialize it.

Functions Deployment:
Use the VS Code terminal to deploy Firebase functions with firebase deploy.
Ensure the functions are set up to process webhook data and to send the daily email.

Accessing and Interpreting Sales Data

Firebase Console: Access the Firebase console to view the database.
Data Structure: Sales data is stored with date tags, order IDs, product details, and quantities.
Data Interpretation: Use Firebase tools or query the database directly to generate sales reports or analyses.

Maintenance and Support
WooCommerce and Firebase SDK Updates: Keep WooCommerce and the Firebase SDK updated to ensure compatibility.
Firebase Functions Monitoring: Regularly review Firebase functions for any errors or warnings.
Security: Ensure access and permissions to the Firebase database are correctly set up to protect sales data.

Of coruse this is one way , other is to create user friendly advanced interface where you can run your  functions locally on your own app and
build nice desing interface with next.js ,react,etc.


=== Deploying to 'salestrack-e4495'...

i  deploying functions
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint

> lint
> eslint .

✔  functions: Finished running predeploy script.
i  functions: preparing codebase default for deployment
i  functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
i  functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
i  artifactregistry: ensuring required API is enabled...
⚠  functions: missing required API Enabling now...
⚠  artifactregistry: missing required API Enabling now...
✔  functions: required API is enabled

Error: Your project salestrack-e4495 must be on the Blaze (pay-as-you-go) plan to complete this command. Required API can't be enabled until the upgrade is complete. To upgrade, visit the following URL:

Having trouble? Try firebase [command] --help
josealmontecolon@MacBook-Air-de-jose mi-proyecto-firebase % NOTE

i want also to say that i combined the emulator with the firestore database to test and it worked you can purchase any product on the website and test the code
for that i created a free app product that you can purchase for 00.

to test the functions 

in the terminal :

1.firebase emulators:start

2.installed ngrok 

3. ngrok http 5001 on the terminal.

after that you  purchase the product  (cost its 0.00 for testing purpose)

dont forget to login with your firebase on your vs code terminal it will create automatically firestore database and store there the last purchase and you can go and check and do what ever you want with this data .


Given Google's policy change that no longer allows access to Google accounts through applications using only username and password for authentication (considered less secure apps), the safest and most sustainable recommendation is to use OAuth2 authentication to access Google services. This includes sending emails through Gmail with Nodemailer in your Firebase Functions project.

Implementing OAuth2 with Nodemailer:
To use OAuth2, you'll need to obtain a client_id, client_secret, and a refresh_token from your Google Cloud Platform console. These credentials will then be used to configure Nodemailer.

Steps to Configure OAuth2:
Create a Project in Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

Go to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project or select an existing one.
Enable Gmail API:

Within your GCP project, go to "API & Services" > "Library", search for the "Gmail API" and enable this API for your project.
Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials:

Navigate to "Credentials" in the sidebar of GCP, click "Create Credentials", and select "OAuth client ID".
Set up the OAuth consent screen if you haven't already.
Choose "Desktop app" as the application type when creating the OAuth client ID.
Obtain client_id, client_secret, and Generate refresh_token:

Once you've created the OAuth 2.0 credentials, copy the client_id and client_secret.
To obtain the refresh_token, use a tool or script that implements the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow with your client_id and client_secret. During this process, you will grant permissions to the app and receive an authorization code that you can exchange for a refresh_token.
Configure Nodemailer in Your Firebase Function:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'gmail',
  auth: {
    type: 'OAuth2',
    user: '[email protected]',
    clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
    clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
    refreshToken: 'YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN',

Replace 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET', and 'YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN' with your actual values obtained in the previous steps.
Deployment and Testing:
After setting up Nodemailer with OAuth2, deploy your Firebase function with firebase deploy --only functions and perform tests to ensure that emails are sent correctly.
By using OAuth2, your application will be more secure and comply with Google's policies, ensuring long-term compatibility with Google services.

NOTE : for testing purpose the function sendDailyASalesSummary sends instant mail every time you run the init or save command ,for testing purpose.

I really enjoyed doing this retification as i forgot about firestore EMULATOR .thanks!


Woocomerce Product sales and daily email Firebase Functions project.(example)






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