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REQUIRED LIBRARYS AND HEADERS: "libffi" full library with headers

DynamicRPC is a pure-C rpc client-server framework
Main features of DynamicRPC is:
    - No specific function prototype
    - Support of ressending arguments of function back to client
    - Support for unknown dimensity at compile time array with API (rpcbuff)
    - Support of hashtable-like structs API (rpcstruct)
    - Usage of libffi for function call

Rpc types:
    header file "rpctypes.h"
    VOID = 0, //Only for return type! Exist of this in call args will cause assert
    CHAR = 1,// C char type
    STR = 2, // C char* type
    UINT16 = 3, // stdint uint16_t
    INT16 = 4,  // stdint int16_t
    UINT32 = 5, // stdint uint32_t
    INT32 = 6,  // stdint int32_t
    UINT64 = 7, // stdint uint64_t
    INT64 = 8,  // stdint int64_t
    FLOAT = 9,  // C float
    DOUBLE = 10,// C double
    RPCBUFF = 11, 
    SIZEDBUF = 12, //1D array that will pass uint64_t typed value as his len in next arg: "char*, uint64_t", in server function proto UINT64 must be next e.g "SIZEDBUF,UINT64"
    on client just "SIZEDBUF" Cant be return!

    PSTORAGE = 13, //Function local storage, void*
    INTERFUNC = 14,//Storage global for all functions, void*
    RPCSTRUCT = 15

Server API:
    header file "rpcserver.h"
    struct rpcserver* rpcserver_create(uint16_t port);  "allocate and create server at specified port"

    void rpcserver_start(struct rpcserver* rpcserver);  "create server threads and start it"

    void rpcserver_free(struct rpcserver* serv);        "stop and deallocates server"

    void rpcserver_stop(struct rpcserver* serv);        "stops but DONT deallocates server"

    int rpcserver_register_fn(struct rpcserver* serv, void* fn, char* fn_name,
                            enum rpctypes rtype, enum rpctypes* argstype,
                            uint8_t argsamm, void* pstorage,int perm);
    registrate function pointer in server with following things:
        - fn_name: name of function visible on client side
        - rtype: function return type
        - argstype: function prototype array
        - pstorage: local storage for PSTORAGE type, this storage is only for this function
        - perm: function permission, -1 is a root perm, if client permission lower than function req server will reject this call
    Return 0 on success

    void rpcserver_unregister_fn(struct rpcserver* serv, char* fn_name); "de-registers following fn"

    void rpcserver_load_keys(struct rpcserver* serv, char* filename); "Load keys for server with following format ("key"perm) e.g "hello?"123   "

Client API:
    header file: "rpcclient.h"

    struct rpccon* rpcclient_connect(char* host,int portno,char* key)
    This functions connects to server at host,portno with key, fd and your perm will be stored into con
        - host: ip or domen of server
        - key: your key on server, based on it you you'll get perm or be disconned
        - portno: TCP port of server
    Return 0 on success

    int rpcclient_call(struct rpccon* con,char* fn,enum rpctypes* rpctypes,char* flags, int rpctypes_len,void* fnret,...);
    This function calls function specified by fn on the server
        - con: connected rpcserver
        - fn: fn name on server
        - rpctypes: function prototype used to get data from varargs
        - flags: flags array for ressending supported types "str,sizedbuf,rpcbuff,rpcstruct", must be same size as rpctypes
        - rpctypes_len: len of rpctypes and flags
        - fnret: is a pointer to function return variable
        - varagrs: values or pointers of data that needs to be packed and passed to rpc server
                   NOTE: SIZEDBUF is needs to be passed to varargs as char*,uint64_t (esp32 version, uint32_t)
                   NOTE N2: resent args will be unpacked and updated automaticly

    void rpcclient_discon(struct rpccon* con); "disconnects from server and closes FD"

Rpcbuff API:
    header file: "rpctypes.h"

    struct rpcbuff* rpcbuff_create(uint64_t* dimsizes,uint64_t dimsizes_len,uint64_t lastdim_len);
    creates and returns rpcbuff struct:
        - dimsizes: array that describes size of dimensions
        - dimsizes_len: ammount of dimensions
        - lastdim_len: default endpoint len if it wasnt pushed previosly

    char* rpcbuff_getlast_from(struct  rpcbuff* rpcbuff, uint64_t* index, uint64_t index_len,uint64_t* outlen);
    get endpoint of array at dimension specified by index
        - index: array that specify dimension
        - index_len: len of index
        - outlen: output pointer, here will be passed len of specified endpoint
    return endpoint

    int rpcbuff_pushto(struct rpcbuff* rpcbuff, uint64_t* index, uint64_t index_len, char* data, uint64_t data_len);
    Pushes data array to rpcbuff and copy it (original can be edited or freed)
        - index: array that specify dimension
        - index_len: len of index
        - data: data array that will be pushed to rpcbuff,
        - data_len: len of data
    return 0 on success

    void _rpcbuff_free(struct rpcbuff* rpcbuff); "Free rpcbuff, MUST NOT BE CALLED FROM RPCSERVER CALLEE FUNCTION"

Rpcstruct API:
    header file: "rpctypes.h"
    note: rpcstruct is immutable until you manually re-set value!
    void rpcstruct_free(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct); "Frees internals of rpcstruct since it may be allocated on stack, if it was on heap free rpcstruct pointer yourself"

    char** rpcstruct_get_fields(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct, uint64_t* fields_len); "Returns fields of rpcstruct, fields_len is out pointer that will contain ammount of fields"

    int rpcstruct_remove(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct, char* key); "Remove field immedialty, return 0 on success"

    int rpcstruct_set_flag(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct, char* key, char flag);
    "Set flag of type contained in rpcstruct, if flag was set to zero that type will not be in packed rpcstruct on resend args or return"

    int rpcstruct_get(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct,char* key,enum rpctypes type,void* out,uint64_t* obuflen);
    Get value at key in rpcstruct
        - key: key of value
        - type: type of value at key
        - out: output pointer for value stored at key
        - obuflen: output len of sizedbuf type ONLY
    return 0 on success
    int rpcstruct_set(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct,char* key,enum rpctypes type, void* arg,size_t typelen);
    Set value from arg to key, arg will be packed automaticly
        - key: key of value
        - type: type of value used to pack arg
        - arg: pointer to type that will be packed
        - typelen: len of sizedbuf ONLY
    return 0 on success

    int rpcstruct_create(struct rpcstruct* rpcstruct);
    Allocates internals of rpcstruct
        - rpcstruct: pointer to rpcstruct which internals will be allocated, can be on stack
    return 0 on stack