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miciav edited this page Oct 13, 2015 · 7 revisions


Performance and Costs Assessment Tool

SPACE4Cloud (System PerformAnce and Cost Evaluation on Cloud) is a tool for specification, assessment and optimisation of QoS characteristics for Cloud applications. It allows users to describe a software architectures by means of Palladio Component Models (PCMs) and to enrich them by including Cloud specific attributes (see MODAClouds Deliverable D5.2.2 ). Such extended PCMs also include a user defined workload in order to assess both performance and cost of the modelled solution.

The tool is built on top of the Palladio Bench modelling environment but it differs significantly from Palladio since it completes the modelling capabilities allowing more expressiveness in the definition of the resource environment and workload specification. In particular, it maps the models onto different instances of PCMs in order to perform all the analyses supported by the Palladio Bench tool for a daily horizon. Moreover, it allows users to choose among different performance analysis engines, namely LINE, LQNS or the Palladio built-in Simulation engine. Users can specify the models defining the Cloud application using an intuitive graphical interface: Creator 4Clouds.

Information about the performance of the considered Cloud resources are kept in a SQL database to decouple its evolution from the one of the tool itself. The tool can be used either to evaluate the cost of a fully described solution (application and Cloud configuration) according to the cost model defined in SPACE4Cloud seminal paper or to find a suitable (even multi-Cloud) configuration that minimises the application running cost while meeting QoS requirements.

A short tutorial on SPACE4Cloud is can be found here.

Below a high level presentation video of the tool:


and a webinar on the joint use of Creator 4Clouds and SPACE4Clouds:


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