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Hangman (English)

  • You can enjoy Hangman with random English word.

Live Demo

How To Set In Local

  1. Check your Node.js version (>= 18)
  2. git clone
  3. cd hangman-en and npm i
  4. Set .env file in root directory with API_URL and API_KEY(See here API Ninjas.)
  5. npm run dev or npm run build && npm run start -- -p [your port number]

Core Packages

  • react: 18.2.0
  • next: 13.5.6 (Pages Router)
  • typescript: 4.9.3
  • @emotion/react: 11.11.1
  • @emotion/styled: 11.11.0
  • axios: 1.6.2
  • vitest: 1.0.3
  • msw: 2.2.0

Folder Structure

├─ pages
│  ├─ api
│  │  └─ randomword.ts
│  ├─ 404.tsx
│  ├─ _app.tsx
│  ├─ game.tsx
│  └─ index.tsx
└─ src
   ├─ __tests__
   │  ├─ GamePage.test.tsx
   │  └─ HomePage.test.tsx
   ├─ components
   │  ├─ Button.tsx
   │  ├─ Dropdown.tsx
   │  ├─ GameBoard.tsx
   │  ├─ HangManCanvas.tsx
   │  ├─ Keyboard.tsx
   │  ├─ KeyboardList.tsx
   │  ├─ Letter.tsx
   │  ├─ Loading.tsx
   │  └─ Retry.tsx
   ├─ constants
   │  └─ index.ts
   ├─ hooks
   │  ├─ useClickOutside.ts
   │  ├─ useGuessing.ts
   │  └─ useWord.ts
   ├─ lib
   │  ├─ api
   │  │  └─ getRandomword.ts
   │  ├─ axios
   │  │  └─ index.ts
   │  └─ utils
   │     ├─ capitalize.ts
   │     ├─ draw.ts
   │     ├─ gameType.ts
   │     ├─ propertNoun.ts
   │     └─ range.ts
   ├─ mocks
   │  ├─ handlers.ts
   │  └─ server.ts
   ├─ styles
   │  └─ globalStyles.ts
   └─ types.ts



  • React function component(Typescript)


Get random word

  • Free random API provided by API Ninjas

    • In the previous API specification, a string was returned, but now a parameter called limit has been added(default 1) and an array of strings is returned.
  • By default API key is exposed in request headers(x-api-key), we can hide my own API key using Next.js's API Routes

  • Proper nouns are so hard to guess, so check the response and re-request by axios instance`s intercepter.

Custom hooks

  • useWord : fetch word and return word, isLoading and refetch
  • useGuessing: manage current guessing word, result and reset function.
  • useClickOutside: add event listener that has handler for click


  • In HangmanCanvas component, getting closer to the wrong count, draw hangman(refer to here)
  • When you reach the certain wrong count(8), game is over

Not found page

  • custom 404.tsx
  • If the query string is incorrect when the user accesses the game page by manipulating the url, screen moves to the 404 page through getServersideprops in pages/game.tsx.



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