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Pac Timetracker

This application arose within the "Prodyna Architecture Certificate". It demonstrates the use of JavaEE 7 technologies to provide a RESTful back-end service in conjunction with a pure Html/Js (AngularJs, BootstrapCss) front-end leveraging the rest interface.


new in 1.1:

  • The url to backend api is not more hard coded but uses "window.location". Thus back end and front end must be served from same server (or same location).

  • added complete crud for booking into front end

  • Ci via travis


The back-end (JavaEE 7) is feature complete. The front-end (html5/angularJS) does not cover all features at the moment. The front end can be seen as a prototype providing the most important features. It will be expanded in future.


This repository uses GitFlow as development model. In short it means: To get last snapshot you pull branch develop and to get last release (including last hotfix) you pull master. On master all previous releases are tagged.

How to build

This application is a multi module maven project (you need maven setup and running). There are 3 modules:

  • timetracker-backend, contains JavaEE 7 application packaged as war
  • timtracker-web, pure html/js project packaged as war
  • dml, distribution package includes both war files and this readme

The build all modules could be commenced from parent timetracker/pom:

mvn clean install

This will build both war files and the distribution package. During build of backend a Wildfly application server will be downloaded to commence all tests.

How to deploy


This application was tested on Wildfly. I will describe the deployment process for Wildfly. Since the application uses pure JavaEE 7 it should also run on other JavaEE 7 compliant Servers.


The application relies on a datasource with path: java:jboss/datasources/timetracker. It should be a MySQL database since DB-Dialect is set to MySql for Schemageneration. new in 1.1: There is a profile "generateDDL". If activated (-PgenerateDDL) an alternate persistence configuration will be packaged that does not alter the database. On start of the application ddl scripts to build the database and drop the database will be generated and put into maven build's target path of timetracker-backend.


The application relies on basic authentication from security domain "other". This one is set by default. The application will accept users of every role but user with role "ADMIN" will get admin permissions. The admin role could not be detracted from within application. So it is not possible to (accidentally) lock administrators out. To detract administrative right you must detract the role within security domain.


Deploy the war files (one in each target folder) as usual. For wildfly you could use the gui (http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#deployments). You could reach the frontend via wildflyadress:ip/timetracker-web the rest services are exposed via wildflyadress:ip/timetracker-backend/timetracker/...

Rest api

The rest api is documented here: Provided websockets are documented here: