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ajcheng1 committed Dec 7, 2023
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328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions Week 7/Class 14.qmd
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title: "Class 14: DESeq2 mini project"
author: "Alvin Cheng (A16840171)"
format: pdf

The authors report on differential analysis of lung fibroblasts in response to loss of the developmental transcription factor HOXA1. Their results and others indicate that HOXA1 is required for lung fibroblast and HeLa cell cycle progression. In particular their analysis show that "loss of HOXA1 results in significant expression level changes in thousands of individual transcripts, along with isoform switching events in key regulators of the cell cycle". For our session we have used their Sailfish gene-level estimated counts and hence are restricted to protein-coding genes only.

## Data import

Read our counts and metadata CSV files

metaFile <- "GSE37704_metadata.csv"
countFile <- "GSE37704_featurecounts.csv"
# Import metadata and take a peak
colData = read.csv(metaFile, row.names=1)

# Import countdata
countData = read.csv(countFile, row.names=1)

>Q. Complete the code below to remove the troublesome first column from countData
# Note we need to remove the odd first $length col
countData <- as.matrix(countData[,-1])
This looks better but there are lots of zero entries in there so let's get rid of them as we have no data for these.

>Q. Complete the code below to filter countData to exclude genes (i.e. rows) where we have 0 read count across all samples (i.e. columns).
Tip: What will rowSums() of countData return and how could you use it in this context?

# Filter count data where you have 0 read count across all samples.
#countData = countData[!rowSums(countData==0), ]
countData = countData[rowSums(countData) !=0,]

## DESeq setup and analysis

Nice now lets setup the DESeqDataSet object required for the DESeq() function and then run the DESeq pipeline. This is again similar to our last days hands-on session.

dds = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countData,
dds = DESeq(dds)

Next, get results for the HoxA1 knockdown versus control siRNA (remember that these were labeled as "hoxa1_kd" and "control_sirna" in our original colData metaFile input to DESeq, you can check this above and by running resultsNames(dds) command).

res = results(dds, contrast=c("condition", "hoxa1_kd", "control_sirna"))

>Q. Call the summary() function on your results to get a sense of how many genes are up or down-regulated at the default 0.1 p-value cutoff.
Volcono plot

Now we will make a volcano plot, a commonly produced visualization from this type of data that we introduced last day. Basically it's a plot of log2 fold change vs -log adjusted p-value.

plot( res$log2FoldChange, -log(res$padj) )

>Q. Improve this plot by completing the below code, which adds color and axis labels
# Make a color vector for all genes
mycols <- rep("gray", nrow(res) )
# Color red the genes with absolute fold change above 2
mycols[ abs(res$log2FoldChange) > 2 ] <- "red"
# Color blue those with adjusted p-value less than 0.01
# and absolute fold change more than 2
inds <- (res$padj<0.01) & (abs(res$log2FoldChange) > 2 )
mycols[ inds ] <- "blue"
plot( res$log2FoldChange, -log(res$padj), col = mycols, xlab="Log2(FoldChange)", ylab="-Log(P-value)" )

Adding gene annotation
Since we mapped and counted against the Ensembl annotation, our results only have information about Ensembl gene IDs. However, our pathway analysis downstream will use KEGG pathways, and genes in KEGG pathways are annotated with Entrez gene IDs. So lets add them as we did the last day.

>Q. Use the mapIDs() function multiple times to add SYMBOL, ENTREZID and GENENAME annotation to our results by completing the code below.
res$symbol = mapIds(,
res$entrez = mapIds(,
res$name = mapIds(,
head(res, 10)

>Q. Finally for this section let's reorder these results by adjusted p-value and save them to a CSV file in your current project directory.
res = res[order(res$pvalue),]
write.csv(res, file="deseq_results.csv")

Great, this is looking good so far. Now lets see how pathway analysis can help us make further sense out of this ranked list of differentially expressed genes.

##Section 2. Pathway Analysis
Here we are going to use the gage package for pathway analysis. Once we have a list of enriched pathways, we're going to use the pathview package to draw pathway diagrams, shading the molecules in the pathway by their degree of up/down-regulation.


# Focus on signaling and metabolic pathways only
kegg.sets.hs = kegg.sets.hs[sigmet.idx.hs]
# Examine the first 3 pathways
head(kegg.sets.hs, 3)

foldchanges = res$log2FoldChange
names(foldchanges) = res$entrez

# Get the results
keggres = gage(foldchanges, gsets=kegg.sets.hs)


# Look at the first few down (less) pathways

Now, let's try out the pathview() function from the pathview package to make a pathway plot with our RNA-Seq expression results shown in color.
To begin with lets manually supply a (namely the first part of the "hsa04110 Cell cycle") that we could see from the print out above.


You can play with the other input arguments to pathview() to change the display in various ways including generating a PDF graph. For example:

# A different PDF based output of the same data
pathview(,"hsa04110", kegg.native=FALSE)
## Focus on top 5 upregulated pathways here for demo purposes only
keggrespathways <- rownames(keggres$greater)[1:5]
# Extract the 8 character long IDs part of each string
keggresids = substr(keggrespathways, start=1, stop=8)
Finally, lets pass these IDs in keggresids to the pathview() function to draw plots for all the top 5 pathways.

pathview(,, species="hsa")
Here are the plots:






>Q. Can you do the same procedure as above to plot the pathview figures for the top 5 down-reguled pathways?
## top 5 downregulated pathways
downregulatedPath <- rownames(keggres$less)[1:5]
# Extract the 8 character long IDs part of each string
keggresids_down = substr(downregulatedPath, start=1, stop=8)
pathview(,, species="hsa")




##Section 3. Gene Ontology (GO)

# Focus on Biological Process subset of GO
gobpsets = go.sets.hs[go.subs.hs$BP]
gobpres = gage(foldchanges, gsets=gobpsets, same.dir=TRUE)
lapply(gobpres, head)

##Section 4. Reactome Analysis
Reactome is database consisting of biological molecules and their relation to pathways and processes. Reactome, such as many other tools, has an online software available ( and R package available (

First, Using R, output the list of significant genes at the 0.05 level as a plain text file:

sig_genes <- res[res$padj <= 0.05 & !$padj), "symbol"]
print(paste("Total number of significant genes:", length(sig_genes)))

write.table(sig_genes, file="significant_genes.txt", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

>Q: What pathway has the most significant “Entities p-value”? Do the most significant pathways listed match your previous KEGG results? What factors could cause differences between the two methods?
Cell Cycle Mitotic. No, the pathways listed matched are different.

Reactome is all about biological molecules and the pathways the molecules that are within them. Meanwhile, KEGG is a different database that has information on how genes interact within in a pathway and the location of interactions. The databases difference can cause variations in the most significant pathways

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Week 7/Class 14/Class 14.Rproj
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