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15 Puzzle

The 15 Puzzle is a sliding puzzle having 15 square tiles numbered 1 to 15 in a frame that is 4 tiles high and 4 tiles wide, leaving one unoccupied tile position.

Mathematical Analysis

This table shows the number of permutations by the number of moves required to solve the puzzle:

moves positions
00 1
01 2
02 4
03 10
04 24
05 54
06 107
07 212
08 446
09 946
10 1948
11 3938
12 7808
13 15544
14 30821
15 60842
16 119000
17 231844
18 447342
19 859744
20 1637383
21 3098270
22 5802411
23 10783780
24 19826318
25 36142146
26 65135623
27 116238056
28 204900019
29 357071928
30 613926161
31 1042022040
32 1742855397
33 2873077198
34 4660800459
35 7439530828
36 11668443776
37 17976412262
38 27171347953
39 40271406380
40 58469060820
41 83099401368
42 115516106664
43 156935291234
44 208207973510
45 269527755972
46 340163141928
47 418170132006
48 500252508256
49 581813416256
50 657076739307
51 719872287190
52 763865196269
53 784195801886
54 777302007562
55 742946121222
56 683025093505
57 603043436904
58 509897148964
59 412039723036
60 317373604363
61 232306415924
62 161303043901
63 105730020222
64 65450375310
65 37942606582
66 20696691144
67 10460286822
68 4961671731
69 2144789574
70 868923831
71 311901840
72 104859366
73 29592634
74 7766947
75 1508596
76 272198
77 26638
78 3406
79 70
80 17

On average 52.59 moves are needed

Here are the 17 permutations that need 80 moves, written row by row:

-- 11 09 13 12 15 10 14 03 07 06 02 04 08 05 01
-- 12 09 13 15 08 10 14 11 07 06 02 04 03 05 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 10 14 03 07 02 05 04 08 06 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 10 14 03 07 05 06 04 08 02 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 10 14 03 07 06 02 04 08 05 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 10 14 07 08 05 06 04 03 02 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 10 14 07 08 06 02 04 03 05 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 10 14 08 03 06 02 04 07 05 01
-- 12 09 13 15 11 14 10 03 08 06 02 04 07 05 01
-- 12 10 13 15 11 09 14 07 03 06 02 04 08 05 01
-- 12 10 13 15 11 14 09 03 07 02 05 04 08 06 01
-- 12 10 13 15 11 14 09 03 07 06 02 04 08 05 01
-- 12 10 13 15 11 14 09 07 08 06 02 04 03 05 01
-- 12 11 13 15 14 10 09 03 07 06 02 04 08 05 01
-- 12 14 13 15 11 09 10 03 07 06 02 04 08 05 01
-- 12 14 13 15 11 09 10 08 03 06 02 04 07 05 01
-- 15 09 13 11 12 10 14 03 07 06 02 04 08 05 01

Algorithmic Idea

The code implements the paper Additive Pattern Database Heuristics by Ariel Felner, Richard E. Korf, and Sarit Hanan from 2004. The database was improve takin the empty field into consideration.

Computational Result

The solver can be build via make.

On an Intel Core i7-9700K the build (calculating the database) takes 45min. While the average puzzle is solved in 0.23s, the above 17 permutations take 15s on average, the 2 worst require 30s to be solved.


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