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The new version of Lagrange, a tool to infer ancestral ranges and splits using the DEC model. For a detailed explanation of the please see our publication in Systematic Biology.


First, this project relies on submodule to track its depenancies. This means that in order to clone the repository, the following command should be used

git clone --recursive --depth=1

There is a helpful makefile which will generate and build the cmake directory. So, you can just run make to build. Lagrange-NG uses CMake to configure the build, and so options for building (including options such as Debug or Release builds) can be configured using tools which interact with cmake configurations, such as ccmake. There are two important build options for the purposes of building Lagrange-NG:

  • ENABLE_MKL: if set to ON, will attempt to find an Intel Math Kernel Library install and use that for linear algebra computation. If it is set to OFF, OpenBLAS will be used instead.
  • MKL_PREFIX_DIR: Implies ENABLE_MKL=ON, and can be used to point to the MKL install directory.


Some users have reported issues with CMake not finding NLOpt properly. In this case, I would recommend installing NLOpt as a library via apt or brew. If this fails to fix the issue, please let me know.


In order to run Lagrange-NG, three files are needed:

  1. A phylogeny in newick format with branch lengths specified in time,
  2. An absence presence matrix for the ranges of each of the taxa in the phylogeny as a phylip file and,
  3. A control file, which contains the path to both the phylogeny and the matrix file.

An example of a control file is

datafile = matrix.phy
treefile = phylogeny.nwk
areanames = Region1 Region2 Region3 Region4
workers = 4
threads-per-worker = 1

The options for the control file are detailed below. To run Lagrange-NG, the following command should be used

lagrange-ng <CONTROL FILE>

After computation, there will be 3 results files: <treefile>.nodes.tre, <treefile>.results.json, and <treefile>.scaled.tre. The <treefile>.nodes.tre contains the input tree with nodes labeled according to the <treefile.results.json indices. This is so that the entries in the results file can be matched to the inner nodes of the tree. The <treefile>.results.json file contains the


Some example files have been provided in the example dir. Specifically, there is an example configuration file example/example.conf with the contents

treefile = example/example.nwk
datafile = example/example.phy
areanames = RA RB RC RD RE
workers = 1

As well as the example tree and the example alignment in example/example.nwk and example/example.phy:

# example/example.nwk

# example/example.phy
10 5
g 00110
f 11100
e 01110
d 10010
c 01011
b 10110
a 10101
j 11011
i 00100
h 10100

To run an analysis with these files, simply run in the terminal the command

./bin/lagrange-ng example/example.conf

If Lagrange-NG has been built correctly, we should see the following output (or something similar):

[  0.00s] Reading tree...
[  0.00s] Tree number 1 has 10 leaves
[  0.00s] Reading data...
[  0.00s] Checking data...
[  0.00s] Running analysis...
[  0.00s] Using Pade's method for EXPM computation
[  0.00s] Starting Workers
[  0.00s] Making Worker#1
[  0.00s] Waiting for Workers to finish
[  0.00s] Initial LLH: -66.235818
[  0.01s] Current LLH: -66.235818
[  0.01s] Current LLH: -37.599879
[  0.02s] Current LLH: -31.542749
[  0.02s] Current LLH: -31.447068
[  0.03s] Current LLH: -31.428544
[  0.04s] Current LLH: -31.425485
[  0.04s] Current LLH: -31.424314
[  0.04s] Current LLH: -31.424298
[  0.05s] Current LLH: -31.424297
[  0.05s] Final LLH: -31.424296
[  0.05s] Computing reverse operations
[  0.05s] Computing ancestral states
[  0.05s] Computing ancestral splits
[  0.05s] Writing results to example/example.nwk.results.json
[  0.06s] Writing node annotated tree to example/example.nwk.nodes.tre
[  0.06s] Writing scaled tree to example/example.nwk.scaled.tre
[  0.06s] Analysis took 0.056379s

After Lagrange-NG is finished, there should be 3 new files in example:

  • example.nwk.nodes.tre the tree with internal node labels as node ids for identification with nodes in the results file;
  • example.nwk.results.json, which is the file containing all the results; and
  • example.nwk.scaled.tre, which contains the scaled tree that Lagrange-NG used to infer model parameters.

Control File Options

  • treefile: Path to the newick file containing the phylogeny. Required.
  • datafile: Path to the matrix in either PHYLIP or FASTA format. In both cases, leading zeros are significant, I.E. 0011 is not the same as 11.
  • areanames: A space separated list of region names, which will be used for reference in the output. Required.
  • states: Compute the ancestral states after fitting model parameters.
  • splits: Compute ancestral splits after fitting model parameters.
  • workers: Number of workers to use for execution. The optimal number of workers depends on both the size of the phylogeny, and the number of regions in the matrix. However, except for small problems (low number of regions and a small phylogeny), setting the number of workers to the number of available physical cores will give good results.
  • threads-per-worker: Number of threads allocated to each worker. Almost always should be left unspecified. If you have a large number of cores (over 16), marginally faster run times can be obtained by setting this to 2.
  • dispersion/extinction: These two should be set together. The function depends on the execution mode. In optimize, this is the starting value for the optimization routine. In evaluate, computes the likelihood and (optionally) ancestral states/splits for the given parameter values.
  • lh-epsilon: Change the stopping criterion for the optimization step. Default is 1e-9.
  • maxareas: Only consider ranges with a number of areas equal to or less than the specified number of maxareas. For example, if the maxareas is set to 4 then only ranges with 4 regions or less are considered, even if the total number of ranges is greater.
  • expm-mode: May be set to: krylov, pade, or adaptive. Set to adaptive by default. Generally, this shouldn't set. See the following section for more.
  • mode: May be set to optimize or evaulate. The optimize mode will optimize the model parameters and then compute the ancestral states/splits. The evaluate mode will not optimize the model parameters before computing ancestral state/splits. The dispersal/extinction options should be set if a particular set of parameter values should be used.
  • mrca: Specify an interior node by a list of tips. The node specified is the MRCA of those tips. For example, when using the tree (a,(b, c)1)2, mrca foo = b c will refer to node 1, and mrca bar = a c will refer to node 2. Use this option to specify interior nodes for other options.
  • fossil: Specify constraints on inner nodes. There are currently four different modes supported:
    • include: Constrain a node to contain at least the areas specified. For example, fossil include foo = 011 will constrain the node foo (specified with mrca) to the distributions 111 and 011.
    • exclude: Constrain a node to contain none of the areas specified. For example, fossil exclude foo = 001 will exclude the distributions 001, 011, 101, and 111 from node foo.
    • fixed: Constrain a node to be exactly the distribution specified. For example, fossil fixed foo = 011 will constrain the node foo to the distribution 011.
    • node: This option is an alias for include.
  • logfile: Specify a file to log the output of the program (the log messages).
  • output-type: One of either json or csv:
    • json: Compile all the results into one json file, whos contents are detailed below. If your tree is large, this has a chance of running out of memory, particularly when computing splits.
    • csv: Output results as a set of CSV files.

If any of the arguments to the options has spaces, then it needs to be quoted. For example, if the tree file is My Super Awesome Tree.nwk, then control file needs to have

treefile = 'My Super Awesome Tree.nwk`

to be able to parse the tree. This holds true for taxa names in the mrca option, mrca names, user specified region names, and filenames.

Expm Modes

Lagrange-NG implements 2 methods of computing the matrix exponential, which can have fairly significant implications for results. The first mode is pade, which is the much slower but (in my experience) more accurate method of computing the exponential. The second method is krylov, which uses Krylov subspaces, and is often 2 orders of magnitude faster than the pade mode. However, it can be numerically unstable for this particular application.

Lagrange-NG also implements a third mode, adaptive, which attempts to combine the strengths of the krylov and pade modes. By default, adpative uses krylov mode for matrix exponential computation, but watches for easily detectable errors. If such an error is found, then the computation for that particular matrix is reverted to the pade mode. In my experience, this mode fixes all the numerical errors that I could generate. I would recommend to use adaptive in all cases, except when the results seem very suspect. In this case, the pade mode should be used. Please note that the pade mode is very slow compared to adaptive or krylov, so only use this when a genuine numerical error is suspected.

Results JSON file

The results file (<treefile>.results.json) contains the results from the optimization and ancestral state/split computation. There are 3 top level keys to the file:

  • attributes: This contains an object with information about the dataset, such as the number of regions and taxa. Additionally, it contains the node tree in node-tree.
  • node-results: Contains a list of the results for each node. Discussed in detail later.
  • params: Contains the inferred values for dispersion and extinction.

As mentioned, node-results contains a list of results for each node. Each entry of the list has the following keys and values:

  • number: Contains the node number, as specified in the <treefile>.nodes.tre. When an mrca is specified in the config file, the name of the MRCA is used instead.
  • states (optionally): Contains the results as a list from the ancestral state computation with the following keys:
    • distribution: The current distribution, as a binary number, output in decimal.
    • distribution-string: The current distribution, but expressed using the region names from the control file.
    • regions: A list of the regions present in the current distribution. Each region is given as a string, with names from the control file.
    • llh: The log-likelihood for the current distribution
    • ratio: The likelihood weight ratio (LWR) for the current distribution
  • splits (optionally): Contains the result as a list of the ancestral split computation with the following keys:
    • anc-dist, left-dist, right-dist:
      • distribution: The internal representation of the distribution as an integer.
      • distribution-string: Distribution as a string using the region names from the control file.
      • regions: List of regions in the distribution where the region names are taken from the control file.
    • llh: The log likelihood of this split.
    • ratio: the LWR for this split.


The next generation of lagrange







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