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Deploy to Astro

This GitHub action automates deploying code from your GitHub repository to a Deployment on Astro, Astronomer's data orchestration platform and managed service for Apache Airflow.

You can use and configure this GitHub action to easily deploy Apache Airflow DAGs to an Airflow environment on Astro. Specifically, you can:

  • Avoid manually running astro deploy with the Astro CLI every time you make a change to your Astro project.
  • Automate deploying code to Astro when you merge changes to a certain branch in your repository.
  • Incorporate unit tests for your DAGs as part of the deploy process.
  • Create/delete a Deployment Preview. A Deployment Preview is an Astro Deployment that mirrors the configuration of your original Deployment.

This GitHub action runs as a step within a GitHub workflow file. When your CI/CD pipeline is triggered, this action:

  • Checks out your GitHub repository.
  • Optionally creates or deletes a Deployment Preview to test your code changes on before deploying to production.
  • Checks whether your commit only changed DAG code.
  • Optional. Tests DAG code with pytest. See Run tests with pytest.
  • Either runs:
    • astro deploy --dags if the commit only includes DAG code changes,
    • or astro deploy (as well as astro dev parse) if the commit includes any non-DAG-code-related changes.


To use this GitHub action, you need:


Astronomer recommends using GitHub Actions secrets to store ASTRO_API_TOKEN or Deployment API Keys. See the example in Workflow file examples.

Use this action

To use this action, read Automate code deploys with CI/CD. You will:

  1. Create a GitHub Actions workflow in your repository that uses the latest version of this action. For example, astronomer/[email protected].
  2. Configure the workflow to fit your team's use case. This could include creating a deployment preview or adding tests. See Configuration options.
  3. Make changes to your Astro project files in GitHub and let this GitHub Actions workflow take care of deploying your code to Astro.


Astronomer recommends setting up multiple environments on Astro. See the Multiple branch GitHub Actions workflow in Astronomer documentation.

Configuration options

The following table lists the configuration options for the Deploy to Astro action.

Name Default Description
action deploy Specify what action you would like to take. Use this option to create or delete deployment previews. Specify either deploy, create-deployment-preview, delete-deployment-preview or deploy-deployment-preview. If using deploy or deploy-deployment-preview one should also specify deploy-type.
deploy-type infer Specify the type of deploy you would like to do. Use this option to deploy images and/or DAGs or DBT project. Possible options are infer, dags-only, image-and-dags or dbt. infer option would infer between DAG only deploy and image and DAG deploy based on updated files. For description on each deploy type checkout deploy type details
deployment-id false Specifies the id of the deployment you to make a preview from or are deploying too.
deployment-name false Specifies The name of the deployment you want to make preview from or are deploying too. Cannot be used with deployment-id
description Configure a description for a deploy to Astro. Description will be visible in the Deploy History tab.
root-folder . Path to the Astro project, or dbt project for dbt deploys.
parse false When set to true, DAGs are parsed for errors before deploying to Astro. Note that when an image deploy is performed (i.e. astro deploy), parsing is also executed by default. Parsing is not performed automatically for DAG-only deploys (i.e. astro deploy --dags).
pytest false When set to true, all pytests in the tests directory of your Astro project are run before deploying to Astro. See Run tests with pytest
pytest-file (all tests run) Specifies a custom pytest file to run with the pytest command. For example, you could specify /tests/
force false When set to true, your code is deployed and skips any pytest or parsing errors.
image-name Specifies a custom, locally built image to deploy. To be used with deploy-type set to image-and-dags or infer
workspace Workspace id to select. Only required when ASTRO_API_TOKEN is given an organization token.
preview-name false Specifies custom preview name. By default this is branch name “_” deployment name.
checkout true Whether to checkout the repo as the first step. Set this to false if you want to modify repo contents before invoking the action. Your custom checkout step needs to have fetch-depth of 0 and ref equal to ${{ github.event.after }} so all the commits in the PR are checked out. Look at the checkout step that runs within this action for reference.
deploy-image false If true image and DAGs will deploy for any action that deploys code. NOTE: This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use deploy-type: image-and-dags instead.
build-secrets `` Mimics docker build --secret flag. See for more information. Example input 'id=mysecret,src=secrets.txt'.
mount-path `` Path to mount dbt project in Airflow, for reference by DAGs. Default /usr/local/airflow/dbt/{dbt project name}
checkout-submodules false Whether to checkout submodules when cloning the repository: false to disable (default), true to checkout submodules or recursive to recursively checkout submodules. Works only when checkout is set to true. Works only when checkout is set to true.


The following table lists the outputs for the Deploy to Astro action.

Name Description
preview-id The ID of the created deployment preview. Only works when action=create-deployment-preview.

Deploy Type Details

The following section describe each of the deploy type input value in detail to avoid any confusion:

  1. infer: In this mode, deploy-action would run through all the file changes:
  • if there are no file changes in the configured root-folder then it skips deploy
  • if there are changes only in dags/ folder, then it will do a dags deploy
  • otherwise it would do a complete image deploy
  1. image-and-dags: In this mode, deploy-action would run through all the file changes:
  • if there are no file changes in the configured root-folder then it skips deploy
  • otherwise it would do a complete image deploy
  1. dags-only: In this mode, deploy-action would run through all the file changes:
  • if there are no file changes in the configured root-folder then it skips deploy
  • if all the file changes are in folders except dags folder then it skips deploy
  • otherwise it would do a dag only deploy
  1. dbt: In this mode, deploy-action would run through all the file changes:
  • if there are no file changes in the configured root-folder then it skips deploy
  • otherwise it would do a dbt deploy

Workflow file examples

In the following example, the GitHub action deploys code to Astro. This example assumes that you have one Astro Deployment and one branch. When a change is merged to the main branch, your Astro project is deployed to Astro. DAG files are parsed on every deploy and no pytests are ran.

name: Astronomer CI - Deploy code

      - main

  ## Set API Token as an environment variable

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Deploy to Astro
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        deployment-id: <deployment id>
        parse: true

Use the following topics to further configure the action based on your needs.

Change the Root folder

In the following example, the folder /example-dags/ is specified as the root folder.

- name: Deploy to Astro
  uses: astronomer/[email protected]
    deployment-id: <deployment id>
    root-folder: /example-dags/

Run Pytests

In the following example, the pytest located at /tests/ runs before deploying to Astro.

- name: Deploy to Astro
  uses: astronomer/[email protected]
    deployment-id: <deployment id>
    pytest: true
    pytest-file: /tests/

Ignore parsing and testing

In the following example, force is enabled and both the DAG parse and pytest processes are skipped.

- name: Deploy to Astro
  uses: astronomer/[email protected]
    deployment-id: <deployment id>
    force: true

Deploy a custom Docker image

In the following example, a custom Docker image is built and deployed to an Astro Deployment.

name: Astronomer CI - Additional build-time args

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      ## Set API Token as an environment variable
      ASTRO_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ASTRO_API_TOKEN }}
    - name: Check out the repo
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Create image tag
      id: image_tag
      run: echo ::set-output name=image_tag::astro-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
    - name: Build image
      uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
        tags: ${{ steps.image_tag.outputs.image_tag }}
        load: true
        # Define your custom image's build arguments, contexts, and connections here using
        # the available GitHub Action settings:
        # .
        # This example uses `build-args` , but your use case might require configuring
        # different values.
        build-args: |
    - name: Deploy to Astro
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        deployment-id: <deployment id>
        deploy-type: image-and-dags
        image-name: ${{ steps.image_tag.outputs.image_tag }}

Deploy a DBT project

In the following example we would be deploying the dbt project located at dbt folder in the Github repo

- name: DBT Deploy to Astro
  uses: astronomer/[email protected]
    deployment-id: <deployment id>
    deploy-type: dbt
    root-folder: dbt

Deploy DAGs and DBT project from same repo

In the following example we would setup a workflow to deploy dags/images located at astro-project and dbt deploy from dbt project located at dbt folder in the same Github repo

- name: DBT Deploy to Astro
  uses: astronomer/[email protected]
    deployment-id: <deployment id>
    deploy-type: dbt
    root-folder: dbt
- name: DAGs/Image Deploy to Astro
  uses: astronomer/[email protected]
    deployment-id: <deployment id>
    root-folder: astro-project/
    parse: true

Deployment Preview Templates

This section contains four workflow files that you will need in your repository to have a full Deployment Preview Cycle running for your Deployment. A Deployment Preview is an Astro Deployment that mirrors the configuration of your original Deployment. This Deployment Preview can be used to test your new pipelines changes before pushing them to your original Deployment. The scripts below will take your pipeline changes through the following flow:

  1. When a new branch is created a Deployment Preview will be created based off your original Deployment
  2. When a PR is created from a branch code changes will be deployed to the Deployment Preview
  3. When a PR is merged into your "main" branch code changes will be deployed to the original Deployment
  4. When a branch is deleted the corresponding Deployment Preview will also be deleted

Create Deployment Preview

name: Astronomer CI - Create deployment preview

    - "**"

  ## Sets Deployment API key credentials as environment variables

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Create Deployment Preview
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        action: create-deployment-preview
        deployment-id: <orginal deployment id>

Deploy to Deployment Preview

name: Astronomer CI - Deploy code to Preview

      - main

  ## Sets Deployment API key credentials as environment variables

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Deploy to Deployment Preview
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        action: deploy-deployment-preview
        deployment-id: <orginal deployment id>

DBT Deploy to Deployment Preview

name: Astronomer - DBT Deploy code to Preview

      - main

  ## Sets Deployment API key credentials as environment variables

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Deploy to Deployment Preview
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        action: deploy-deployment-preview
        deploy-type: dbt
        deployment-id: <orginal deployment id>
        root-folder: dbt

Delete Deployment Preview

name: Astronomer CI - Delete Deployment Preview

    - "**"

  ## Sets Deployment API key credentials as environment variables

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Delete Deployment Preview
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        action: delete-deployment-preview
        deployment-id: <orginal deployment id>

Deploy to Original Deployment

name: Astronomer CI - Deploy code to Astro

      - main

  ## Sets Deployment API key credentials as environment variables

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Deploy to Astro
      uses: astronomer/[email protected]
        deployment-id: <orginal deployment id>