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CSET 3.0.0 Release Notes

Jason Kuipers edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 3 revisions

CSET 3.0.0

Planned release on August 2010

New Features and Enhancements 🆕

  • Guidance was enhanced to improve user understanding. The Options screen, where users select the standards to apply to their assessment, now includes mouse-over help, context sensitive help, and information on the purpose and use of each standard.
  • Overall tool navigation was improved to allow new users to walk through their selected question sets inthe order recommended by the tool and with guidance text at the start of each new standard.
  • The navigation tree was enhanced to show the collected content of all the tabs and question sets instead of just the currently visible question set.
  • Question detail screens were linked to each question in the questionnaires. They show the question, supplemental guidance, the level-specific requirement, links to source documents and help documents, and a gap analysis for that question and the selected answer.
  • A group of icons was added to each question screen to access context sensitive guidance, the related video tutorial, the user guide, and the document library.
  • Question sets were added for NIST SP800-53 Revision 3 with Appendix I, Catalog of Security Recommendations, version 6, and Consensus Audit Guidelines (CAG) version 2.3. The outdated Global Assessment 2008 questionnaire was removed from the tool to keep pace with more current standards.
  • The tool's menu options were simplified by moving the component diagram options onto the component diagram screen.
  • The assessment report screen was modified for easier viewing. The question details were linked to a new pop-up screen to reduce the length of the on-line report.