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Buckets Relay Server Logo

Buckets Relay Server

This repository contains the open source code for the Buckets relay server, which allows users to share budget data between their devices in an end-to-end encrypted way.

Quickstart - single user mode

If you want to run the relay on your own computer with only one user account, do the following:

  1. Install Nim
  2. Build the relay:
git clone buckets-relay.git
cd buckets-relay.git
nimble singleuserbins
  1. Run the server:
bin/brelay server

This will launch the relay on the default port. Run brelay --help for more options.

Multi-user mode

If instead of nimble singleuserbins you run nimble multiuserbins the server will be built in multi-user mode.

Register users via brelay adduser ... or through the web interface.

Registration-related emails are sent through Postmark. Set POSTMARK_API_KEY to your Postmark key to use it. Otherwise, disable emails with -d:nopostmark.

Users can authenticate with their Buckets license if you set an environment variable AUTH_LICENSE_PUBKEY=<A PEM FORMATTED PUBKEY>


  • You should ensure that connections to this relay server are made with TLS.
  • This relay server can see all traffic, so clients should encrypt data intended for other clients.
  • Clients should also authenticate each other through the relay and not trust the authentication done by this server.


To run the server locally:

nimble run brelay server

Deployment to

If you'd like to run a relay server on, sign up for the service then do one of the following. If you'd like to host somewhere else, you could use the Dockerfiles in docker/ as a starting point.

Single-user mode

fly launch --dockerfile docker/singleuser.Dockerfile
fly secrets set RELAY_USERNAME='someusername' RELAY_PASSWORD='somepassword'
Variable Description
RELAY_USERNAME Username or email you'll use to authenticate to the relay.
RELAY_PASSWORD Password you'll use to authenticate to the relay.

Multi-user mode

fly launch --dockerfile docker/multiuser.Dockerfile
fly secrets set POSTMARK_API_KEY='your key' AUTH_LICENSE_PUBKEY='the key' LICENSE_HASH_SALT='choose something here'
Variable Description
POSTMARK_API_KEY API key from Postmark
AUTH_LICENSE_PUBKEY RSA public key of Buckets licenses. If empty, license authentication is disabled.
LICENSE_HASH_SALT A hashing salt for the case when a license needs to be disabled. Any random, but consistent value is fine.


Relay clients communicate with the relay server using the following protocol. See ./src/bucketsrelay/proto.nim for more information, and ./src/bucketsrelay/stringproto.nim for encoding details.

In summary, devices connect with websockets and exchange messages. Messages sent from client to server are called commands. Messages sent from server to client are called events.


Clients authenticate with the server in two ways:

  1. With a relay account via HTTP Basic authentication. This is used to group together a user's various clients and prevent abuse.
  2. With a public/private key. This is used to identify and connect individual clients.

A single relay account can have multiple public/private keys; typically one for each device.

Client Commands

Clients send the following commands:

Command Description
Iam In response to a Who event, proves that this client has the private key for their public key.
Connect Asks the server for a connection to another client identified by the client's public key.
Disconnect Asks the server to disconnect a connection to another client.
SendData Sends bytes to another client.

Server Events

The relay server sends the following events:

Event Description
Who Challenge for authenticating a client's public/private keys
Authenticated Sent when a client successfully completes authentication
Connected Sent when a client has connected to another client
Disconnected Sent when a client has been disconnected from another client
Data Data payload from another, connected client
Entered Sent when a client within the same user account has authenticated to the relay
Exited Sent when a client within the same user account has disconnected from the relay
ErrorEvent Sent when errors happen with authentication, connection or message sending

Sequences and Usage


Authentication happens like this:

  1. On connection, server sends Who(challenge=ABCD...)
  2. Client responds with Iam(pubkey=MYPK..., signature=SIGN...)
  3. If the signature is correct, server sends Authenticated
Client           Relay
 │                 │
 │             Who │
 │                 │
 │ Iam             │
 │                 │
 │  Authenticated  │
 │                 │

Client-to-client connection

After authenticating, clients connect to each other and send data like this:

  1. Alice sends Connect(pubkey=BOBPK)
  2. Bob sends Connect(pubkey=ALICEPK)
  3. Server sends Alice Connected(pubkey=BOBPK)
  4. Server sends Bob Connected(pubkey=ALICEPK)
  5. Alice sends data with SendData(data=hello, pubkey=BOBPK)
  6. Server sends Bob data with Data(data=hello, sender=ALICEPK)
Alice             Relay              Bob
  │                 │                 │
  │                 │                 │
  │Connect(Bob)     │                 │
  ├────────────────►│ Connect(Alice)  │
  │                 │◄────────────────┤
  │                 │                 │
  │ Connected(Bob)  │ Connected(Alice)│
  │                 │                 │
  │SendData(Bob)    │                 │
  ├────────────────►│ Data(Alice)     │
  │                 ├────────────────►│
  │                 │                 │

Same-user presence notifications

The relay server will announce client presence to all clients that use the same HTTP Auth credentials. For example, if both Alice and Bob signed in as [email protected] the following would happen:

  1. Alice finishes authenticating
  2. Bob finishes authenticating
  3. Server sends Alice Entered(pubkey=BOBPK)
  4. Server sends Bob Entered(pubkey=ALICEPK)
  5. Alice disconnects
  6. Server sends Bob Exited(pubkey=ALICEPK)