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Modified Date Control

Contributors: alleyinteractive

Tags: alleyinteractive, wp-modified-date-control

Stable tag: 1.0.0

Requires at least: 5.9

Tested up to: 6.1

Requires PHP: 8.1

License: GPL v2 or later

Testing Suite

Control the modified date for a post with Gutenberg.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require alleyinteractive/wp-modified-date-control


Activate the plugin in WordPress and you will see a new panel available under the "Summary" section in Gutenberg:


The panel will allow you to set a modified date for a post or allow the modified date to be set to the current date and time upon update. Out of the box, the plugin will continue to allow updates to the modified date unless disabled on a per-post basis.

If you check Allow Updates to Modified, the modified date will be set to the current date and time when the post is updated. You will be unable to set your own modified date. If you uncheck the box, you will be able to set your own modified date. Saving the post will not cause the modified date to be updated, either, unless you manually updated it.


This plugin does not have support for non-Gutenberg editors.



Modify the default meta value to allow updates to the modified date. By default, the plugin will return true and allow updates to the modified date. This filter allows you to override that behavior.

// Disable updates to the modified date by default.
add_filter( 'wp_modified_date_control_default_allow_updates', fn () => false );


Modify the default behavior of the plugin to allow/deny updates to the modified date. By default, the plugin will prevent updates if the meta to allow updates is set to 'false'. This filter allows you to override that behavior.

add_filter( 'wp_modified_date_control_prevent_updates', function( bool $prevent, int $post_id, ?\WP_REST_Request $request ) {
	// Always allow updates to the modified date.
	return false;
}, 10, 3 );


Run npm run test to run Jest tests against JavaScript files. Run npm run test:watch to keep the test runner open and watching for changes.

Run npm run lint to run ESLint against all JavaScript files. Linting will also happen when running development or production builds.

Run composer test to run tests against PHPUnit and the PHP code in the plugin. Unit testing code is written in PSR-4 format and can be found in the tests directory.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


This project is actively maintained by Alley Interactive. Like what you see? Come work with us.


The GNU General Public License (GPL) license. Please see License File for more information.