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Herbert Poul edited this page Jan 13, 2014 · 9 revisions

Definition of what node types can define about nodes.


  • // NOT YET super node types
  • properties
    • name
    • type of the property (boolean, long, double, string, name-path reference?)
    • required (t/f)
    • index (t/f)
    • // NOT YET: unique?
  • allow additional properties (t/f) ?
  • allowed child node types

Core hierarchy for node types

(all names of core node types are prefixed with com.dc2f.dstore.)

  • / (nodetype = RootNode)
    • XXX (nodetype = NodeTypesFolder) (beinhaltet die core oder alle node typen)
      • Node (nodetype = NodeType)
        • properties: (are child nodes of type NodeTypeProperty)
          • nodetype (type = string (reference to /:nodetypes/[name=xxx] ?))
      • NodeType (nodetype = NodeType)
        • properties:
          • name (type = string, required = true)
          • required (type = boolean)

Example of a node & type

  • /:nodetypes/

    • properties: title (type = string), body (type = string), slug (index = true)
  • properties:

    • nodetype:
    • title: My great blog entry
    • body: blah blah


current implementation vs. final implementation

IMHO (HP) we should implement the 'nodetype' property just like any other node reference! and every node type definition is simply a normal node of type 'node type definition', no matter if it is below /:nodetypes/ or not. - we have to implement referential integrity anyway, so it makes sense that the 'nodetype' property is not some special case, but just another reference to a node of type (com.dc2f.nodetype.NodeTypeDefinition)

NodeTypeDefinition -> listAllowedChildNodeTypes

We need a way to allow two things: 1.) allow all node types and 2.) don't allow children.. there are a few possibilities

  • null = no restriction (all node types can be added), empty collection = no children
  • 'null' must not be returned, empty collection = no children allowed, [ (Base)NodeType ] allows all node types

i think i prefer not to return null under any circumstances and allow some kind of pseudo-inheritance were all node types at least extend from one (Base)NodeType.

Property default values

should there be default values for properties? for example required / indexed for a node type definition - if it was never set, does this mean it is not defined wether it should be required or indexed, or do we assume that it is not required / indexed..

and if we have default values: do we store default values as "normal" values, or do we store null and fill in the default values when getting the properties?

extending node types

imo we need a extension system asap for node types.. i have now implemented WorkingTreeNode.getChildrenByNodeType(String nodeType) which simply does a .equals() check for node types, but it would make more sense to actually check the type hierarchie if it matches to allow customizations of the types

(more) open questions

  • single inheritance vs. multi inheritance
  • inheritance vs. composition
  • should one node instance have one node type, or multiple?
  • how to overwrite allowed children node types?
    • maybe it makes sense to have a 'permitted child node types' and 'forbidden child node types' which either add or subtract from the allowed child node types, instead of completely overwriting it?