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Engram is a chat bot interface powered by large language models (LLMs). If you're familiar with ChatGPT, this shouldn't be too different.

I started this project to get some experience on working with LLMs; later, I also realized that the work I had already done was (almost) free university study credits. I still occasionally use Engram myself, but realistically there is no reason why you should pick it instead of another self-hosted LLM interface.


Before we begin, there are several limitations that you should be aware of:

  • English only - even if the LLM shown in UI supports other languages, the underlying analyzation passes might not work!
  • Reliability of LLMs is what it is - don't trust a word they generate!
  • Engram relies heavily on external APIs - if they are unavailable, so is Engram
    • Some of leading LLM APIs have had rather terrible uptime in past
    • Usually, but not always, trying a different model will help
  • There is currently no mobile support
  • Voice interface is mostly proof of concept - latency is not great


Engram front page

As you might expect, the basic user interface is similar to many existing chat applications. You write your message (in text field at bottom); both your and AI assistant's messages appear above that.

The panel at left contains a list of your topics. You can create new and revisit (or delete) old conversations with AI assistants from there. Each topic has its own message history and settings; there is currently no cross-topic memory.

Speaking of settings, on left there is a panel with topic options. Near top of it, you can choose the engine that drives the conversation. In practice, each engine consists of an LLM but not only that:

  • Curious has a built-in retrieval-augmented-generation system
  • Coding has a programming-oriented prompt and a language selector
  • Creative has a customized prompt; nothing more than that
  • Simple has no customizations (aside of a very short prompt)
    • This is good for trying out new models
    • Warning: some of the these models may be occasionally unavailable!

You can choose which LLM/model you use. The default option should work, but beyond that it is also a matter of preference.

Multimodal input

Engram supports image inputs, provided that the underlying model supports them. Images can be attached to messages by dragging them on top of chat history, or by using the button next the text field.

Advanced: Keyboard shortcuts

Engram has a few keyboard shortcuts that can make common tasks faster:

  • Ctrl+Alt: Starts a new topic
  • Ctrl+Space: Focuses on the message field
  • Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+4: Changes the chat engine

Usage (for developers)

For local development, you'll need the following:

  • Node.js 20+ and npm
  • Docker
  • Linux (other operating systems should work, but are untested)

API keys and other secrets should be placed in .env file at repository root. You'll have to create this yourself; see .env.sample for details. Absolutely required options are:

  • OpenAI access key
    • Title generation, and of course GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models in chats
  • Together API key
    • Various Mistral models are used for generating RAG search queries
  • Cohere API key
    • Used for reranking RAG documents
  • Anthropic API key
    • All Claude 3 models
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider, if you want authentication
    • By default, authentication is disabled for local development
    • For testing OIDC or production usage, this is required!

Other keys are optional. Lack of them will make some non-default model options not work and silently disable e.g. grounding in default chat, so don't do this in production!

After .env has been configured, you can launch engram with:

npm ci # First time only, install dependencies
# npm install # Do this instead of above if you want to update package-lock.json
docker-compose up -d # Launch PostgreSQL development database
npm run all # Run backend and frontend

The frontend should now be automatically opened in your browser. If you see nothing, wait a moment for the backend to stop and refresh the page.

Frontend has Vite hot reload enabled. Sometimes, this can break when CSS is updated; in that case, just refresh the page. Backend automatically restarts when it is modified, which usually takes a few seconds.

Database migrations

Database schema is available at backend/src/schema.ts. After modifying it, make sure to generate migration using npm run migrations. Migrations are automatically run when the application starts, and should be committed to Git.

Production deployment

Engram can be deployed to production as a container. To build an image, run The script assumes write access to my container registry; if you don't have that, you'll need to run the docker build by hand. BuildKit is required; if it is not enabled by default for you, setting DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 environment variable (not .env entry!) may help.

Although most data is saved in PostgreSQL database, attachments for multimodal usage are currently stored in /app/backend/attachments. Be sure to mount a volume to this directory to avoid data loss!

How the container is actually deployed is up to you. I use docker-compose and a pile of custom code written with Pyinfra. A simple compose file might look something like this:

version: '3.7'

    image: postgres:15
    restart: unless-stopped
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/postgres-passwd
      - engram-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - postgres-passwd
    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/engram
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3001:3001
    env_file: .env
      - attachments:/app/backend/attachments


    file: secrets/postgres-passwd


Here is brief summary on how Engram has been built.


The frontend is built with TypeScript and Preact. State is managed globally with Preact signals. Backend types are exposed via TS definitions generated from OpenAPI spec, and (to lesser extent) by simply sharing code between frontend and backend.


Backend is written in TypeScript and uses Tsoa with Koa for serving HTTP requests. An OpenAPI specification is automatically generated for the backend API.

The backend uses Node.js APIs; though it might work with e.g. Bun, this has not been tested.

LLM providers and calls

Engram backend abstracts away the differences of LLMs for frontend as much as possible. New LLM models and providers can be added relatively easily; building a custom client from scratch is not the easiest thing, but connecting to OpenAI-compatible API or integration an existing Node.js client is simple.

In general, all LLM responses are streamed. This applies both to backend (which streams them from LLM providers) and frontend (which gets them from) backend. In most cases, the streaming is done with server-sent events. there is no persistent (WebSocket or otherwise) connection between the server and client.


Engram uses OIDC authentication; this is implemented with passport. Once user has successfully logged in, they are given a cryptographically signed authentication token.

Most API routes are secured, meaning they require authentication to be usable. Many of them also check if the current user should be allowed to access/modify whatever data they requested. Guessing e.g. topic ids is easy; as such, they are not relied for security.

Attachments are a notable exception. Knowing the name (random string) grants read-only access to it.

External tools

Engram supports two kinds of external tools for LLMs.

Tool calling is a feature supported by many leading LLM providers. With it, the application provides a list of functions that the LLM is allowed to call. The LLM does not actually call them; rather, instead of a textual response, it may return a set of function call objects (containing function names and arguments).

Tool calls work reasonably well for actions. What they are not so great at is information retrieval. As such, Engram currently barely uses them even though a lot of time was spent to add support for them.

Grounding in Engram works somewhat differently. When user's message is received, multiple LLMs are launched in parallel to generate various search queries (or hypothetical answers) to it. Then, before any response is generated, those queries are sent to various data sources such as:

  • Vector search engines - a proof of concept of this uses Qdrant with Wikipedia
  • Wolfram Alpha - an expert system, or something close to that
  • Another LLM - preferably one with some grounding in place

This actually seems to work quite well.