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code: cleanup
code: cleanup
Making code cleaner or nicer
code: debug
code: debug
Adding something to debug or invesigate
code: enhancement
code: enhancement
New feature or improvement
code: fix
code: fix
Fixing some issues
code: heuristics
code: heuristics
Involves solution that applied only to a specific case
code: redesign
code: redesign
New design of some part of the library
code: refactoring
code: refactoring
Changing the code structure without changing functionality
code: typo
code: typo
Fix of a typo in source files
code: workaround
code: workaround
Not a direct solution to a problem
derive: core
derive: core
Something in between single type generator and its constructors
derive: entry
derive: entry
Issue on the derivation function facing to the end-user
derive: infrastructure
derive: infrastructure
Issue around derivation, but not directly in
derive: least-effort
derive: least-effort
Relates to the `LeastEffort` derivation algorithm
issue: bad message
issue: bad message
When library reports some problem badly
issue: compilation error
issue: compilation error
When compilation error raises because of the library
issue: distribution
issue: distribution
When distribution of generation is wrong
issue: performance
issue: performance
When work takes too much resources
issue: warning
issue: warning
When unexpected warning is caused by the library
part: build
part: build
Related to how the lib and tests are built
part: ci
part: ci
Related to CI and testing of libs
part: derivation
part: derivation
Related to automated derivation of generators
part: docs
part: docs
Related to documentation and readme
part: examples
part: examples
Related to the usage examples
part: generators
part: generators
Related to generators
part: infra libs
part: infra libs
Related to supporting data types and other definitions
part: labels
part: labels
Related to the labelling mechanism
part: meta
part: meta
Related to partitioning of the project
part: model coverage
part: model coverage
Related to model coverage of generators
part: tests
part: tests
Related to tests of the library
status: blocked
status: blocked
Blocked by some other issue or ongoing work