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DEPRECATED: see adlib-backend and eventstream

adlib2eventstream exposes Adlib databases as event streams*.

This is done in two steps:

  • First, an Adlib database is fetched, mapped to Linked Data and stored inside a SQLite database
  • Then, Linked Data Fragments are exposed on top of this SQLite database following the Eventstream specification.

* an event stream is a collection of versioned objects (a version is like an event) and can be updated anytime at their own pace (slow and fast data). This way, consumers can easily discover and harvest the latest changes.


git clone
cd adlib2eventstream
npm install


Rename config.tml.example to config.tml and fill in the password of the Adlib API you want to expose as an eventstream.

Adlib2eventstream uses an ORM (Sequelize) to support following databases: Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server. Fill in the connection URI in config.tml of the database you want to use. For example: 'sqlite://./eventstream.db' or 'postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432' or 'postgresql://postgres:yourPassword@yourDockerContainer:5432'

Adapt the block [institution] with the name (or abbreviation) of the institution that will have its data published and fill in:

  • institutionName with the exact spelling ( field) used in Adlib
  • institutionURI with a URI of the organization

[institution] will be used as a subpath of the Web API.

Create a new start function inside adlib2backend.js for your dataset and adapt the option object so that the value of institution matches with [institution] of the configuration file.



Run following command to start harvesting the Adlib database(s):

node bin/adlib2backend.js

When no Members table exists in the database, it will create a new table. When the table is empty, it will harvest all Adlib objects. When the table is not empty (e.g. when you run it as a cronjob), it will look up when the last object was harvested and start fetching Adlib from that point on.


The adlib2backend, eventstream and database can be deployed with Docker. Make sure to configure your connection URI in config.tml with the database you will use.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up


You can configure in config.tml when to periodically run adlib2backend.js. Fill in schedule following the cron syntax, for example every day at midnight (* * 0 * * *)

Clean data

If you want to clean up your database (e.g. you updated the mapping of the event stream), then you need to clean the Members table of the database manually. This can be configured in the future if preferred.

Eventstream API

After harvesting Adlib, the Evenstream API can be deployed to serve cacheable fragments:

PORT=3000 node bin/eventstream.js

When deploying this on a server, configure config.tml to match the hostname, port and relative path that is exposed to the outside. To deploy you can use Docker (see above) or PM2:

npm install pm2@latest -g
PORT=3000 pm2 start bin/eventstream.js --name "eventstream" --update-env

Discover the collections

curl -X GET \


	"@context": ["", {
		"dcterms": ""
	"@id": "",
	"@type": "DatasetCatalogus",
	"DatasetCatalogus.titel": "Catalogus CoGhent",
	"DatasetCatalogus.beschrijving": "Catalogus van datasets voor de Collectie van de Gentenaar.",
	"heeftDataset": [{
		"@id": "",
		"@type": "Dataset",
		"Dataset.titel": "objecten van Design Museum Gent",
		"Dataset.beschrijving": "Event stream van de Adlib database 'objecten' van de instelling Design Museum Gent",
		"Dataset.heeftUitgever": "",
		"heeftDistributie": {
			"@type": "Distributie",
			"toegangsURL": "",
			"dcterms:conformsTo": ""

Retrieve collection

curl -X GET \


	"@context": {
		"prov": "",
		"tree": "",
		"sh": "",
		"dcterms": "",
		"tree:member": {
			"@type": "@id"
		"memberOf": {
			"@reverse": "tree:member",
			"@type": "@id"
		"tree:node": {
			"@type": "@id"
		"viewOf": {
			"@reverse": "tree:view",
			"@type": "@id"
	"@id": "",
	"@type": "tree:Node",
	"viewOf": {
		"@id": "",
		"@type": "tree:Collection"
	"@included": [{
		"@context": ["", "", "", {
			"dcterms:isVersionOf": {
				"@type": "@id"
			"prov": "",
			"label": "",
			"opmerking": ""
		"@id": "",
		"@type": "MensgemaaktObject",
		"dcterms:isVersionOf": "",
		"prov:generatedAtTime": "2021-02-03T15:48:18.091Z",
		"MaterieelDing.beheerder": "",
		"MensgemaaktObject.maaktDeelUitVan": [{
			"@type": "Collectie",
			"Entiteit.beschrijving": "huishoudelijke apparaten (ok)"
		}, {
			"@type": "Collectie",
			"Entiteit.beschrijving": "Nova"
		"Object.identificator": {
			"@type": "Identificator",
			"Identificator.identificator": ["2017-0448"]
		"Entiteit.classificatie": [{
			"@type": "Classificatie",
			"Classificatie.getypeerdeEntiteit": "",
			"Classificatie.toegekendType": {
				"label": "wafelijzer"
		}, {
			"@type": "Classificatie",
			"Classificatie.getypeerdeEntiteit": "",
			"Classificatie.toegekendType": {
				"label": "dummy"
		"MensgemaaktObject.titel": {
			"@value": "Dummy van Croc'Seconde Plus (Classic Line)",
			"@language": "nl"
		"Entiteit.beschrijving": {
			"@value": "Model voor de uitvoering van een croc-toestel. Deze dummy werd naar alle waarschijnlijkheid gemaakt door Karl D'Hulst, stagiair industriële vormgeving bij Nova in 1985. Voor zijn stage-opdracht diende hij een stylingmodel te ontwerpen waarvoor er tevens een dummy diende te worden gemaakt.",
			"@language": "nl"
		"MensgemaaktObject.materiaal": [{
			"label": "geheel: polymethacrylimide (pp)"
		"MensgemaaktObject.dimensie": [{
			"@type": "Dimensie",
			"Dimensie.beschrijving": "Dimensie van geheel",
			"Dimensie.type": "hoogte",
			"Dimensie.waarde": "9",
			"Dimensie.eenheid": "cm"
		}, {
			"@type": "Dimensie",
			"Dimensie.beschrijving": "Dimensie van geheel",
			"Dimensie.type": "breedte",
			"Dimensie.waarde": "23",
			"Dimensie.eenheid": "cm"
		}, {
			"@type": "Dimensie",
			"Dimensie.beschrijving": "Dimensie van geheel",
			"Dimensie.type": "diepte",
			"Dimensie.waarde": "24",
			"Dimensie.eenheid": "cm"
		"MaterieelDing.isOvergedragenBijVerwerving": {
			"@type": "Verwerving",
			"Verwerving.overdrachtVan": "",
			"Verwerving.overgedragenAan": "",
			"Gebeurtenis.plaats": "",
			"Activiteit.gebruikteTechniek": "oningeschreven gevonden",
			"Gebeurtenis.tijd": {
				"@type": "Periode",
				"Periode.begin": "2017",
				"Periode.einde": "2017"
		"MensgemaaktObject.locatie": {
			"opmerking": "Niet publiek"
		"memberOf": ""
    "tree:relation": [{
        "@type": "tree:LessThanRelation",
        "tree:node": "",
        "tree:path": "prov:generatedAtTime",
        "tree:value": "2021-02-03T15:48:18.091Z",
        "tree:remainingItems": 161