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DGN: Disease-associated gene network

DGN is a framework integrating scRNA-seq and GWAS data to explore disease-associated genes, cell types, and gene network modules from a network perspective.


DGN requires Python >= 3.6 and Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) >= 1.8.

# download 
git clone
# install dependent packages
cd DGN
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# test
python --version

Quick tutorials

Preparation of DGN Input Files

1. Gene expression matrix of scRNA-seq

For single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), the expression matrix must be preprocessed by annotating cell types and then splitting the matrix according to these cell types. Each cell type should have a corresponding expression matrix file, where each row represents a gene and each column represents a cell. The values should be tab-separated. The file should be named in the format {CellTypeName}.txt.gz. All expression matrix files should be placed in a single directory, referred to as EXPR_DIR in the following demonstrations.

The human and mouse reference single-cell datasets used in our DGN study can be downloaded from

2. GWAS Summary Statistics

The GWAS summary statistics should include three columns: chromosome number, position, and p-value. Each row represents a variant. The GWAS summary statistics file is referred to as GWAS_FILE for demonstration purposes in the following sections.

3. Reference Genotype Data for LD Calculation

Reference genotype data that matches your GWAS population and coordinate version can be downloaded from For example, the hg19 version of the European population genotype file is named EUR.hg19.vcf.gz and will be referred to as REF_VCF in the following demonstrations.

Running DGN

Assume your output directory is set to OUTPUT_DIR and the abbreviation for the GWAS phenotype is PHENO_ABBR. The command to run is as follows:

python \
--expression_dir EXPR_DIR \
--gwas_path GWAS_FILE \
--vcf_ref REF_VCF \
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR \
--phenotype_abbr PHENO_ABBR

Make sure to replace these placeholder variables with the actual values relevant to your specific situation.

DGN Output

Output Directory Structure:

  • The intermediate folder stores temporary result files generated during the network construction process.
  • The node_score folder stores gene connectivity profile files (and, if --run_expr_dese is set, gene expression profile files as well).
  • The result folder stores the formal DGN results, which include three aspects: disease-associated genes, cell types, and gene network modules. Detailed descriptions are provided below.

1. Disease-Associated Genes

The disease-associated gene results are stored in {PHENO_ABBR}.gene.assoc.condi.txt. The meanings of the column names in the table are as follows:

Header Description
Gene Gene symbol
Chrom Chromosome of the gene
StartPos Start coordinate of the gene
EndPos End coordinate of the gene
#Var Number of variants within the gene
Group LD group number. Conditional ECS tests were performed for genes within the same LD group.
ECSP p-value of ECS
CondiECSP p-value of the conditional gene-based association tests by conditional ECS
GeneScore Gene’s selective-expression score. A gene with a high score will be given higher priority to enter the conditioning procedure.

2. Disease-Associated Cell Types

The disease-associated cell types results are stored in {PHENO_ABBR}.celltype.txt. The meanings of the column names in the table are as follows:

Header Description
TissueName Name of the tissue being tested
Unadjusted(p) Unadjusted p-values for the tissue-phenotype associations
Adjusted(p) Adjusted p-values calculated by adjusting both selection bias and multiple testing
Median(IQR)SigVsAll Median (interquartile range) expression of the conditionally significant genes and all the background genes

3. Disease-Associated Gene Network Modules

(1) The complete results of disease-associated gene modules are stored in {PHENO_ABBR}.assoc_gene_module.txt. The functional enrichment annotation results for significantly associated modules (FDR < 0.1) are stored in {PHENO_ABBR}.assoc_gene_module_anno.xlsx. The meanings of the column names in the table are as follows:

Header Description
module_id The module ID
cell_type The cell type in which the module is located
p The module association p-value
p.adj_fdr The p-value adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR method
assoc_gene_number The number of disease-associated genes within the module
module_gene_number The total number of genes within the module
assoc_gene The disease-associated genes in the module
module_gene All the genes in the module
"GO:BP," "GO:CC," and "GO:MF" The GO enrichment results for Biological Process, Cellular Component, and Molecular Function, respectively.
KEGG The KEGG pathway enrichment results.

(2) The visualization results of disease-significantly associated modules are stored in the {PHENO_ABBR}.plot folder. The file {module_id}.module_network.htmlcontains the network diagram of the module, while{module_id}.module_heatmap.pngshows the heatmap of the network edge weights. For example:

img.png img_1.png
{module_id}.module_network.html {module_id}.module_heatmap.png

Complete List of DGN Parameters

Input 1: Gene expression profile

Flag Description Default
--expression_dir Input a directory that contains gene expression profile of different cell types. Each file represents a specific cell type, with filenames following the convention "{CellTypeName}.txt.gz".

Input 2: GWAS summary statistics

Flag Description Default
--gwas_path GWAS summary table with header.
--chrom_col Chromosome column in GWAS summary table. CHR
--pos_col Base position column in GWAS summary table. BP
--p_col P-value column in GWAS summary table. P
--buildver Specifies the reference genome version of the coordinates. hg19


Flag Description Default
--output_dir Output directory.
--phenotype_abbr Phenotype abbreviation, used as the file identifier for this phenotype in the output results.

Step 1: Construction of gene co-expression network

Flag Description Default
--trans_gene_symbol Convert the gene ID in the expression profiles to gene symbol of HGNC.
--min_expr_value The minimum average gene expression level used for constructing co-expression networks. 0
--min_cell The minimum number of cells or samples required in the analysis. 100
--max_cell The max number of cells or samples required in the analysis. 1000
--min_k The minimum value of k in normalization for co-expression network. 0.5
--max_k The max value of k in normalization for co-expression network. 1.5
--fold_IQR How many times the IQR is the normal range of the average |r| 1.5
--edge_method The method for calculating edge weights (i.e., gene correlations),pearson or cs-core. cs-core
--resample_size Sample size for resampling edge weights when correcting the co-expression network. 100000
--keep_expr No need to recalculate the gene centrality in the gene co-expression network for the next analysis.

Step 2: Disease-associated genes and cell types

Flag Description Default
--vcf_ref Specifies a VCF file of genotypes sampled from a reference population.
--multiple_testing Specifies the method for multiple testing correction. bonf denotes performing Bonferroni correction; benfdr denotes controlling false discovery rate by the Benjamini–Hochberg method; fixed denotes no correction. benfdr
--p_value_cutoff Specifies the threshold of the adjusted p-value for fine-mapping. 0.05
--top_n_gene Maximum number of genes entering conditional association analysis. 1000
--nt Specifies the number of threads. 1
--rm_hla Remove HLA region.
--java_path Java path. java
--jvm_gb JVM value (GB). 20

Step 3: Disease-associated gene network modules

Flag Description Default
--assoc_cell_p_cutoff The adjusted p cutoff for associating cell types. The significant cell types will be used for associated network module analysis. 0.05
--module_gene_score_n_top_genes In the module detection function, specify the number of top genes with high disease-related scores for module detection 5000
--module_cut_edge_weight Minimum edge weight for pruning nodes in modules. 0.5
--module_plot_cut_edge_weight Minimum edge weight for pruning nodes in plotting modules. 0.6
--show_node_label_top_n Display the labels of the top n genes by connectivity. 5
--function_enrich_p_cutoff P-value threshold for functional enrichment analysis by g:Profiler. 0.05
--function_enrich_top_n Maximum number of functional enrichment terms displayed. 3

Extra analysis: DESE, inferring disease-associated genes and cell types using gene expression.

Flag Description Default
--run_expr_dese Calculate the mean expression profile of genes and run DESE.
--normalize_expr The normalization method for the expression profiles. no denote skip normalization, cpm denotes count per million (CPM) normalization. cpm
--log_trans_expr Transform the expression value into log2(x+1).



Disease-associated gene network






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