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Building Packages edited this page May 6, 2021 · 1 revision


Rez packages can be built and locally installed using the rez-build tool. This tool performs the following actions:

  • Iterates over a package's variants;
  • Constructs the build environment;
  • Runs the build system within this environment.

Each build occurs within a build path - this is typically either a build subdirectory, or a variant-specific subdirectory under build. For example, a package with two python-based variants might look like this:

+- CMakeLists.txt (or other build file)
  +-python-2.6  # build dir for python-2.6 variant
  +-python-2.7  # build dir for python-2.6 variant

The current working directory is set to the build path during a build.

The Build Environment

The build environment is a rez resolved environment. Its requirement list is constructed like so:

  • First, the package's requires list is used;
  • Then, the package's build_requires is appended. This is transitive - the build_requires of all other packages in the environment are also used;
  • Then, the package's private_build_requires is appended (unlike build_requires, it is not transitive).
  • Finally, if the package has variants, the current variant's requirements are appended.

A standard list of environment variables is also set (all prefixed with REZ_BUILD_) - you can see the full list here.

The build system is then invoked within this environment, for each variant.

Build Time Dependencies

Sometimes it is desirable for a package to depend on another package only for the purposes of building its code, or perhaps generating documentation. Let’s use documentation as an example - a C++ project may need to builds its docs using doxygen, but once the docs are generated, doxygen is no longer needed.

This is achieved by listing build-time dependencies under a build_requires or private_build_requires section in the The requirements in private_build_requires are only used from the package being built; requirements from build_requires however are transitive - build requirements from all packages in the build environment are included.

Some example private_build_requires use cases include:

  • Documentation generators such as doxygen or sphinx;
  • Build utilities. For example, you may have a package called pyqt_cmake_utils, which provides cmake macros for converting ui files to py;
  • Statically linked libraries (since the library is linked at build time, the package is not needed at runtime).

An example use case of build_requires is a header-only (hpp) C++ library - if your own C++ package includes this library in its own headers, other packages will also need this library at build time (since they may include your headers, which in turn include the hpp headers).

Package Communication

Let's say I have two C++ packages, maya_utils and the well-known boost library. How does maya_utils find boost's header files, or library files?

The short answer is, that is entirely up to you. Rez is not actually a build system - it supports various build systems (as the next section describes), and it configures the build environment, but the details of the build itself are left open for the user. Having said that, cmake has been supported by rez for some time, and rez comes with a decent amount of utility code to manage cmake builds.

When a rez environment is configured, each package's commands section configures the environment. When a build is occurring, a special variable building is set to True. Your packages should use this variable to communicate build information to the package being built.

For example, our boost package's commands might look like so:

def commands():
    if building:
        # there is a 'FindBoost.cmake' file in this dir..

A (very simple) FindBoost.cmake file might look like this:

set(Boost_LIBRARIES boost-python)

Then, our maya_utils package might have a CMakeLists.txt file (cmake's build script) containing:

target_link_libraries(maya_utils ${Boost_LIBRARIES})

As it happens, the find_package cmake macro searches the paths listed in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH environment variable, and looks for a file called FindXXX.cmake, where XXX is the name of the package (in this case, Boost), which it then includes.

The Build System

Rez supports multiple build systems, and new ones can be added as plugins. When a build is invoked, the build system is detected automatically. For example, if a CMakeLists.txt file is found in the package's root directory, the cmake build system is used.

Argument Passing

There are two ways to pass arguments to the build system.

First, some build system plugins add extra options to the rez-build command directly. For example, if you are in a CMake-based package, and you run rez-build -h, you will see cmake-specific options listed, such as --build-target.

Second, you can pass arguments directly to the build system - either using the rez-build --build-args option; or listing the build system arguments after --.

For example, here we explicitly define a variable in a cmake build:

]$ rez-build -- -DMYVAR=YES

Custom Build Commands

As well as detecting the build system from build files, a package can explicitly specify its own build commands, using the build_command package attribute. If present, this takes precedence over other detected build systems.

For example, consider the following snippet:

name = "nuke_utils"

version = "1.2.3"

build_command = "bash {root}/ {install}"

When rez-build is run on this package, the given script will be executed with bash. The {root} string expands to the root path of the package (the same directory containing The {install} string expands to "install" if an install is occurring, or the empty string otherwise. This is useful for passing the install target directly to the command (for example, when using make) rather than relying on a build script checking the REZ_BUILD_INSTALL environment variable.

The current working directory during a build is set to the build path, not to the package root directory. For this reason, you will typically use the {root} string to refer to a build script in the package's root directory.

Passing Arguments

You can add arguments for your build script to the rez-build command directly, by providing a source file in the package root. Here is an example:

# in
parser.add_argument("--foo", action="store_true", help="do some foo")

Now if you run rez-build -h on this package, you will see the option listed:

$ rez-build -h
usage: rez build [-h] [-c] [-i] [-p PATH] [--fail-graph] [-s] [--view-pre]
                 [--process {remote,local}] [--foo]
                 [--variants INDEX [INDEX ...]] [--ba ARGS] [--cba ARGS] [-v]

Build a package from source.

optional arguments:
  --foo                 do some foo

The added arguments are stored into environment variables so that your build script can access them. They are prefixed with __PARSE_ARG_; in our example above, the variable __PARSE_ARG_FOO will be set. Booleans will be set to 0/1, and lists are space separated, with quotes where necessary.

Make Example

Following is a very simple C++ example, showing how to use a custom build command to build and install via make:

# in
build_command = "make -f {root}/Makefile {install}"

# in Makefile
hai: ${REZ_BUILD_SOURCE_PATH}/lib/main.cpp
    g++ -o hai ${REZ_BUILD_SOURCE_PATH}/lib/main.cpp

.PHONY: install
install: hai
    mkdir -p ${REZ_BUILD_INSTALL_PATH}/bin
    cp $< ${REZ_BUILD_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/hai

Local Package Installs

After you've made some code changes, you presumably want to test them. You do this by locally installing the package, then resolving an environment with rez-env to test the package in. The cycle goes like this:

  • Make code changes;
  • Run rez-build --install to install as a local package;
  • Run rez-env mypackage in a separate shell. This will pick up your local package, and your package requirements;
  • Test the package.

A local install builds and installs the package to the local package repository, which is typically the directory ~/packages (see here). This directory is listed at the start of the package search path, so when you resolve an environment to test with, the locally installed package will be picked up first. Your package will typically be installed to ~/packages/packagename/version, for example ~/packages/maya_utils/1.0.5. If you have variants, they will be installed into subdirectories within this install path (see here for more details).

You don't need to run rez-env after every install. If your package's requirements haven't changed, you can keep using the existing test environment.

You can make sure you've picked up your local package by checking the output of the rez-env call:

]$ rez-env sequence

You are now in a rez-configured environment.

resolved by ajohns@turtle, on Thu Mar 09 11:41:06 2017, using Rez v2.7.0

requested packages:
~platform==linux   (implicit)
~arch==x86_64      (implicit)
~os==Ubuntu-16.04  (implicit)

resolved packages:
arch-x86_64      /sw/packages/arch/x86_64
os-Ubuntu-16.04  /sw/packages/os/Ubuntu-16.04
platform-linux   /sw/packages/platform/linux
python-2.7.12    /sw/packages/python/2.7.12
sequence-2.1.2   /home/ajohns/packages/sequence/2.1.2  (local)

Note here that the sequence package is a local install, denoted by the (local) label.