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Exports data to an Excel worksheet.


Exports data to an Excel file and where possible tries to convert numbers in text fields so Excel recognizes them as numbers instead of text.
After all: Excel is a spreadsheet program used for number manipulation and calculations. 
The parameter -NoNumberConversion * can be used if number conversion is not desired.





   Get-Process | Export-Excel .\Test.xlsx -show

Export all the processes to the Excel file 'Test.xlsx' and open the file immediately.

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
    PS\> $ExcelParams = @{
        Path    = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
        Show    = $true
        Verbose = $true
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
    PS\> Write-Output -1 668 34 777 860 -0.5 119 -0.1 234 788 |
            Export-Excel @ExcelParams -NumberFormat ' [Blue$#,##0.00; [Red]-$#,##0.00'
    Exports all data to the Excel file 'Excel.xslx' and colors the negative values in Red and the positive values in Blue.
    It will also add a dollar sign in front of the numbers which use a thousand seperator and display to two decimal places.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
    PS\> $ExcelParams = @{
        Path    = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
        Show    = $true
        Verbose = $true
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
    PS\> [PSCustOmobject][Ordered]@{
        Date      = Get-Date
        Formula1  = '=SUM(F2:G2)'
        String1   = 'My String'
        String2   = 'a'
        IPAddress = ''
        Number1   = '07670'
        Number2   = '0,26'
        Number3   = '1.555,83'
        Number4   = '1.2'
        Number5   = '-31'
        PhoneNr1  = '+32 44'
        PhoneNr2  = '+32 4 4444 444'
        PhoneNr3  =  '+3244444444'
    } | Export-Excel @ExcelParams -NoNumberConversion IPAddress, Number1
    Exports all data to the Excel file "Excel.xlsx" and tries to convert all values to numbers where possible except for "IPAddress" and "Number1", which are 
    stored in the sheet 'as is', without being converted to a number.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
    PS\> $ExcelParams = @{
        Path    = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
        Show    = $true
        Verbose = $true
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
    PS\> [PSCustOmobject][Ordered]@{
        Date      = Get-Date
        Formula1  = '=SUM(F2:G2)'
        String1   = 'My String'
        String2   = 'a'
        IPAddress = ''
        Number1   = '07670'
        Number2   = '0,26'
        Number3   = '1.555,83'
        Number4   = '1.2'
        Number5   = '-31'
        PhoneNr1  = '+32 44'
        PhoneNr2  = '+32 4 4444 444'
        PhoneNr3  =  '+3244444444'
    } | Export-Excel @ExcelParams -NoNumberConversion *
    Exports all data to the Excel file 'Excel.xslx' as is, no number conversion will take place.  This means that Excel will show the exact same data that you 
    handed over to the 'Export-Excel' function.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------
    PS\> $ExcelParams = @{
            Path    = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
            Show    = $true
            Verbose = $true
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
    PS\> Write-Output 489 668 299 777 860 151 119 497 234 788 |
            Export-Excel @ExcelParams -ConditionalText $(
                New-ConditionalText -ConditionalType GreaterThan 525 -ConditionalTextColor DarkRed -BackgroundColor LightPink
    Exports data that will have a Conditional Formatting rule in Excel that will show cells with a value is greater than 525, with a background fill color of 
    "LightPink" and the text in "DarkRed".
    Where the condition is not met the color will be the default, black text on a white background.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------
    PS\> $ExcelParams = @{
        Path    = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
        Show    = $true
        Verbose = $true
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
    PS\> Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Name, Status, DisplayName, ServiceName |
            Export-Excel @ExcelParams -ConditionalText $(
                New-ConditionalText Stop DarkRed LightPink
                New-ConditionalText Running Blue Cyan
    Exports all services to an Excel sheet, setting a Conditional formatting rule that will set the background fill color to "LightPink" and the text color to 
    "DarkRed" when the value contains the word "Stop".
    If the value contains the word "Running" it will have a background fill color of "Cyan" and text colored 'Blue'.
    If neither condition is met, the color will be the default, black text on a white background.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------
    PS\> $ExcelParams = @{
            Path      = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
            Show      = $true
            Verbose   = $true
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
    PS\> $Array = @()
    PS\> $Obj1 = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Member1   = 'First'
        Member2   = 'Second'
    PS\> $Obj2 = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Member1   = 'First'
        Member2   = 'Second'
        Member3   = 'Third'
     PS\> $Obj3 = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Member1   = 'First'
        Member2   = 'Second'
        Member3   = 'Third'
        Member4   = 'Fourth'
    PS\> $Array = $Obj1, $Obj2, $Obj3
    PS\> $Array | Out-GridView -Title 'Not showing Member3 and Member4'
    PS\> $Array | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Export-Excel @ExcelParams -WorksheetName Numbers
    Updates the first object of the array by adding property 'Member3' and 'Member4'. Afterwards, all objects are exported to an Excel file and all column headers 
    are visible.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 8 --------------------------
    PS\> Get-Process | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorksheetName Processes -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 9 --------------------------
    PS\> Get-Process | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorksheetName Processes -ChartType PieExploded3D -IncludePivotChart -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company 
    -PivotData PM
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 10 --------------------------
    PS\> Get-Service | Export-Excel 'c:\temp\test.xlsx'  -Show -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows status -PivotData @{status='count'}
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 11 --------------------------
    PS\> $pt = [ordered]@{}
    PS\> $pt.pt1=@{
        SourceWorkSheet   = 'Sheet1';
        PivotRows         = 'Status'
        PivotData         = @{'Status'='count'}
        IncludePivotChart = $true
        ChartType         = 'BarClustered3D'
    PS\> $pt.pt2=@
        SourceWorkSheet   = 'Sheet2';
        PivotRows         = 'Company'
        PivotData         = @{'Company'='count'}
        IncludePivotChart = $true
        ChartType         = 'PieExploded3D'
    PS\> Remove-Item  -Path .\test.xlsx
    PS\> Get-Service | Select-Object    -Property Status,Name,DisplayName,StartType | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -AutoSize
    PS\> Get-Process | Select-Object    -Property Name,Company,Handles,CPU,VM       | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -AutoSize -WorksheetName 'sheet2'
    PS\> Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -PivotTableDefinition $pt -Show
    This example defines two PivotTables.
    Then it puts Service data on Sheet1 with one call to Export-Excel and Process Data on sheet2 with a second call to Export-Excel.
    The third and final call adds the two PivotTables and opens the spreadsheet in Excel.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 12 --------------------------
    PS\> Remove-Item  -Path .\test.xlsx
    PS\> $excel = Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Status,Name,DisplayName,StartType | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -PassThru
    PS\> $excel.Workbook.Worksheets ["Sheet1"].Row(1).style.font.bold = $true
    PS\> $excel.Workbook.Worksheets ["Sheet1"].Column(3 ).width = 29
    PS\> $excel.Workbook.Worksheets ["Sheet1"].Column(3 ).Style.wraptext = $true
    PS\> $excel.Save()
    PS\> $excel.Dispose()
    PS\> Start-Process .\test.xlsx
    This example uses -PassThru.
    It puts service information into sheet1 of the workbook and saves the ExcelPackage object in $Excel.
    It then uses the package object to apply formatting, and then saves the workbook and disposes of the object, before loading the document in Excel.
    Note: Other commands in the module remove the need to work directly with the package object in this way.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 13 --------------------------
    PS\> Remove-Item -Path .\test.xlsx -ErrorAction Ignore
    PS\> $excel = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name,Company,Handles,CPU,PM,NPM,WS |
            Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -ClearSheet -WorksheetName "Processes" -PassThru
    PS\> $sheet = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets ["Processes"]
    PS\> $sheet.Column(1) | Set-ExcelRange -Bold -AutoFit
    PS\> $sheet.Column(2) | Set-ExcelRange -Width 29 -WrapText
    PS\> $sheet.Column(3) | Set-ExcelRange -HorizontalAlignment Right -NFormat "#,###"
    PS\> Set-ExcelRange -Address $sheet.Cells ["E1:H1048576"]  -HorizontalAlignment Right -NFormat "#,###"
    PS\> Set-ExcelRange -Address $sheet.Column(4)  -HorizontalAlignment Right -NFormat "#,##0.0" -Bold
    PS\> Set-ExcelRange -Address $sheet.Row(1) -Bold -HorizontalAlignment Center
    PS\> Add-ConditionalFormatting -WorkSheet $sheet -Range "D2:D1048576" -DataBarColor Red
    PS\> Add-ConditionalFormatting -WorkSheet $sheet -Range "G2:G1048576" -RuleType GreaterThan -ConditionValue "104857600" -ForeGroundColor Red
    PS\> foreach ($c in 5..9) {Set-ExcelRange -Address $sheet.Column($c)  -AutoFit }
    PS\> Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -WorksheetName "Processes" -IncludePivotChart -ChartType ColumnClustered -NoLegend -PivotRows company -PivotData 
    @{'Name'='Count'}  -Show
    This a more sophisticated version of the previous example showing different ways of using Set-ExcelRange, and also adding conditional formatting.
    In the final command a PivotChart is added and the workbook is opened in Excel.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 14 --------------------------
    PS\> 0..360 | ForEach-Object {[pscustomobject][ordered]@{X=$_; Sinx="=Sin(Radians(x)) "} } |
            Export-Excel -now -LineChart -AutoNameRange
    Creates a line chart showing the value of Sine(x) for values of X between 0 and 360 degrees.
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 15 --------------------------
    PS\> Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance localhost\DEFAULT -Database AdventureWorks2014 -Query "select *  from sys.tables" -OutputAs DataRows |
           Export-Excel -Path .\SysTables_AdventureWorks2014.xlsx -WorksheetName Tables
    Runs a query against a SQL Server database and outputs the resulting rows as DataRows using the -OutputAs parameter. The results are then piped to the 
    Export-Excel function.
    NOTE: You need to install the SqlServer module from the PowerShell Gallery in order to get the -OutputAs parameter for the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet.
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