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  1. I assume that you have added your ssh-keys to your github account: In case you don't know how to do it, refer to this page:
  2. Node.js v16.17.1 (I prefer NVM as a version manager -- you can install multiple versions using it.). However, this version requirement is subject to change.
  3. Python v3.6. or above


  1. Clone the project using ssh url: [email protected]:devkurultay/kodjaz_backend.git
  2. Create .env file from the provided template: cp env_template .env
  3. Go to the project directory: cd kodjaz_backend
  4. Install JavaScript dependencies (we have some old packages here, that's why we need to include that extra argument): npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  5. Create a virtual environment called env: python3 -m venv env
  6. Activate the virtual environment: source env/bin/activate
  7. Upgrade pip: pip install --upgrade pip
  8. Install Python dependencies: pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt
  9. Open two terminal tabs/windows (whatever you prefer)
  10. In the 1st terminal (in the project directory) activate the virtual environment (in case it's not activated) and install migrations: ./ migrate
  11. Create a superuser: ./ createsuperuser (fill in all the fields)
  12. In the same terminal load the fixtures (dummy data): ./ loaddata fixtures/courses.json
  13. In the same terminal run the Django server: ./ runserver
  14. In the 2nd terminal issue the following command (which will run a watcher.js whose job is to rebuild the project each time it detects some changes under the frontend/src folder): npm start
  15. Now you can open your favorite editor and start writing your awesome code!


The product consists of Tracks. Tracks are basically courses. Each track consists of Units. You can think of Units as chapters of a book. Each unit consists of Lessons. Lesson tries to teach a topic. Each lesson consists of Exercises. Every exercise helps a learner to gain knowledge on a topic and practise. Whenever a user submits their code, a new Submission is created. A submission has a link to an exercise. One Exercise can have multiple Submissions.


Swagger page is available here However, I'd recommend using the latest versions of Postman TODO: add screenshots of Postman settings.

TODO: Implement subscription. A track a user is subscribed to will show up in their dashboard.

When we want to display a data of a selected Track, we get data from /api/v1/user/tracks/. It will give a nested data like this:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Python",
      "entity_type": "Track",
      "description": "",
      "track_units": [
              "id": 1,
              "name": "Python синтаксиси",
              "entity_type": "Unit",
              "description": "Python синтаксис негиздери",
              "unit_lessons": [
                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "Синтаксис негиздери",
                      "entity_type": "Lesson",
                      "is_published": true,
                      "lesson_exercises": [
                              "id": 1,
                              "name": "Салам, дүйнө!",
                              "entity_type": "Exercise",
                              "previous_exercise": "",
                              "lecture": "Программалоо бул компьютерди колдонуучу...",
                              "instruction": "Басып чыгаруу функциясын колдонуп, терминалга...",
                              "hint": "Текстти басып чыгарганда аны жалгыз (') же кош (\") тырмакчага алышыңыз керек.",
                              "default_code": "print(\"Hello world!\")",
                              "next_exercise": 2,
                              "is_published": true,
                              "lesson": 1,
                              "unit_id": 1,
                              "track_id": 1,
                              "text_file_content": ""
                              "id": 2,
                              "name": "print() функциясы",
                              "entity_type": "Exercise",
                              "previous_exercise": 1,
                              "lecture": "Программалоо бул компьютерди колдонуучу...",
                              "instruction": "Басып чыгаруу функциясын колдонуп, терминалга...",
                              "hint": "Текстти басып чыгарганда аны жалгыз (') же кош (\") тырмакчага алышыңыз керек.",
                              "default_code": "print(\"Hello world!\")",
                              "next_exercise": 3,
                              "is_published": true,
                              "lesson": 1,
                              "unit_id": 1,
                              "track_id": 1,
                              "text_file_content": ""
                      "unit": 1
              "is_published": true,
              "track": 1
      "is_published": true,
      "programming_language": "Python",
      "progress_data": {
          "is_complete": false,
          "is_in_progress": true

For now, we also have similar endpoints for units, lessons, and exercises.

Submission of a code should be sent to /api/v1/user/submissions.

Happy coding!


If you are having issues with cffi, try to upgrade pip (make sure env is activated): pip install --upgrade pip Make sure you have a branch off of a fresh master.

How we git

Each task should be done within its own branch. For this, we keep our local master clean and synced. Let's walk throug an example. Imagine you are given a task related to creating a new page for editing an exercise. Your steps should be as follows:

  1. Make sure you are on the master branch. When you issue the following command there should be an asterisk before the name of the branch * master: git branch
  2. Make sure the branch is clean. After issue the following command you should see the text as follows: git status
    1. If it's not up to date, pull updates: git pull origin master
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
  1. Create a new branch: git checkout -b create-exercise-editing-page
  2. Write your code. Commit as often as possible. Educate yourself:
  3. After you are done with the task, create a Pull Request (PR):
    1. Push your code to the repository, to a new remote branch with an identical name: git push origin create-exercise-editing-page
    2. Go to the repository and refresh the page. You should see a button called Create a pull request. Click on it and fill the form –– insert the task's URL to the text field and create a pull request.
    3. Send your PR's URL to a person who is responsible for the code (team lead?).
    4. Do not merge until the PR is approved. When it's approved, make sure it has no conflicts.
  4. In case you have a conflicts (the same file or set of files was edited by you and your peer), in your machine switch to master (please, make sure that you are really on master), pull updates (git pull origin master) and go to your branch: git checkout create-exercise-editing-page and rebase from master: git rebase master.
  5. Resolve conflicts. VSCode has a good tool, Github itself has its own one. A good video on the topic: If you are resloving the conflict locally, edit the files, git add the resolved files, don't forget to git rebase --continue etc. Talk to your team lead in case you have questions.
  6. Push the resolved code to your remote branch: git push -f origin create-exercise-editing-page. See -f? It means force, that is, you should force-push to your branch, because your local one's git history is different than the remote one.
  7. Make sure that after rebasing the code still works.
  8. If everything looks good, merge your branch to master.
  9. Woot!

Creating a user via JWT

JWT payload should have this data:

  "first_name": "Murat",
  "last_name": "Jumash",
  "username": "muratjumash",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "$2y$10$s8yTdfhfYePKL7DoR4JZ0efYyPNHTPXak61UfaIpHdUM/GNoEIMlC"

Please, refer to this page to get info about JWT:

We set up bcrypt with 10 round in order to be able to accept users created in Laravel.

That is, a user's data (which was created in any Laravel website) can be encrypted into a JWT using the secret key specified here, will be created in this website. That means, they will be able to use their credentials.

For that to happen, a friendly website should use our JWT_SECRET to pass their user data to our site:


Contribution guidelines for this project

Code of conduct

MIT licence text