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STM8S SPL, patched for use with SDCC

This version of the STM8S Standard Peripheral library has the following changes:

  • original files from STSW-STM8069
  • patched with STM8-SPL_SDCC_patch
  • all C files were split into one function per file, so as to allow SDCC linker to do dead code elimination
  • a makefile for an spl library was introduced
  • the makefile for STM8S_StdPeriph_Template and STM8S_StdPeriph_test illustrate how to create a simple application with the SPL and SDCC
  • just type make in Project/STM8S_StdPeriph_test/SDCC to build the example and spl.lib

NB: the examples in STM8S_StdPeriph_Examples have NOT been updated, this is a work in progress.


The original licenses remain, these sources are useable under the terms of SLA044.

Toolchain Installation for SDCC

  • if required, download and install SDCC and Gnu-Make. Add binaries to $(PATH)
  • for STM8 programming via SWIM debug interface
    • install libusb-dev (e.g. sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev)
    • download and make stm8flash source code
    • on Linux grant write access to ST-Link debugger by creating a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-stlinkv2.rules with content
      SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3744", MODE="0666"
      Note: since several versions of ST-Link exist, check the idProduct of your device via command usb-devices
  • for STM8 programming via serial bootloader
    • download and make stm8gal source code
  • if necessary, set execute permission for build scripts in project folders


  • the SPL projects are also compatible with other compilers and IDEs, e.g. Cosmic and STVisualDevelop. These are not tested or supported by the build scripts, but allow graphical debugging which is not yet supported by SDCC
  • on Windows
    • SWIM upload can also be performed via STVisualProgrammer. Please adapt build scripts accordingly
    • bootloader upload can also be performed via Flash Loader Demonstrator. However, this is not supported by the automatic build