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k53cerbot is specifically targeted at AWS EKS users who want to issue SSL certificates based on Kubernetes Ingress declarations and are unable to use cert-manager which is incompatibility with AWS Fargate.


k53certbot is intended to run as a deployment inside the kube-system namespace of your Kubernetes cluster

Container image (requires podman - or build manually with Docker)

The latest image is hosted on or you can build yourself:

make image

After building, push the image somewhere you can access it from your EKS cluster, eg ECR or an Artifactory instance you control.

Kubernetes RBAC/IAM

  1. Create a IAM policy based on the example
    • This grants access to all Route53 resources, you may want to add restrictions
  2. Create a Kubernetes service account mapping the IAM policy to a service account in the Kubernetes cluster
    • The example deployment expects service name certbot-service


External DNS

External DNS manages the DNS record for the ingress - follow the instructions to setup external-dns

AWS Load Balancer Controller

AWS Load Balancer Controller exposes the services running behind Ambassador - follow the instructions to setup the load balancer controller

Ingress controller

  • Kubernetes requires an Ingress Controller implementation to make your ingress definitions do anything. We suggest Ambassador

ZeroSSL Setup (not required if using Letsencrypt)

  • Create an opaque kubernetes secret containing the zerossl API key
  • The example scripts expect:
    • secret name: zerossl
    • data field: zerossl_api_key

k53certbot deployment

Deploy the container image you built to the cluster:

  1. Adjust the example to suit your environment:
    • remove --provider zerossl if using Letsencrypt
  2. kubectl apply -y /path/to/edited/example/k53certbot.kubectl.yaml
  3. Inspect the deployment once its running:
    • kubectl -n kube-system get pod
    • kubectl -n kube-system get deployment ID_OF_DEPLOYMENT
    • kubectl -n kube-system logs ID_OF_POD
    • ...etc

Provisioning TLS certificates

Once setup is complete, TLS certificates are provisioned by deploying a suitable ingress, see example and adjust as needed, then deploy with:

kubectl deploy -f /path/to/edited/example/ingress.kubectl.yaml

If you've done everything right, the site will start working with TLS in a few minutes time, otherwise look at the pod logs for the container running k53certbot to start working out what is going on.


There are a lot of moving parts needed before k53certbot can work - if you manage it all in one go you deserve a medal!

For the rest of us - break your cluster deployment into steps:

  1. AWS Load Balancer + ambassador - can you see a service?
  2. External-DNS - can you access your deployment over plain http with the right hostname?
  3. With all this working, your ready to try adding TLS with k53certbot

How does k53certbot work?

  1. Watch Kubernetes for ingress deployments
  2. For every change:
    1. Get the FQDN the ingress
    2. run certbot to register or de-register the FQDN - certbot has built in support for Route 53 via python package certbot-dns-route53
    3. certbot manages files under /etc/letsencrypt and will write the TLS secrets there once they have been provisioned.
    4. Create a kubernetes secret including the contents of the appropriate files under /etc/letsencrypt:
      • Secrets will be named: tls-<FQDN WITH PERIODS CONVERTED TO HYPHENS> eg: the secret for would be tls-example-yourdomain-com - periods are replaced with hyphens as they cause problems in Ambassador
      • Any existing secret with the same name will be replaced


  • Experimental - does the bare minimum needed to issue an initial certificate



  • Certificate renewal (workaround: restart script)
  • Testing, bulletproofing, etc.


Use live code in docker container

rm /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/k53certbot/ -rf
ln -s /mnt/k53certbot /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/k53certbot -s