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vtek is a (light-weight) Vulkan library for applications to utilize the GPU for rendering/compute.


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vtek is a (light-weight) Vulkan library for applications to utilize the GPU for rendering/compute.

vtek is not under active development. For questions regarding warranties, see the LICENSE

How to build

vtek is built with C++20, and a compiler supporting this language version must be present. vtek may be built as either a static or a dynamic-link library. This setup is specified with CMake. To build everything on Linux distributions (tested with Ubuntu 22):

$ cd vclab-vtek
$ mkdir build && cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make

This will build vtek itself as a static library (the default), as well as a number of example scripts located in examples/ which demonstrate how to use vtek.

NOTE: It is strongly suggested to do parallel builds when building vtek, which can be accomplished by passing a number of threads to the make command: make -j 8 (build with 8 parallel threads).

How to test

The CMake configuration adds a number of unit tests to vtek, in addition to the example programs. These are built by default when CMake is configured from the main directory of vtek (as described above), and otherwise ignored. This may be overridden by client applications that import vtek as a CMake subdirectory by specifying command-line arguments to CMake:

cd build/

This command will force the CMake generator to generate targets for both the example programs and the unit tests, regardless of working directory. The example programs are placed in the build/ folder, and the unit tests are placed in build/UnitTests. To build and run the unit tests separately:

make unit_tests && make test

NOTE: The command make test will only run the tests but not build them.


vtek depends on a number of third-party libraries for utilities. These are listed below:

  • Vulkan-Sdk: May be dowloaded from LunarG's website.
  • vulkan-validationlayers-dev: Maybe included in the Vulkan-Sdk package, maybe separate install.
  • SPIRV-Tools: Maybe included in the Vulkan-Sdk package, maybe separate install.
  • glslang: Front-end for generating SPIR-V bytecode from GLSL.
  • GLFW: Open-source cross-platform window abstraction library. TODO: How to include this?
  • Spdlog: Popular open-source logging library. Contained as a git submodule.
  • GLM: OpenGL math library, for 3d linear algebra. TODO: How to include this?
  • vma: Vulkan memory allocation library
  • SPIRV-Reflect: Light-weight Spir-V reflection library for shader verification. TODO: Is this used?

The Vulkan Sdk can be found on LunarG's website ( Assuming Ubuntu 22.04 (instructions found on LunarG's website) and Vulkan 1.3.268:

wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lunarg.asc
sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lunarg-vulkan-1.3.268-jammy.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vulkan-sdk

Other Vulkan dependencies:

sudo apt install libvulkan-dev vulkan-validationlayers-dev spirv-headers spirv-tools glslang-tools glslang-dev

Other 3rd-party libraries:

sudo apt install libglm-dev libglfw3-dev

There are other dependencies which are contained as part of the source, but some of them are git submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

This should ensure that all dependencies required to build and run vtek applications are present.

How to compile shaders

Shader files should be provided as pre-compiled Spir-V binaries, before running the example programs. vtek comes with a number of shaders for its example programs, all of which are located inside the shaders directory. There is a Python script (requires >= Python 3.3) which automates the process of compiling shaders. To e.g. compile the shader files inside the shaders/simple_triangle directory, enter these commands in terminal: cd shaders/ ./ simple_triangle/ This runs the shader compiler glslangValidator (which comes bundled with the Vulkan Sdk) on all the individual shader files located inside this directory.

Alternatively, the shader files can be compiled individually with either glsLangValidator (by Khronos) or glslc (by Google). Examples:

glslangValidator --spirv-val --glsl-version 450 -S vert -V vertex.glsl -o vertex.spv

The --spirv-val also runs the Spir-V Validator (optional). The flag --glsl-version 450 specifies a desired version of GLSL - this should best be provided in the shader source file as #version 450, in which can this flag may be omitted. The flag -S vert speficies the target shader stage, and -o vertex.spv the name of the output. vtek expects a vertex shader file to be named vertex.spv, and will log whenever such a file is not found.

glslc -fshader-stage=vert test_vertex.glsl -o test_vertex.spv

This compiler is more similar to GCC and Clang in what the flags are called, but ultimately they do the same things.

Raw shader files, in GLSL format, may also be provided to vtek. But this is less efficient, as they have to be compiled each time a program is run. So pre-compiling to Spir-V is preferrable.

Shader filenames

For more consistency, vtek places certain restrictions on the names of shader files and how they are stored. Shaders are expected to be stored in individual files, ie. one file for the vertex shader, one file for the fragment shader, etc. The shader files that together creates a program must be stored inside the same directory, and must follow these naming conventions:

├─ vertex.glsl
├─ tess_control.glsl
├─ tess_eval.glsl
├─ geometry.glsl
├─ fragment.glsl

├─ compute.glsl

├─ TODO: Filenames...

How to contribute

As a rule of thumb, features in development should be placed on a separate branch. The master branch must always compile with no warnings on all targeted platforms, and the following rules govern use of this branch:

  • The code must always compile with no warnings, and all examples should run before committing.
  • The code must never contain any out-commented code (unless thorough explanation justifies it).
  • Try to minimize the amount of "TODO"'s left in the code.
  • Any significantly complicated code parts must be documented (documentation is generated afterwards).
  • Any significantly complicated and testable features must have a unit test in place.

The folder tools/scripts/<OS>/ contains useful scripts that may e.g. print any leftover "TODO"'s in the code in a nicely formatted way. Certain features, e.g. of graphical nature, cannot easily be tested by automated scripting, and in such cases a test program should be added to the examples/ folder.


vtek uses the CC BY-NC 4.0 license, which can be found here. For inquiries regarding commercial use, contact the Alexandra Institute. See for contact info.


vtek is a (light-weight) Vulkan library for applications to utilize the GPU for rendering/compute.







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