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This project is a template to help you write your own plugin.

You can find in all js objects in src an explanation of what you have to do.

Update your package.json

In package.json and in this project we provide you with many thing to start your plugin development:

  • Setup jest for unit test.
  • Setup eslint with AirBnB syntax.
  • Setup the build command.

Feel free to pick and choose from those base settings.

But before starting to develop your plugin you have to modify some properties of your package.json :

  • name: put your plugin name here.
  • version: we set the template version here, but you have to set your plugin version instead.
  • description: explain what your plugin does.
  • repository: update with your repository values.
  • keywords: Your keywords that describe your plugin.
  • author: put the name and email of your maintainer for your plugin.
  • bugs / homepage: update with your repository url.
  • main / exports: correspond to your build file that would be used by other

Don't forget to regenerate the package-lock.json with this command npm i --package-lock-only.

Don't forget to modify the jsdoc.config.js to set your wanted plugin name and url.

Don't forget to modify the webpack.config.js to set your wanted export file name.

We provide a changelog.json to explain all change in the template, you can remove it and have your own changelog file.

Name your plugin

By default, in this template we use "MyPlugin" as your plugin name.

So once your plugin's name is chosen, you have to make these modifications:

  • Rename these files and their content:
    • src/draw/MyPluginDrawer.js
    • src/metadata/MyPluginMetadata.js
    • src/parser/MyPluginParser.js
    • src/render/MyPluginRenderer.js
    • src/models/MyPlugin.js
  • Change the content of src/index.js

Example: You want to name your plugin Fruit

src/draw/MyPluginDrawer.js becomes src/draw/FruitDrawer.js

import { DefaultDrawer } from 'leto-modelizer-plugin-core';

class FruitDrawer extends DefaultDrawer {}

export default FruitDrawer;

Do the same thing for MyPluginMetadata, MyPluginParse and MyPluginRenderer.

Content of src/models/MyPlugin.js becomes:

import {
} from 'leto-modelizer-plugin-core';
import FruitDrawer from 'src/draw/FruitDrawer';
import FruitMetadata from 'src/metadata/FruitMetadata';
import FruitParser from 'src/parser/FruitParser';
import FruitRenderer from 'src/render/FruitRenderer';
import { name, version } from 'package.json';

 * My fruit plugin.
class FruitPlugin extends DefaultPlugin {
   * Default constructor.
  constructor() {
    const pluginData = new DefaultData({

      pluginDrawer: new FruitDrawer(pluginData),
      pluginMetadata: new FruitMetadata(pluginData),
      pluginParser: new FruitParser(pluginData),
      pluginRenderer: new FruitRenderer(pluginData),

export default FruitPlugin;

Content of src/index.js becomes:

import FruitPlugin from 'src/models/FruitPlugin';

export default FruitPlugin;

Write your metadata

To make your plugin work we need to have an array of ComponentDefinitions.

The DefaultMetadata provides two methods:

  • validate to validate the metadata
  • parse to set all ComponentDefinitions in pluginData from your provided metadata

To keep our previous example, we can have 4 ComponentDefinitions for our FruitPlugin:

  • Bag, it's a bag that can contains fruits. It has only one mandatory attribute, its maxSize that represent the maximum of fruit it can carry.
  • Fruit, it's a simple fruit. Its only mandatory attribute is name.

in this example, we don't want to parse and validate a metadata file.

But you can find an implementation example here which can validate and get definitions from this metadata.

So, here is our FruitMetadata class:

import {
} from 'leto-modelizer-plugin-core';

class FruitMetadata extends DefaultMetadata {
  parse() {
    const bagDefinition = new ComponentDefinition('bag');
    bagDefinition.definedAttributes.push(new ComponentAttributeDefinition(
      'maxSize', // Attribute name
      'Number',  // Attribute type
      true, // is required
    bagDefinition.isContainer = true;
    const fruitDefinition = new ComponentDefinition('fruit');
    fruitDefinition.definedAttributes.push(new ComponentAttributeDefinition(
      'name',   // Attribute name
      'String', // Attribute type
    this.pluginData.definitions.components = [bagDefinition, fruitDefinition];

export default FruitMetadata;

Write your parser

You have to implement you own parser to manage the file formats you want.

MyPluginParser has only two methods to implement:

  • isParsable(fileName): Boolean, to indicate if the provided fileName has to be parsed.
  • parse(inputs[]), to parse an array of file input and retrieve all the corresponding components.

The parse method updates the this.pluginData.components and this.pluginData.parseErrors.

You can use any library you want to parse all the files. For your information, we use Antlr for our terraform parser.

Manage the parser errors

On LetoModelizer we use Monaco editor. We design our ParseError class to make all errors usable by MonacoEditor.

So, when your parser throws|returns a parsing error, you should provide all errors positions. Leto-Modeliser has the ability to display correctly those errors in the monaco editor.

Write your renderer

You have to implement you own renderer to transform all components and links in your wanted files.

Method to implements: parse()

Customize your drawer models

By default, we provide a default icon and model for the drawer.

If you don't want to use them, feel free to override them with your svg.

But for model, if you want the drawer to set the default values on it, you have to set:

  • an attribute id: to set the default id of your component.
  • an attribute x: to set the default x position of your component.
  • an attribute y: to set the default y position of your component.
  • a class .component-name: to set the component name as text
  • a class .component-type: to set the component type as text

Use custom model in drawer

You can provide multiple models and icons that can be used by the drawer.

To do that, you have to add the svg of your icons in the folder public/icons and the svg of your models in the folder public/models.

Take care of the model name, it will be used by the specific method called in drawer.


Add a model MyFruitModel.svg in public/models and an icon banana.svg in public/icons.

You have to set in one or more ComponentDefinition the property:

  • model with the value MyFruitModel, to indicate to the drawer which model it has to use.
  • icon with the value banana, to indicate to the drawer which icon it has to use.

Build your plugin

You can build your plugin with this command:

npm run build