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[matlab] disabled tests #219

[matlab] disabled tests

[matlab] disabled tests #219

Workflow file for this run

# This file generates Python wheels for Windows
- codac2
- codac2_codac4matlab
tags: '' # Restrict to blank tags
runs-on: ${{ matrix.cfg.os }}
shell: ${{ }}
fail-fast: false
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: '-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 12, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x86 Python 3.12' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: '-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 11, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x86 Python 3.11' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: '-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 10, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86 Python 3.10' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: '-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 9, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86 Python 3.9' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: '-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 8, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86 Python 3.8' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A x64', cpcfg: '-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 12, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x64 Python 3.12' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A x64', cpcfg: '-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 11, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x64 Python 3.11' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cpcfg: '-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 10, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64 Python 3.10' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cpcfg: '-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 9, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64 Python 3.9' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cpcfg: '-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 8, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64 Python 3.8' }
# Should be Visual Studio 2015 for Python 3.5-3.7, but need Visual Studio 2019 for C++20 compatibility...?
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: 'm-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 7, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86 Python 3.7' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', choco_flags: '--x86', cpcfg: 'm-win32', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 6, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86 Python 3.6' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cpcfg: 'm-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 7, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64 Python 3.7' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cpcfg: 'm-win_amd64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 6, desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64 Python 3.6' }
name: ${{ matrix.cfg.desc }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 0
clean: false
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}.${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}
architecture: ${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}
if: matrix.cfg.py_v_maj!=''
- run: |
python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
echo ${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}.${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}
if: matrix.cfg.py_v_maj!=''
- run: echo "VERBOSE=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- run: |
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "C:\Windows\Temp\")
7z x C:\Windows\Temp\ -o"C:\Windows" -y
shell: pwsh
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: choco install -y -r --no-progress eigen --version= ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: choco install -y -r --no-progress graphviz doxygen.install & pip install --upgrade wheel setuptools sphinx breathe sphinx-issues sphinx-tabs sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-reredirects
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
choco install -y -r --no-progress --ignore-dependencies -s . ibex --version= ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }} --params "'/url:${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip'"
del /f /q ibex.
- run: |
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -E env CXXFLAGS=" /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996" CFLAGS=" /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996" cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../codac" -D BUILD_TESTS=ON -D WITH_CAPD=OFF -D WITH_PYTHON=ON ..
cmake --build . -j 4 --config Release --target install
cmake --build . --config Release --target pip_package ; cp `ls *.whl` ../`ls *.whl | sed "s/py3-none-any/cp${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}-cp${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}${{ matrix.cfg.cpcfg }}/"`
cd ..
shell: bash
- uses: xresloader/upload-to-github-release@v1
file: "*.whl"
overwrite: true
tag_name: autotagname-${{ github.sha }}
if: (github.event_name!='pull_request')&&((github.ref_name=='codac2')||(github.ref_name=='codac2_codac4matlab'))
- run: |
pip install --no-deps --no-index *.whl
python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" ; python examples/02_centered_form/
pip install numpy --prefer-binary
python -m unittest discover codac.tests
cd build && ctest -C Release -V --output-on-failure
cd ..
shell: bash
if: (github.ref_name!='codac2_codac4matlab') && (github.event_name!='pull_request')