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Convert databases to geojson, useful for displaying datasets on maps


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Convert databases to geojson, useful for displaying datasets on maps.

A FeatureCollection is generated from those dataframe rows containing values for latitude and longitude.


Note: To limit the size of the GeoJSON file, lookup tables are generated automatically for fields with a limited number of values (<20) and saved as a top-level 'properties' key in the JSON file. This is not part of the GeoJSON standard and can lead to problems with linters, e.g. GeoJSONLint.


  1. Installation
  2. Basics
  1. Examples


The package can be installed by

pip install convert2geojson

The latest development version of the package can be installed from GitHub by running

  pip install git+

This installs the most recent version of the master branch.

If the plotting on maps in JupyterLab is not yielding results, there might be problems with your ipyleaflet installtion or ipywidgets installtion.

Basic usage

Import the package with

from convert2geojson import Convert2GeoJson

Loading data

The package is instantiated by providing a dataframe containing the geodata ,e.g. dataframe=df, a list of columns of the dataframe, which should be shown as information for every geo feature, e.g. properties=df.columns to show everything, and the column titles for longitudal and latitudal data (standard parameter names are lat='latitude' and lon='longitude').

data = Convert2GeoJson(

The geo data is expected to be gievn as float numbers. Rows with empty longitudal or latitudel data, or marked as NaN are droped from the supplied dataframe.

The original dataframe can however still be accessed as data.rawDF.

Generate geoJson

To generate the geoJSON simple run


This generates a geoJSON formated dictionary which is available at


To save the geoJSON to a file, run

You can provide parameters for the name and path, standards are name='data.geojson' and path='.'.


For plotting the package is leveraging the ipyleaflet package which is also available as a JupyterLab extension.

For a first overview use


This plots the geoJSON features as a layer on a basemap.

The basic plotting can be changed by parameters for the map layout (mapLayout=dict()), and the basemap data (basemap=dict()).

To use a custom basemap, you can provide a dictionary of the format

customBasemap = {
          'url': 'https://{s}.URL_to_mapdata/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
          'max_zoom': 'max available zoom level',
          'attribution': 'Attribution',
          'name': 'Name for layer control'

Screenshot of generated map

Grouped Plotting

For densely distributed geographical data, to styling options are available.

By choosing style='grouped' ipyleaflets MarkerCluster is used to show groups of markers depending on the zoom level. By clicking on a cluster, the map zooms to the level, which contains the selected markers in the cluster .

Additionally, since markers are now single entities, by clicking on any marker a popup shows the information of the dataframe belonging to the geographical point.


Screenshot of generated cluster map

Categorical plotting as pie chart distribution

By choosing style='pie' and providing a category found in the dataframe columns, by setting groupBy='Category', the package generates a standalone map showing the clustered markers as pie charts separated into sub-groups by the chosen category.


Screenshot of generated pie charts map


Have a look at the Loading datasets or the Advanced Plotting notebooks in the /example folder