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Gradoop HBase Store

Christopher Rost edited this page Nov 1, 2018 · 4 revisions

Apache HBase Apache HBase™ is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store.

With this adapter implementation you can use Apache HBase as DataSource and DataSink for your graph data.

Getting start

Add gradoop-hbase to your dependency

Compile gradoop hbase with

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Copy gradoop-store/gradoop-hbase/target/gradoop-hbase-<ver>.jar into your client lib.

Or you can simply use maven pom as below:

<!-- Maven Gradoop HBase -->

Creation of an HBase based Graph-store

// create gradoop HBase configuration
GradoopHBaseConfig config = GradoopHBaseConfig.getDefaultConfig();

// create HBase configuration
HBaseConfiguration hbconfig = HBaseConfiguration.create();

// create store
HBaseEPGMStore graphStore = HBaseEPGMStoreFactory
    .createOrOpenEPGMStore(hbconfig, config);

Now let's add some graph elements



Accessing Data

Example for DataSink & DataSource

Read data from store

// data source
GradoopFlinkConfig flinkConfig = GradoopFlinkConfig
DataSource hbaseDataSource = new HBaseDataSource(graphStore, flinkConfig);
GraphCollection result = HBaseDataSource.cypher(
    "MATCH (u1:Person)<-[:hasModerator]-(f:Forum)" +
    "(u2:Person)<-[:hasMember]-(f)" +
    "WHERE = \"Alice\"");

Write data to store

// data sink
GradoopFlinkConfig flinkConfig = GradoopFlinkConfig
DataSink HBaseSink = new HBaseDataSink(graphStore, flinkConfig);

Store Layout

GraphData (table 'graph_heads')

  row     |     cf      |           cq          |  timestamp |   value
          |     m       |           l           |            |  {label}
  {id}    *-------------*-----------------------*------------*-----------------------
          |   p_type    |      {property key}   |            |  {property type byte}
          |   p_value   |      {property key}   |            |  {property value}

VertexData (table 'vertices')

  row     |     cf      |           cq          |  timestamp |   value
          |      m      |            l          |            |  {label}
  {id}    *-------------*-----------------------*------------*-----------------------
          |      m      |            g          |            |  {graph id}
          |   p_type    |      {property key}   |            |  {property type byte}
          |   p_value   |      {property key}   |            |  {property value}

EdgeData (table 'edges')

  row     |     cf      |           cq          |  timestamp |   value
          |      m      |            l          |            |  {label}
          |      m      |            g          |            |  {graph id}
  {id}    *-------------*-----------------------*------------*-----------------------
          |      m      |            s          |            |  {source vertex id}
          |      m      |            t          |            |  {varget vertex id}
          |   p_type    |      {property key}   |            |  {property type byte}
          |   p_value   |      {property key}   |            |  {property value}